
Charlotte's Web Chapter V. Charlotte(4)

①A fly that had been crawling along Wilbur's trough had flown up and blundered into the lower part of Charlotte's web and was tangled in the sticky threads. The fly was beating its wings furiously, trying to break loose and free itself.

"First," said Charlotte, " I dive at him." She plunged headfirst toward the fly. As she dropped, a tiny silken thread unwound from her rear end.

crawl /krɔːl/ v. 缓慢移动;艰难前行;爬行;匍匐前进

The child crawled across the floor.


trough /trɒf/ n. 饲料槽

flown /fləʊn/ v.(fly 的过去分词)

blunder/ˈblʌn.dər/ v. 酿成大错,犯大错

web/web/ n.(蜘蛛)网

be tangled in 缠结, 乱作一团

sticky /ˈstɪk.i/ adj. 黏性的;黏的

a sticky mess黏胶带

thread /θred/ n. 线

beat its wings拍打翅膀

furiously/ˈfjʊə.ri.əs.li/ adv. 用尽全力地,拼命地

I was pedalling furiously to try to keep up with the other children.


break loose挣脱

free itself(让它自己)挣脱

①A fly that had been crawling along Wilbur's trough had flown up and blundered into the lower part of Charlotte's web and was tangled in the sticky threads. The fly was beating its wings furiously, trying to break loose and free itself.


dive/daɪv/ v. 冲,扑;(通常指携带呼吸设备的)潜水

plunge /plʌndʒ/ v.(使)(某人或某物)骤然移动,骤然下降

We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea.


headfirst /'hedf'ɜ:st / adv. 头朝前地


silken thread 丝线

her rear end她的尾部

②"Next, I wrap him up." She grabbed the fly, threw a few jets of silk around it, and rolled it over and over, wrapping it so that it couldn't move. Wilbur watched in horror. He could hardly believe what he was seeing, and although he detested flies, he was sorry for this one.

"There!" said Charlotte. "Now I knock him out, so he'll be more comfortable." She bit the fly. "He can't feel a thing now," she remarked. "He'll make a perfect breakfast for me."

wrap him up把他包裹起来

grab/ɡræb/ v. 攫取,抢夺

He grabbed (hold of) his child's arm to stop her from running into the road.


threw/θruː/ v.(throw 的过去式)

jets of silk很多蜘蛛丝

She turned on the hose and a jet of water sprayed across the yard.


roll v.(使)卷;(使)绕;裹;滚搓

He rolled the clay into a ball in his hands.


in horror惊恐地

②"Next, I wrap him up." She grabbed the fly, threw a few jets of silk around it, and rolled it over and over, wrapping it so that it couldn't move.“接着,我要把他包起来。”她抓住苍蝇,往他身上缠了几道丝线,丝线越绕越密,直到裹得苍蝇一动也不能动。

knock him out击昏(某人);使(某人)不醒人事

His opponent knocked him out with one punch.


bit/bɪt/ v.(用牙)咬

He bit into the apple.

他咬了一口苹果。(bite 的过去式)

remark/rɪˈmɑːk/ v. 说起;谈论

He remarked that she was looking thin.


perfect/ˈpɜː.fekt/ adj. 完美的,完满的,无瑕的

a perfect day美好的一天


"You mean you eat flies?" gasped Wilbur.

"Certainly. ③Flies, bugs, grasshoppers, choice beetles, moths, butterflies, tasty cockroaches, gnats, midges, daddy longlegs, centipedes, mosquitoes, crickets--anything that is careless enough to get caught in my web. I have to live, don't I?""Why, yes, of course," said Wilbur. "Do they taste good?""Delicious. Of course, I don't really eat them. I drink them--drink their blood. I love blood," said Charlotte, and her pleasant, thin voice grew even thinner and more pleasant.

"Don't say that!" groaned Wilbur. "Please don't say things like that!"

gasp/ɡɑːsp/ v.(尤指由于惊奇、痛苦或震惊而)喘息,倒抽气

"Help me!" he gasped.


get caught in(常指不情愿地)被卷入,陷入

③Flies, bugs, grasshoppers, choice beetles, moths, butterflies, tasty cockroaches, gnats, midges, daddy longlegs, centipedes, mosquitoes, crickets--anything that is careless enough to get caught in my web.苍蝇,小虫子,蚱蜢,漂亮的甲虫,飞蛾,蝴蝶,可口的蟑螂,蚊子,小咬儿,长脚蚊子,麻蚊子,蟋蟀——任何粗心地撞到我网上的小昆虫我都吃。”

blood /blʌd/ n. 血,血液

He lost a lot of blood in the accident.


pleasant /ˈplez.ənt/ adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的;亲切友好的

a pleasant climate/smile/person


voice /vɔɪs/ n. 说话声;嗓音

She has a loud/quiet/soft voice.


even thinner(声音)更细了

groan/ɡrəʊn/ v.呻吟声;(表示不高兴的)哼哼声,叹息声

5.12④ "Why not ? It's true, and I have to say what is true. I am not entirely happy about my diet of flies and bugs, but it's the way I'm made. A spider has to pick up a living somehow or other, and I happen to be a trapper. I just naturally build a web and trap flies and other insects. My mother was a trapper before me. Her mother was a trapper before her. All our family have been trappers. ⑤Way back for thousands and thousands of years we spiders have been laying for flies and bugs."

entirely/ɪnˈtaɪə.li/ 完全;彻底;完整地

diet/ˈdaɪ.ət/ n.(日常)饮食

a healthy diet 健康的饮食

fly /flaɪ/ n. 蝇;苍蝇

bug/bʌɡ/ n. 小虫子;(计算机程序中出现的)缺陷,漏洞

pick up a living谋生

somehow /ˈsʌm.haʊ/ adv.以某种方法,以某种方式

trapper /ˈtræp.ər/ n. 设陷阱(或夹子)的捕兽者

④ "Why not ? It's true, and I have to say what is true. I am not entirely happy about my diet of flies and bugs, but it's the way I'm made. A spider has to pick up a living somehow or other, and I happen to be a trapper.“为什么不?真的,我说的是真的。虽然我也不愿意吃苍蝇和小虫子,但那是我的生存方式。一个蜘蛛必须要设法谋生,而我恰巧可以作一名捕猎者。

naturally /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl.i/自然地

A healthy body will be able to fight off the illness naturally without the use of medicine.


insect/ˈɪn.sekt/ n. 昆虫

lay /leɪ/产(卵);产(蛋)

Thousands of turtles drag themselves onto the beach and lay their eggs in the sand.


⑤Way back for thousands and thousands of years we spiders have been laying for flies and bugs.千百万年以前,我们蜘蛛就靠捕食苍蝇和虫子为生了。

"It's a miserable inheritance," said Wilbur, gloomily. He was sad because his new friend was so bloodthirsty.

"Yes, it is," agreed charlotte. "But I can't help it. I don't know how the first spider in the early days of the world happened to think up this fancy idea of spinning a web, but she did, and it was clever of her, too. And since then, all of us spiders have had to work the same trick. It's not a bad pitch, on the whole."


She's miserable living on her own.



The large inheritance from his aunt meant that he could buy his own boat.


gloomily /ˈɡluː.məl.i/ adv.忧郁地;阴郁地

bloodthirsty /ˈblʌdˌθɜː.sti/嗜血的,好杀戮的

a bloodthirsty killer嗜血的杀人犯 

fancy /ˈfæn.si/ n. 喜欢上,爱上

Laura's taken a fancy to Japanese food.


spin a web(蜘蛛)结网

trick /trɪk/秘诀;技巧

What's the trick to getting this chair to fold up?


On page 21, some tricks to speed up your beauty routine.


on the whole整体上













