


Liar! (骗子!)

Don't call me a liar! (不许叫我骗子。)

He drinks too much. (他喝得太多了。)

That's a lie! (那是瞎说!)

That's a filthy lie. (那纯属骗人。) *含有更强烈的谴责的语感。“filthy”是“污秽的,丑恶的”意思。加上这个词句子含有贬义,更强调程度之深。

He's a filthy liar. (他是个彻头彻尾的骗子。)

= Don't tell me lies.

Ha, ha, ha... She's so stupid! (哈哈……她这么傻!)

Stop joking! (别开玩笑!)

= Quit your kidding.

*kidding “戏弄,耍弄,开玩笑”。quit “别,不要”,和stop的意思相同,但是quit一般含有“有意识地放弃工作、改变习惯”的意思。

= Cut it out. (别弄!)

*cut it out或cut that out 都是“放弃,停止”的意思。

= Knock it off. (别吵了!)

*Knock it off表示“住手!”、“住嘴!”等意,是个常用短语,应该记下来。

你开玩笑也该适可而止! I've had enough of your nonsense.

*nonsense “没有意义的话,戏言,荒唐的想法”。这句直译是“我已经听够了你那些无聊话了”。

*put...on “骗人,欺骗”。

Stop putting us on. (别捉弄人。)

I'm not! (谁捉弄你了。)

= Stop joking with us. (别跟我们开玩笑。)

*joke with... “开玩笑,说俏皮话,戏弄人”。

= Stop fooling us. (别捉弄人。)

*fool “嘲弄”、“开玩笑”。

= Stop pulling our legs. (别拿人开心。)

*pull one's leg “开玩笑似地捉弄人, 捉弄”。

Don't act stupid! (别干那种傻事!)

It's just a joke. (只是个玩笑。)

= Don't act silly.

= Don't act dumb.

= Don't be ridiculous!

= Don't talk silly.

= Don't say stupid things.

= Don't be foolish! *是俚语的表达方式。有时听起来让人感到有些不礼貌。

That's stupid. (那也太蠢了!)

But it's true. (可那是真的呀。)

= bullshit! *表达“我才不相信那种事”,语感强烈。多用于打架的时候。Bull “公牛”,shit “大便,屎”, bullshit “犯傻呀!”、“真蠢!”

= Bull!

I won a thousand dollars! (我赢了1000美元。)

Don't pull my leg! (别逗了!)

= Don't talk nonsense!

= Don't talk stupid! *stupid 俚语,“傻的”、“无意义的”、“愚蠢的”。

Liar! (你骗人。)

I'm not a liar! Take it back! (我没骗人,收回你说过的话!)

= I don't want to hear your bull.

= I don't want to hear you lying to me any more.

*make up “随口编出、捏造的谎话”。

Did you make up a story? (你在编故事吗?)

I'm telling the truth. (我说的都是真的。)

Are you telling lies? (你在说谎吧?)

Is that the truth? (那是真的吗?)


= Bullshitter!

*bullshitter “说谎话的人,骗人的人,耍弄人的人”。

*dumb 除了“哑巴”之外还有“愚笨的”意思,所以play dumb意为“装傻”。

I don't know. (我不知道。)

Don't play dumb! (别装傻!)

= Don't act stupid!

= Don't pretend you don't know! (别装不知道!)

*pretend “装作……”,用于开玩笑或骗人时。


You tricked me. (你在骗我呢吧!)

Gimme a break. (哪有的事儿。)

You tricked me. (你在骗我呢吧!)

What are you talking about? (你说什么呢?)

= You scammed me. (你骗了我。) *scam“骗,榨取”,俚语。

= You pulled one over on me. *pull one over“骗,让……上当”。

None of your tricks will work on me.

*trick “欺骗,搞鬼,计谋”。work on 表示“给予影响,起作用”、“有效”。

= You can't trick me. (你骗不了我。)

= I'm not easily fooled. (我不是那么容易被骗的。)
