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看视频学英语!今天学习的主题是Four seasons 四季。视频中的重点单词学习,跟着例句一起掌握吧!

Four seasons 四季

spring 春天 warm 温暖的

flower 花 picnic 野餐

It is spring

Spring is warm. It is a flowering season. I love going on a picnic in spring.

summer 夏天 hot 炎热的

vacation 假日 beach 沙滩

It is summer.

Summer is so hot. I love summer vacation. In summer, we go to the beach.

fall 秋天 cool 凉爽的

leaves 树叶,leaf 的复数 harvest 丰收,收获

It is fall.

Fall is cool. The leaves are falling. Fall is the season of harvest.

winter 冬天 cold 寒冷的

snow 雪 snowman 雪人

It is winter.

Winter is cold. It snows a lot in winter. We are making a snowman.




