We. Love.,我来为大家科普一下关于你对自己的身体了解多少?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



We. Love.


Symmetry. It's in our art, and architecture.


We even balance equations on it. Our love of symmetry makes sense, because we're symmetrical.


Two eyes, two ears, two arms, and two legs. Bodies that built like paper dolls.


But that outward beauty is superficial. Peel back the curtain, and that symmetry disappears.


Your guts are a mess. Unless you're from Gallifrey, you have one heart, on the left side of your body, same as your stomach and spleen, but your liver is on the right.


Even organs that look symmetrical at first seem to tip one way or the other. The right lung is divided into three lobes while the left lung has only two.


And in your brain, two areas that are needed for speech and language are found only on one lobe, usually the left. Animals as distantly related as starfish show similar internal asymmetry.


The interesting thing isn't that our bodies are asymmetrical in the first place, but that we all have the same asymmetry.Unless you have a case of oppositus. 1 in 20,000 people on Earth have a genetic condition called situs inversus, where the internal organs are inverted left to right.

有趣的不是我们的身体一开始不对称,而是我们都有一模一样的不对称性。除非你有相反的情况。地球上每2万人中就有1人患有一种称为Situs Inversus的遗传病,其内部器官左右颠倒。

These people usually show no negative effects from their reversed innards. Unless their name is Donny Osmond.


In 1972, the singer was checked into the hospital nearly unconscious from a pain in the left side of his abdomen.Sounds like a classic case of appendicitis, except the pain was in the wrong place.


The doctors operated anyway, and removed his burst appendix with only hours to spare. . . from the opposite side of his body where it should have been. Enrique Iglesias and Catherine O' Hara also have situs inversus. . . maybe one of you do too.

医生们无论如何都做了手术,把在只有几个小时情况下,把那破裂的阑尾切除了……从他本来应该切除的另一边。恩里克·伊格莱西亚斯和凯瑟琳·奥哈拉也有Situs Inversus症状…也许你们中的一个也有。

But if people can live happy, healthy lives with inverted organs, why don't half of us have half of us on either half of us? And if it's doesn't hurt to be asymmetrical on the inside, why are we so non-asymmetrical on the outside?


One theory says that throughout evolution, when animals are looking to pass their genes on to the next generation, sometimes it is what's on the outside that counts. Female barn swallows seem to choose males based on the symmetry of their long forked tails.


Highly symmetrical bodies in animals might signal quality genes, and better offspring. Of course when humans pair up, we display many kinds of symmetry, and we look for a lot more than just balanced bodies.


I mean, you wouldn't decide to date someone based on where their heart was, as long as it's with you. So how does it get this way?


All we need in order to define left from right is to determine which ends will be the head and tail, and which will be back and belly. But that only sculpts our outer shell.


Maybe the orientation of your organs may just have to go with the flow. In the earliest days of an embryo, left and right are symmetrical.


Last year researchers found that hairlike cilia on this special bunch of cells began to beat in unison, pointing toward what will later become the left side. Like a blender, They wash a current over the outside of the embryo, and sensing that current leads to the expression of a gene that determines the side on every one of your organs will live on.


It's strange, because it doesn't have to be that way. Our guts could work in either orientation.


But for most of us, it just is that way. Hopefully you've seen the other videos in this series on guts.


It's obvious that reversing the other axes of the body, where is the back and belly, or the mouth and the anus, would have some serious evolutionary consequences. But left and right seem to be more interchangeable.


But time and time again in the story of our body we have seen the incredible influence of seemingly chance events on the course of evolution. The first animal to put its eyes near its mouth might be the reason you have a brain in your head.


A worm doing the backstroke might be the reason your spine runs down your back. And a tiny molecular propeller, leaning one way or the other might be the reason that your heart is in the right. . . or left place.


Stay curious. This video is part of a three-part series all about guts.


If you wanna know more about why your body is organized the way that it is, check out the rest of these videos.

