
1, up to now 直到现在

He did nothing up to now 他直到现在什么也没做

2, be content with sth 对。。。满足

I am content with my life 我对我的生活很满足

3, badly off 穷的

The man looked badly off 这个男人看起来很穷困

4, be well off 生活富裕

He is well off everything 他的生活十分的富裕

5, be badly for 缺乏

They are badly for activities 他们缺乏活动

6, overcome by 被。。。压倒

You can't be overcome by the difficulties 你不可能被这些困难压倒

7, pick out 挑出

You can pick out the books you love 你能挑出你喜欢的书籍

8, cut off 切断

You can't cut off the line 你不能切断这个绳子

9, convince sb of sth 使某人信服某事

I can convince you of the thing 我能让你明白这件事

10, be convinced to sth 相信某事

He is convinced to the thing 他相信这件事情

11, star in 主演

He will star in the movie 他将会是这个电影的主演

12, slide into 溜进

He slides into the gym house 他溜进这个健身房

13, be astonished at 对。。。感到惊奇

He is astonished at the news 他对这个消息很惊奇

14, be fortunate in 在。。。方面很幸运

He is fortunate in his work 他在他的工作方面很幸运

15, in one's teens 在某人十几岁的时候

I made many mistakes in my teens 我在十几岁的时候犯了很多错误

16, out of the ordinary 非凡的

You are out of the ordinary all the time 你一直都是不平凡的

17, through the world 全世界

You can travel through the world 你可以全世界去旅游

18, through the history 纵观历史

You can find the answer through the history 纵观历史,你就能够找到答案

19, in particular 特别

I give you the pen in particular 我特意给你这支笔

20, be particular about 对。。。过分讲究

He is particular about his wear 他对他的穿着多分讲究

21, be amused by 对。。。觉得好笑

He is amused by the joke 他觉得这个笑话很好笑

