It was the first day of spring and excitement was in the air.The animals of the forest were making their way to a clearing in the woods to meet the new prince,a fawn named Bambi.,我来为大家科普一下关于flower和blossom?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



It was the first day of spring and excitement was in the air.The animals of the forest were making their way to a clearing in the woods to meet the new prince,a fawn named Bambi.


The animals watched as the young prince tried to get up for the first time .Bambi felt a little wobbly on his new found legs.Each time he began to take few steps , Bambi's long legs would become entangled .Bambi took a tumble and landed on his bottom .The other animals couldn't help but chuckle.


Soon, Bambi learned to walk confidently alongside his mother.As they wandered through the forest, Bambi looked at everything around him with wonder.


As they approached a tree, Bambi noticed some strange looking animals hanging by their tails.Bambi turned his head upside down to get a better look.The little animals were smiling at him.


"Hello, young prince !"said the possum family cheerily.


As Bambi continued exploring , he heard a funny sound.He looked all around until he noticed a little rabbit thumping on an old log with one of his hind legs.

