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In many countries, more and more people buy a wider range of household goods like televisions, microwave ovens, and rice cookers. Do you think this has more pros than cons?



- Model Answer 高分范文 & 范文朗读 -



In many nations, the increase in disposable income and burgeoning demands for a higher quality life have led to a growth in domestic appliances. This push towards increased convenience, though it may damage the environment and can be seen as a waste of resources, seems clear in my opinion, to have brought more benefits than negatives.


One of the often-touted drawbacks of consumerism is the negative effect it has on the environment, particularly in relation to non-durable goods such as home appliances. By possessing a variety of these appliances, such as blenders and ovens, for which have limited life-spans, many of these machines will find themselves in dumps, unrecycled, and bleeding toxins into the surrounding natural environment. It is also commonly cited that by having so many choices, and by having a supposed need for so many of these machines, that we are squandering our natural resources simply for the pleasure of enjoying so called ‘home-conveniences’. In both cases, however, future technology will most likely help solve these issues.


In any case, and despite such arguments, it is without doubt that the benefits from owning these appliances can bring a plethora of positive benefits. One of the most important is that they provide people with convenience, liberating regular citizens from laborious and trivial domestic chores. A simple example of this is the robotic floor sweeper, which compared to the time before such a gadget, allows one to maintain a clean home without the need to put time aside for cleaning, and thus frees up the person to do other tasks. This demand for convenience also has a positive impact, amongst others, on the economy, since as people’s expectations for a less arduous lifestyle increases, so does the need for manufacturing output.


In conclusion, although I believe there are potential drawbacks to the multitude of manufactured household goods on the market, the problems associated with owning such devices will fade into obscurity once the advancement of technology makes them more environmentally friendly, and so in the meantime, I also believe the overriding boon they bring is greater.

346 words


- Essay Analysis 范文解析 -

- (1) Introduction


Paraphrasing from the Statement/Question 题目改述:

Standard Phrase for the “Opinion” type essay 观点类大作文高分句型:

Words showing Cohesion (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:

Vocabulary 高分地道词汇和短语:

- (2) Body 1 -

Aspects that must be referred to 这段需要提到:


Standard IELTS essay phrase 雅思高频句型:

Vocabulary and Collocations 高分地道词汇和短语

Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:

- (3) Body 2 -

Aspects that must be referred to 这段需要提到:


Standard IELTS essay phrase 雅思高频句型:

Vocabulary and Collocations 高分地道词汇和短语:

Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:

- (4) Conclusion -


Standard IELTS essay phrase 雅思高频句型:

Vocabulary and Collocations 高分地道词汇和短语:

Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:



