it 作形式宾语的口诀(一课译词开夜车)(1)

Photo by Louis Bauer from Pexels


“开夜车”,中文俗语,比喻为了工作或学习的需要而熬夜,连夜加班,与英文习语“burn the midnight oil”意思相同,表示“to stay up working, especially studying, late at night”。


这个学期快结束了,考前我们都在开夜车。The semester is almost over and we're all burning the midnight oil before exams.

明天我有个大考,所以今晚我要开夜车了。I have a big exam tomorrow so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.

如果你成宿成宿地开夜车,你可能会生病。If you burn the midnight oil night after night, you'll probably become ill.

Editor: Jade

