日常英语使用中,“I think”实在是用烂了,大部分英语学习者在表达自己的观点时,都会不自觉地说,I think...,I don‘t think...,我来为大家科普一下关于类似ithink的英语口语?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



日常英语使用中,“I think”实在是用烂了,大部分英语学习者在表达自己的观点时,都会不自觉地说,I think...,I don‘t think...



1)I'm not going to lie or I'm not gonna lie

非正式。“坦白说”。通常会缩写为not gonna lie(NGL),所以我们在给别人发消息时,可以打上NGL,而后加上自己的观点。

例,I'm not going to lie I was pretty insulted to not be invited to my ex-boyfriends wedding.(老实说,前男友没有邀请我去参加他的婚礼,我是觉得被冒犯到了。)

2)in all honesty

这个词现在也很常用,并且趋向于非正式,例,I don't like him, but in all honesty, I don't know why.(我不喜欢他但我不知道为什么。)

3)in my view


例,In my view I should have been invited so it was totally fair for me to turn up on the day. (我觉得应该邀请我一下的,那天我到场完全合情合理。)

4)if you ask me

例,if you ask me the church service was wonderful but it was a shame I had to stand at the back。(我觉得礼拜很棒,但很遗憾我只能站在后排。)

5)as far as I can tell

正式/非正式各占一半,就我而言,例,as far as I can tell the bride wasn't really expecting me(我感觉新娘其实并不是在等我来。)

6) to my mind

这其实就是to me,但这里用大脑brain,而非我们selves,是一个更为正式的表达。

例,to my mind she should have been happier to see me and receive my support(我觉得她看见我,我支持她,她应该更高兴才是。)

7)as far as I'm concerned

就我而言,正式用法。 as far as I'm concerned she totally overreacted and shouldn't have cried(我觉得她完全是反应过度,根本不应该哭的。)

8)as I see things or as I see it

例, as I see things/ it they obviously didn't take me into consideration when drawing up the seating plans(在我看来,他们计划时压根没考虑我。)

9)it seems to me that

偏正式,例, it seems to me that everyone overreacted when I tried to sit at the top table.(我感觉当我坐上主桌时,大家都有点反应过度。)

10)I believe

如果你词穷的话,i believe可以完美替代i think。

例,I believe they should have just made space for me in the first place.(我觉得他们首先得给我留位置。)

11) I would say or I'd say

例,I'd say the food was very good but it was a shame I had to share it with my neighbor(我觉得食物很棒,但很遗憾我需要和邻居/旁边的人分享。)

12) I consider

例,I consider it to be very rude that I was forced to sit down when I stood up to make a speech(我觉得当我想站起来演讲时却不得不坐下,是一件很粗鲁的事情。)

13)to me=in my opinion

14)from my point of view

正式/非正式都可以用,例,from my point of view the first dance was cringeworthy so I did everyone a favor by joining in

15) it is my view that or it is my belief

例,it is my view that the open bar made everything worse
