



《HYMN FOR THE WEEKEND》,这首四年前的老歌,这两个月又病态单循了无数次,它的官方MV,居然在油管被播放了13亿次!!!下面的评论超过27万条!摘录几条有趣的评论,地球人对它的喜爱,可见一斑:

"This is the song that you don't hear for a while but when you hear it, it feels like magic"这首歌不听则以,一听就会着魔。

"I played this song loud. My neighbor called police. Police arrested my neighbor. "我大声播放了这首歌,我的邻居报了警,结果警察逮捕了我的邻居。

"Only Coldplay can make a popular song with Beyonce and not put her name in the title to attract people's attention."只有酷玩这种顶流乐队,才能做到让碧昂斯又唱又演,还不在歌名里加她的名字以吸引人们的注意。

"Just think how many people come Here every day!!!"你想想每天有多少人来这里听这首歌并且点赞!!!

"My girlfriend says this song sucks. Now she is single"我女朋友说这首歌很烂,现在她是单身了。

"Two minutes of silence to all the people who are still googling "aaaa o00 aaaa 0ooaaaa" to find this song."向所有还在用谷歌搜索“啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊”找到这首歌曲的人,默哀两分钟。

"Let's be true only Coldplay doesn't make bad songs."谁都知道酷玩出品,必属精品。

"Can we just take time and appreciate that tiktok didn't ruin this song."我们能不能好好欣赏下这首神曲,感谢Tiktok没有毁了这首歌。

"3 of the best things in the world:世上三样最珍贵的东西

1.Our Parents我们的父母

2.Coldplay's Concert酷玩的演唱会

3.The ending guitar riff of "Something Just Like This."《Something Just Like This》(酷玩另一首绝世佳作)结尾处华丽的吉他演奏。

"Coldplay Showed More india in this song than all the punjabi singers could do in their songs"酷玩乐队在这首歌里很好地展示了印度,甚至胜过所有旁遮普歌手在他们的歌里所做的。

"This is the first song I have ever seen to reach billion "这TM是我第一次看到油管播放次数超过十亿的歌。

"This song of Coldplay represented India more than most of the Indian songs.."酷玩乐队的这首歌比大多数印度歌曲都更代表印度。

"The entire population of India has watched this"全印度的人都跑来听这首歌了

"This is not just a song.. This is a medicine.."这绝不仅仅是首普通的歌,这是治愈圣药。