Word of the Day:March 28, 2022decimate,我来为大家科普一下关于元素爆发效率是什么?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Word of the Day:March 28, 2022



verb DESS-uh-mayt [ˈdesɪˌmeɪt]

What It Means

Decimate means "to reduce drastically especially in number" or "to cause great destruction or harm to."

Decimate 的意思是“数量上大幅度减少。”或“造成巨大的伤害、破坏”。

DECIMATE in Context

"Hawaii is expected to tie a record-high 10.4 million visitor arrivals just five years after COVID-19 decimated the islands' tourism-based economy in 2020, according to the state's latest economic forecast." — Dan Nakaso, The Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Advertiser, 2 Mar. 20222020年新冠疫情重创了夏威夷岛的旅游经济,夏威夷的最新经济预测会在五年后迎来创纪录的1040万游客。”

Did You Know?

The connection between decimate and the number ten harks back to a brutal practice of the army of ancient Rome. A unit that was guilty of a severe crime (such as mutiny) was punished by selecting and executing one-tenth of its soldiers, thereby scaring the remaining nine-tenths into obedience. The word comes from Latin decem, meaning "ten." Decimate strayed from its "tenth" meaning and nowadays refers to the act of destroying or hurting something in great numbers.

Decimate 和数字 10 之间的联系可以追溯到古罗马军队的酷刑。 犯了严重罪行(例如叛乱)的集体会被处决十分之一的士兵,以恐吓剩下的士兵令他们服从。 这个词来自拉丁语 decem,意思是“十”。 Decimate 脱离了“tenth”的含义,现在形容大量破坏或对某物造成伤害。


Fill in the blanks to complete a verb meaning "to destroy or defeat completely": a _ _ ih _ l _ _ e.

