Step1考点知识梳理Section A,我来为大家科普一下关于七年级下册英语第六单元学霸笔记?以下内容希望对你有帮助!




Section A

I.Why do you like koalas?

1. 以why 引导的句子,有时可表示一种建议。

Why don't you come a little earlier? 为什么不早一点来呢?

=Why not come a little earlier?

Why not? Let's go. 为什么不? 走吧!

考点:Why don’t do=Why not do?


1)Shall we …? Shall we go to the park?

2)Let’s …Let’s go home.

3)Would you like …?Would you like to have dinner with me?

4)What / How about doing…? How about going swimming on Saturday?

5)You’d better do … You’d better finish your homework by supper.

6)Will you please do …? Will you please borrow me your book?

7) Why not/Why don’t you…?Why not ask the teacher?

对提建议的表达的回答,肯定的常用Good idea./OK./Certainly./Sure等。否定的常用Sorry./I’d love to,but…等。

2. 以Why 引导的疑问句,常用because 回答,但是有时可用动词不定式回答。

1) --Why are you late for class? 为什么上课迟到?

--Because I got up late this morning. 因为今天早晨我起床迟了。

2) --Why did you go to the shop? 你为什么去那个商店?

--To buy some school things. 为了买一些学习用品。

注意: 在英语中,because 与so 不能同时出现。

Because I slept late, I missed breakfast this morning.

= I slept late, so I missed breakfast this morning.


练习:--Why do they like pandas?

--_____they are clever and cute.

A. Because B. As C. For D. Since

Ⅱ.Let’s see the lions.

1. let’s= let us 让我们……吧,后接动词原形。

Let’s go shopping this afternoon. 让我们今天下午购物去吧!

2. 表示“允许,让”的意思,有let sb. do sth. 这样的结构。

Let them follow you. 让他们跟着你吧!

3. 作为助动词用于祈使句中,表示命令、请求、建议、警告或威胁。

(1) Let's finish the job! 让我们把工作干完!

(2) Just let her try! 就让他试试吧!

4. 其否定形式为:let sb. not do sth.

Ⅲ. Because they are kind of interesting.

1. kind n. 种,类

a kind of… 一种……

all kinds of… 各种各样……

(1) What kind of toys do you like? 你什么哪种玩具?

(2) Children like this kind of books. 孩子们喜欢这种书。

2. kind adj. 善良的,仁慈的

It’s so kind of you to help me with my work. 你帮助我做工作,你真好。

3. kind of 表示“有点儿,有几分,相当”的意思,可以修饰动词、形容词和副词。

(1) They kind of like the boy. 他们有点喜欢那个男孩了。

(2) I'm kind of hungry. 我有些饿了。

4. interesting adj. 表示“有趣味的,引起好奇。”作定语或表语。

(1) This is an interesting story book for children. 这是一本有趣味的儿童故事书。

(2) That's sounds interesting. 那听起来很有趣。

扩展:(1) interested adj. 感到有趣的 be interested in sth.对某事感兴趣  I am interested in English. 我对英语感兴趣. (2) interesting adj.有趣的 The book is very interesting. 这本书很有趣. (3) interest n. 兴趣   His main interests are reading and playing the piano. 他主要的兴趣是读书和弹钢琴. (4) place of interest 名胜古迹(复数变place)

He knows many places of interest. 他知道许多名胜古迹.

IV. Bingo


Section B

I. ugly 作形容词,可作定语、表语

1. 丑陋的,难看的,反义词是beautiful

What an ugly face! 多丑陋的脸!

2. 道德败坏的;邪恶的

an ugly deed 丑行

3. 不体面的;不愉快的;讨厌的

an ugly situation 令人穷困的情况

Ⅱ.friendly 友好的;仁慈的

1. He is friendly to us all. 他对我们大家都很友好。

2. He spoke in a friendly way. 他说话的态度很亲切。

扩展:1. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好

2. friendship 名词,友谊

Ⅲ. small 形容词,小的

This is a small room.

扩展:small 和 little辨析

两个词都有 “小”的意思,区别如下:

(1) small是中性词,不带感情色彩,指物体的外形比较小,它的反义词是large.

(2) little往往带有赞赏或者怜爱等感情色彩,有指小和可爱的意味,它的对义词是great或big.

(3) a little house 小巧玲珑的房子

a small house 面积或容量不大的房子

a little girl 可爱的或可怜的小女孩

a small girl 年龄或身材不大的女孩

a little town 可爱的小镇

a small town 面积不大或人口不多的小镇

Ⅳ. clever 形容词,可作定语和表语

1. 聪明的;伶俐的;灵巧的

My brother is clever at dealing with business. 我弟弟善于经商。

2. 熟练地

a clever worker 熟练工人


a clever speech 机敏的谈话

Ⅴ. Isn’t he cute?

1. cute 表示“漂亮的,聪明的,伶俐的”

(1) She is really cute. 她真可爱。

(2) Hey, there are some cute girls over there. 嘿,那边有些漂亮女孩。

2. Isn’t he…?难道他不…吗?这是一个否定式疑问句,常用来表示反问,其结构是 “否定词 主语 表语或谓语?”

(1) Aren’t you a teacher? 难道你不是一名老师吗?

(2) Doesn’t Jim go to school by bike?难道吉姆不是骑自行车上学吗?

Ⅵ. What other animals do you like?

other 修饰单数或复数名词

What other things can you see? 你们还能看到别的什么东西?

扩展:other/ others/ the other/ another

(1) one…the other… 表示“一个……另一个……” (总数为2个)

(2) some… the others 表示“一些……另一些” (总数为2部分)

(3) one … another 表示“一个……又一个” (总数不确定)

(4) some…(some)… others 表示“一些……又一些” (总数不确定)

Ⅶ. He likes dogs, too.

1. too 用于形容词或副词之前,表示“太;过于”的意思

(1) He drives too fast. 他开车太快了。

(2) The boy is too young to go to school. 这孩子太小,不能上学。

(3) The scenery is too beautiful for words. 风景美得难以用词描述。

2. 表示“也”的意思

I like bananas, but I like oranges, too. 我喜欢香蕉,可我也喜欢柑橘。

扩展:too, also和either

这三个词都有 “也”的意思,区别如下:

(1) also 是比较正式的用语,语气较庄重。它通常放在句中,位于行为动词之前,连系动词之后;如有助动词或情态动词,一般放在助动词或情态动词之后。例如:

Peter also has two brothers. 彼得也有两个兄弟。

I am also a student. 我也是一名学生。

Mrs. Green can also sing the song in Chinese. 格林夫人也能用汉语唱这首歌。

(2) too 是普通用词,多用于口语,语气较随便。一般用在肯定句中,放在句末。例如:

I'm in Row 1, too. 我也在第一排。


(3) either 表示“也”时,一般只用于否定句,且置于句末。例如:

I don't know him. Tom doesn't know him, either. 我不认识他,汤姆也不认识他。

If you don't go there, he won't go there, either. 如果你不去那儿,他也不会去那儿。

注意:either 本身没有否定的意义。所以多与not连用。

Ⅷ. leaf 表示“叶,树叶”


扩展: 英语中以f 或fe 结尾的单词有一些常见的单词变复数形式是去f 或fe 加ves

half-halves, knife-knives, wolf-wolves, wife-wives, life-lives, thief-thieves, shelf-shelves





Ⅸ. He sleeps during the day。

1. sleep 作动词,睡觉,睡着

go to sleep 去睡觉,入睡。

2. during 作介词,表示“在……期间;在……的时候”

(1) He fell asleep during the lesson. 他在课上睡着了。

(2) Don't telephone during office hours. 办公时间请勿打电话。

Ⅹ. at night 表示“天黑时;在夜里,夜间,晚上”

1. all night 整夜,通宵

2. Good night! 明天见!

3. late at night 在深夜

4. night after night 一夜又一夜地

5. night an day 昼夜,日夜不停地


难点一、interested; interesting; interest 辨析

1. interested 表示“感兴趣的”,它常用来指人对某事物(或人)感兴趣, 在句中作表语,不能做定语。

Some of my classmates are interested in Bill Gates. 我的一些同学对比尔盖茨感兴趣。

2. interesting 表示“有趣的”常用来指对某物(或人)有趣,在句中作表语或定语。

This book is very interesting and I am interested in it. 这本书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣。

3. interest 用作形容词,意为“兴趣,趣味”

Tennis is one of his main interests. 网球是他主要的爱好之一。

I have no interest in Russian. 我对俄语没有兴趣。

I'll try to interest her in the problem. 我将尽力使她对这个问题感兴趣。

难点二、other, the other, others, the others, another辨析

1.other 可以作形容词用,后面可以跟单数或复数名词,意思是“其他的、别的”。

Where are his other books?

I haven't any other books except this one.

2. the other,表示两个人或物中的“另一个”。常与one 搭配构成“one ..., the other...”句型。

He has two brothers. One is 10 years old , the other is 5 years old.

She held a ruler in one hand and an exercise-book in the other.

3. others,泛指“另外的人或物”。常与some 搭配构成“some ...., others ...”句型。

Some went to the cinema, others went swimming.

This coat is too large. Show me some others, please.

4. the others 表示特指某范围内的“其他的人或物”。

We got home by 4 o'clock, but the others didn't get back until 8 o'clock.

In our class only Tom is English, the others are Chinese.

5. another 可以作形容词用,修饰后面的名词,意为“另一个”,还可以跟代词one.

You can see another ship in the sea, can't you?

Mary doesn't want to buy this skirt. Would you please show her another one?

6. another 也可以作代词用,表示“另一个”。

I'm still hungry after I've had this cake. Please give me another.

总结:1. 前面加"the" 的表示特指

2. others 后面不能接名词:可以说other students 但不能说others students


1.省略to 的不定式,表示让某人做某事

Let me help you. 该句中有两个动词,let 和help 但是,我们需要明白,其中的help 是一种省略to 的不定式。


一听一感二让三看:hear; feel; make,let; see, watch,notice

2. Let's go. 走吧。其完整形式是::Let us go. 让我们走吧。其中的“'s”的us(我们)的缩写。
