
Good evening! My friends.

Will Robots Become an All-round Superpower?

Yao:Hi, Lee! Are you interested in robots?

Lee:Robots? Do you mean the machines that can perform tasks like human beings?

Yao:Not merely like human beings, sometimes even better than human beings.

Lee:You mean a well-designed robot could perform certain tasks better than humans, like AlphaGo?Yao:AlphaGo? AlphaGo? It sounds familiar. Ah, the Go-playing robot!

Lee:Exactly. It could beat human Go masters, because it has been given all knowledge about the game.

Yao:That's what I mean. They could store all relevant knowledge. Yesterday I saw a sci-fi movie about robots, and got a bit shocked.

Lee: The Terminator?

Yao:Yeah. Some robots in the movie want to control humans and they want to be "terminators" of the world.

Lee: Oh, don't worry, Yao. It's just a movie adapted from a fiction. In fact, robots are programmed with artificial intelligence (Al) to serve human beings in real life.


Yao: I've read the news that a well-designed robot could even cheer up lonely people like pets do, and they could even act and speak like their children.

Lee: That sounds heart-warming. My mother has me to make her happy.But she also has a robot to clean the floor.

Yao: Haha, she could also have a robot cook. But I don't think any robot could play the role of a good kid like you.

Lee: You bet!







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