10月18日,北京冬奥会火种(the Olympic flame for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games)在奥林匹克运动的发祥地——希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛的古奥林匹亚采集成功。


Greek actress Xanthi Georgiou in the role of an ancient Greek High Priestess used a concave mirror to focus the sun's rays and light the torch before the 2,500-year-old Temple of Hera, a goddess in ancient Greek mythology.在有着两千五百年历史的赫拉神庙遗址前,扮演最高女祭司的希腊女演员乔治乌利用凹面镜聚集太阳光,点燃了火种。赫拉是古希腊神话中的一位女神。


Goddess这个词除了表示神话传说中的“女神”以外,还可以形容魅力非凡、令人仰慕的女子(a woman whose great charm or beauty arouses adoration),比如:The actress, who is already a goddess in her own country, is finally getting recognition here.(这位女演员在本国已经是女神级的人物,终于在这里也受到认可了)。此外,在演艺行业实力强劲的女艺人有时也会被业界称为diva,比如:pop diva,fashion diva等。



In our fragile world, where separation, division and mistrust are on the rise, the Olympic Games always build bridges and friendship.


Beijing will write history as the first city ever to host both the summer (2008) and winter editions of the Olympic Games. The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 will connect the Chinese people with the world, bringing to life China's vision to engage 300 million people with sport on snow and ice, changing winter sport forever. The entire world will see this passion when China welcomes the best winter sport athletes.



Amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease, the Olympic flame has brought us confidence, warmth and hope. It has been a source of strength in our fight to defeat the pandemic. Together, for a Shared Future.在新冠肺炎疫情袭来之时,奥林匹克火种又一次带给人们信心、温暖和希望,凝聚起共同战胜疫情的磅礴力量。一起向未来。


The first Chinese torch bearer to receive the flame from Ioannis Antoniou was Li Jiajun, a winner of five medals in short track speed skating at the 1998, 2002 and 2006 Olympic Winter Games.从扬尼斯·安东尼乌手中接过火炬的首位中国火炬手是前中国短道速滑运动员李佳军,他曾在1998年、2002年以及2006年冬奥会摘得短道速滑项目的奖牌。


The flame will be handed over to the Beijing 2022 organizers on Tuesday at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens before it arrives in China on Wednesday.



绿色办奥、共享办奥、开放办奥、廉洁办奥deliver an Olympics in 2022 with a "green, inclusive, open and clean" approach

冰雪运动winter sports

奥林匹克精神the Olympic spirit

火炬传递torch relay

全民健身运动national fitness campaign


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

