说到名词中的英语思维,就不能不提到两个表示数量的词,much与 amount,虽然严格来说much属于数量词或副词,但因为它经常与名词搭配使用,所以有必要一起做出说明,我来为大家科普一下关于much用于可数还是不可数名词?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



说到名词中的英语思维,就不能不提到两个表示数量的词,much与 amount,虽然严格来说much属于数量词或副词,但因为它经常与名词搭配使用,所以有必要一起做出说明。



对much一词,中国学生用得最多的有两点,一是作为数量词用在不可数名词前面,二是作为副词与very组成词组修饰动词或形容词,如 Thank you very much.



(1) Was there much traffic?交通拥挤吗?(用much来代替heavy)

(2)- Anything happening?- -Not much.一有什么事吗?一没什么要紧的事(用much来代替 important)

(3)Climbing the stairs is too much for her. She's 90 years old. 爬楼梯对她来说太难了,她都九十多岁了。(用much来代替 difficult)

(4) Despite the forecast, It wasn' much of a stom.尽管天气预报这么说,但那称不上是一场暴风雨。(用much来说明stom的程度)

(5)It doesn't make much of difference. 这没多大差别。(用much来说明 difference的大小)

(6) They said I acted too much with it.他们说我演得有点过了。(用much来说明表演的轻重)

(7)It' s not so much of you. 这不大像你。(用much来形容一个人)

(8) That's too much.那太过分了。(用much来表示程度)

(9) You didn't give me much of a choice.你就没给我什么选择的机会。(用much来说明机会的多少)

(10)Could you do me one favor, if it's not too much trouble?如果不是很麻烦的话,你能帮我个忙吗?(用 much trouble这种名词形式来代替动词或形容词形式)

(11) He doesn't speak much English.他英语不是很好。(用名词形式来代替形容词形式 His English is not good.)

(12) Could you just open your mind like this much?你能不能把思路放开一点?(用much来表示开放的程度)

(13) How much do you love her?你有多么爱她?(用much表示爱的程度)

(14)If it means that much to you, I'll go find something else. 如果它对你很重要,那我就另找别的吧!(用much代替 Important)

(15) I'm not much of a dancer.我舜跳得不是很好。(用名词形式来代替形容调形式 I'm not good at dancing.)


(1)Much thought and deliberation preceded these decisions. 在做出这些决定之前进行了反复的考虑和商讨。(用much代替repeated)

(2) We don't go out much since the baby was born. 孩子出生后我们就没怎么出门。(用much代替often)

(3) I remind her too much of somebody.我经常让她想起某一个人。(用much代替 often)

(4) I haven ' t been using it much.我不经常用它。(用 not much代替 seldom)

(5) She' s not much of a phone person.她不大打电话。(用not much代替 scarecely)


与much的用法相比,中国学生对 amount一词的用法更加不熟悉,但它也是口语中经常用到的一个词。 amount这个词可以说是much一词的具体形式,much只能用来表示程度较髙或频率较快,而amount就可以有大中小之分,同样可以用来表达一些抽象含义。


(1) Please pay the full amount by the end of the month.请在月底前付清全款。(最大份)

(2) Cook the vegetables in a small amount of water.做蔬菜时要放少量的水。(少量份

(3) There was a fair amount of traffic on Highway.10.10号公路上车辆相当多。(很大份额)

(4)Her case has caught an enormous amount of public sympathy.她的情况得到了无数公众的同情。(很大程度)

(5) I felt a certain amount of embarrassment..我觉得有点尴尬。(某种程度)

(6) No amount of persuading could make her change her mind. 怎么劝也无法让她改变主意。(任何程度)

(7) Any amount will do.多少都可以。(任何数量)

(8)I use exactly what the gel bottle says, an amount about the size of a pea.我严格按照发胶瓶上的说明,用差不多一粒豌豆大小的量(某一数量)

(9) I could 've married Joey with that amount of alcoho.在喝了那么多酒的情况下,Joey我也会娶。(很大数量)

(10)That' g the perfect amount.不多不少,这个量正好。(最合适的数量)

(11)It was a certain amount of time ago, I was here, you were here.某某时间以前,你在这儿,我也在这儿。(某一数量)

(12) I do not love Joey. I like him a normal amount.我不爱Joey,我只是在正常范围内喜欢他。(正常程度)

(13) We love kids the appropriate amount.我们爱孩子,但要恰如其分。(恰当的程度)