



2019-02-01 12:33:32





这里的公私两个字,特别是公字,明明白白地书写着:八 厶为公。这里的八,实际上表示的是众多的数量,究竟有多少私人的厶,才是公?得依照具体环境来定。把公与私的矛盾,局部化、固定化,是不利于把公与私的矛盾讲清楚的。比如,在一个大集体里面,要反对小团体主义;在一个大国范围内要反对地方主义、地方保护主义。所谓全国人民的利益,就包含着全国各个地方,中国范围内的东西南北中,各个省、直辖市、自治区人民的利益。这些人民群众的利益,实际上就是每个家庭、每个人的私利。国家的大公利益,就是由这13亿人民及其家庭的共同私利的集合体。


私:禾+ 厶 。Private: hehe net


A "basket" is a person around something, someone turns around, busy.In the official script, the right half of the word "private" is "objective", the left half is "harmony", and the word "private" is to turn around the "grain" (grain or rice), which means to be busy and turn round around grain production. The people took food as the sky, especially in ancient times. This reveals the essential meaning of "private".


Shuo Wen "Private, he is. The name of the North Dao, Master he, is called the Private Master. "The crops planted in the fields, the millet laid down on the threshing floor, and the grain stacked in the barn at home are owned and private. Of course, the state, tribes and villages also have public grain. Ancient public things came from private contributions.


The original meaning of the word "Private" Personal, personal. Private versus public.



The word "private". The name of the North Taoist Master he called the Private Master

Duan Yu-cai note: "cover and famous private also."Advanced Chinese Dictionary: shape and Sound. From the grass, the noise. Original meaning: grain; crops.


The phrase "private" consists of:Elopement, private property, private feud, private enemy, private residence, private, private Private bags, private thoughts, breaking private thoughts, private affairs, favouritism, private music, private enterprise, private property, private business, private life, illegitimate children, private history, private affairs, private rooms, private sook, private schools, private complaints, private affairs, private affairs, Private, private. Private ownership, whispering, lust, private resentment, private wish, private apathy, etc.

“公”字八 厶。可以理解成符合八个私人的共同要求就是“公”了。

The word "public": eight. It can be understood as meeting the common requirements of eight individuals.


A group of people have their own selfishness; the kind that conforms to the public's ideas without losing their own fundamental interests, that is, "public". Society is made up of people, and people are made up of selfish individuals. The interests of people (such as villages) are the public and private interests of a small scale, while the interests of society (such as large administrative regions, countries, provinces, counties, etc.) and the interests of the crowd are the interests of the public and the private on a larger scale.


Another view is that the public is contrary to private, "public" and "private" is fundamentally opposite. The word "public" is "eight", which is opposite, and the following is "objective" ("private"). In combination, it means "against private", which means "impartiality".”的意思。


Han fei-zi beetle:"to carry a background is called a public, or, in other words, to divide it as a public.""eight", the figure is eight, eight minutes its "net"

Shuo Wen: Male, equally divided. In general dictionaries, the word "public" is meant to be fair, equitable, and equally divided.


The author thinks that the original meaning of the word "public" before: "eight private public", more in line with the objective reality, more scientific. The public is generated on the basis of private, but not all private is contained by the public; the public only those approved by the private. Public and private, which are regarded as completely unrelated and fundamentally opposite, do not exist in society; they do not work in social practice.


The word "public" also means the public and the public. Such as the public. The word "male" also denotes the masculinity of man and the animal kingdom. For example: the son, father-in-law (with mother-in-law, mother match), bull, horse and so on.


The word "public".Shuo Wen:Male, equally divided.


Advanced Chinese Dictionary:Understanding. The small seal character, above is "eight", means opposite, below is "the net" ("private" this word). In combination, it means "against private", which means "impartiality".


The phrase consisting of "Gong" is:Public heart, selfless, axiom, formula, high seas, public, citizen, public, public
