1.The most striking example was at Paris fashion week, where Bella Hadid, a model for the French designers Coperni, stood almost naked for nine minutes while a dress was sprayed on to her body.







The most striking example was at Paris fashion week【主干部分】,where【引导定语从句,此处用来举巴黎时装周的例子】Bella Hadid 【定从主语】, a model for the French designers Coperni 【Bella Hadid 的同位语,对其补充介绍】, stood almost naked for nine minutes while【时间连词,表示两个动作同时进行】a dress was sprayed on to her body。

2.It’s in the nature of the fashion industry to be fickle, and to reflect idealised images that have little to do with the day-to-day reality of the people who, come next spring, will be buying more prosaic interpretations of these unworldly visions on the high street.




时装业的本质就是变化,以及反映理想化的形象,而这些形象与人们的日常生活几乎没有关系,明年 春天,这些人会在大街上购买更平庸的表达脱俗愿景的时装。


It’s in the nature of the fashion industry【it 作形式主语】to be fickle【to do 不定 式作真正主语 1】, and to reflect【to do 不定式作 真正主语 2】 idealised images that have little to do with the day-to-day reality of the people 【that 引导定语从句,此处表示时装业所反映的理想身材不符合人们的日常】who, come next spring, will be buying more prosaic interpretations of these unworldly visions on the high street【who 引导定语从句,此处表示人们对时尚的追求】.

3.Though Ms Moss has distanced herself from the term, telling Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs that she was just naturally thin, one must not forget its association with others who were not so lucky, such as the American supermodel Gia Carangi, whose life, and premature death at the age of 26, were commemorated in a 1998 film starring Angelina Jolie.



尽管凯特·摩丝和这个词“海洛因时尚”拉开距离,告诉广播4台的《荒岛唱片》节目组,她天生就瘦,但是不能忘记它(这个词“海洛因时尚”)与不是这么幸运的人的联系,例如美国超模吉雅·卡兰芝(Gia Carangi),用一部1998年安吉丽娜朱莉主演的电影来纪念她的一生和26岁早逝。


尽管摩丝女士一直与这个词保持距离,她在英国广播电台 4 台的《荒岛唱片》节目中表示她只是天生消瘦,但人们不可以忘记这个词关系到其他不那么幸运的人,比如美国超模吉雅·卡兰芝,她 26 岁时早逝,1998 年安吉丽娜·朱莉主演的一部电影纪念了她的一生。


Though Ms Moss has distanced herself from the term【though引导让步状语从句, 此处表示摩丝尽力避开 “ 海洛因时尚 ” 一 词】, telling Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs that she was just naturally thin 【telling 现在分词做伴随 状语,意义上的主语还是 Ms Moss;that 引导宾 语从句】, one must not forget its association with others【主干部分】who were not so lucky 【who 引导定语从句,此处表示有不幸之人去世】, such as the American supermodel Gia Carangi, whose life, and premature death at the age of 26, were commemorated in a 1998 film starring Angelina Jolie【whose 引导定语从句,此处用来举早逝的例子】。

4.Yet moves by social media companies such as Instagram and TikTok to protect users from the pursuit of #thinspo (thin inspiration) underline that this is no time for complacency.


但是,如Instagram 和TikTok等社交媒体公司推行的活动,保护用户不受话题#thinspo(对对的渴望)的追求的影响,这些活动强调没有时间自满。


