Market Share / 市场份额Market Share: A company’s sales in a product area as a percent of the total market sales in that area.,我来为大家科普一下关于npdp适合人群?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Market Share / 市场份额

Market Share: A company’s sales in a product area as a percent of the total market sales in that area.


Market Testing / 市场测试

Market Testing: The product development stage when the new product and its marketing plan are tested together. A market test simulates the eventual marketing mix and takes many different forms, only one of which bears the name test market.


Marketing strategy / 营销策略

Marketing strategy: a process or model to allow an organization to focus limited resources on the best opportunities to increase sales and thereby achieve a unique competitive advantage


Maturity Stage / 成熟阶段

Maturity Stage: The third stage of the product life cycle. This is the stage where sales begin to level off due to market saturation. It is a time when heavy competition, alternative product options, and (possibly) changing buyer or user preferences start to make it difficult to achieve profitability.


Metrics / 度量

Metrics: A set of measurements to track product development and allow a firm to measure the impact of process improvements over time. These measures generally vary by firm but may include measures characterizing both aspects of the process, such as time to market, and duration of particular process stages, as well as outcomes from product development such as the number of products commercialized per year and percentage of sales due to new products.


Mind mapping / 思维导图

Mind mapping: A graphical technique for imagining connections between various pieces of information or ideas. The participant starts with a key phrase or word in the middle of a page then works out from this point to connect to new ideas in multiple direction – building a web of relationships.

思维导图:一种图形技术,用于想象各种信息或想法之间的联系。 参与者从页面中间的关键短语或词开始,然后从这一点开始连接到多个方向的新想法 – 构建一个关系网络。

Mission / 使命

Mission: The statement of an organization’s creed, philosophy, purpose, business principles, and corporate beliefs. The purpose of the mission is to focus the energy and resources of the organization

使命:组织的信条,哲学,目的,商业原则和企业信念的声明。 任务的目的是集中力量和资源的组织

Multidimensional scaling / 多维缩放

Multidimensional scaling (MDS): is a means of visualizing the level of similarity of individual cases of a dataset (for example products or markets)


Multifunctional Team / 跨职能团队

Multifunctional Team: A group of individuals brought together from the different functional areas of a business to work on a problem or process that requires the knowledge, training and capabilities across the areas to successfully complete the work. (See Chapters 9 and 10 in The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition and Chapter 6 in The PDMA ToolBook 1.) (See also “Cross-Functional Team”.)

跨职能团队:来自不同业务职能领域的个体组成的共同致力于一个问题或者流程的团队。这类问题或者流程的顺利解决亟需成功地整合跨领域知识 、培训和能力。(参见 PDMA 手册(第 2 版)的第九、十章和 PDMA 工具书第一册的第六章)(参见“跨职能团队”)

Multivariate analysis / 多元分析

Multivariate analysis: explores the association between one outcome variable (referred to as the dependent variable) and one or more predictor variables (referred to as independent variables).


Net Present Value / 净现值

Net Present Value (NPV): the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows. NPV is used in capital budgeting to analyze the profitability of a projected investment or project.

净现值(NPV): 按照公司贴现率或者资金成本,将当前和预期资金的流入与流出折算成现值,以评价不同项目的可比投资。

Network Diagram / 网络图

Network Diagram: A graphical diagram with boxes connected by lines that shows the sequence of development activities and the interrelationship of each task with another. Often used in conjunction with a Gantt Chart.


New Product / 新产品

New Product: A term of many opinions and practices, but most generally defined as a product (either a good or service) new to the firm marketing it. Excludes products that are only changed in promotion.


New Product Development / 新产品开发

New Product Development (NPD): The overall process of strategy, organization, concept generation, product and marketing plan creation and evaluation, and commercialization of a new product. Also frequently referred to just as “product development.”

新产品开发(NPD) : 包括新产品的战略、组织、构思、产品制造和营销策划与评估以及新产品商业化在内的全部过程。通常简称为“产品开发”。

New Product Development Process / 新产品开发流程

New Product Development Process (NPD Process): A disciplined and defined set of tasks and steps that describe the normal means by which a company repetitively converts embryonic ideas into salable products or services. (See Chapters 4 and 5 of The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition.)

新产品开发流程(NPD 流程):将最初想法不断转化为销售产品和服务,公司所开展的条理化工作流程。(参见 PDMA 手册第二版的第 4、5 章)

New Product Development Professional / 新产品开发专业人员

New Product Development Professional (NPDP): A New Product Development Professional is certified by the PDMA as having mastered the body of knowledge in new product development, as proven by performance on the Certification test. To qualify for the NPDP certification examination, a candidate must hold a bachelor’s or higher university degree (or an equivalent degree) from an accredited institution and have spent a minimum of two years working in the new product development field.

新产品开发专业人员(NPDP): PDMA 所评定的新产品开发专业人员,应掌握新产品开发的整个知识体系并且需通过认证考试。为保证 NPDP 认证考试的权威性, 报考者必须拥有 公认机构颁发的学士学位或者更高学历(或同等学历),并且具有至少两年的新产品开发从业经验。

New Product Introduction / 新产品引入

New Product Introduction (NPI): The launch or commercialization of a new product into the marketplace. Takes place at the end of a successful product development project. (See Chapter 30 of The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition.)

新产品引入(NPI): 一项新产品进入市场的启动阶段,在新产品项目成功开发的后期。

New-to-the-World Product / 全新产品

New-to-the-World Product: A good or service that has never before been available to either consumers or producers. The automobile was new-to-the-world when it was introduced, as were microwave ovens and pet rocks.

全新产品: 顾客或者生产商从未了解的产品或服务。例如,汽车、微波炉和宠物石在引入时都是全新产品。

Non-Product Advantage / 非产品优势

Non-Product Advantage: Elements of the marketing mix that create competitive advantage other than the product itself. These elements can include marketing communications, distribution, company reputation, technical support, and associated services.


Norming / 规范

Norming: the third stage of team formation where the team moves into the norming stage. This is when people start to resolve their differences, appreciate colleagues’ strengths, and respect the leader’s authority.

规范:团队形成的第三阶段,团队进入规范阶段。 这是当人们开始解决他们的分歧,欣赏同事的优势,并尊重领导的权威。

Open innovation / 开放式创新

Open innovation: defined as the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively


Operations / 运营

Operations: A term that includes manufacturing but is much broader, usually including procurement, physical distribution, and, for services, management of the offices or other areas where the services are provided.


Opportunity / 机遇

Opportunity: A business or technology gap that a company or individual realizes, by design or accident, that exists between the current situation and an envisioned future in order to capture competitive advantage, respond to a threat, solve a problem or ameliorate a difficulty.

机遇: 公司或个人认识到的存在于现在和可展望未来之间的商业或技术差距。目的在于捕捉竞争优势、应对危机或者解决难题。

Organizational identity / 组织身份

Organizational identity: Fundamental to the long-term success of an organization is a clear definition and understanding of what the organization stands for, why does it exist.


Outsourcing / 外包

Outsourcing: The process of procuring a good or service from someone else, rather than the firm producing it themselves.

外包: 公司从外部采购产品或者服务的过程,而不是自己生产所需产品。

Outstanding Corporate Innovator Award / 杰出公司创新者奖

Outstanding Corporate Innovator Award: An annual PDMA award given to firms acknowledged through a formal vetting process as being outstanding innovators. The basic requirements for receiving this award, which is given yearly by the PDMA, are: 1. Sustained success in launching new products over a five-year time frame; 2. Significant company growth from new product success; 3. A defined new product development process, that can be described to others; 4. Distinctive innovative characteristics and intangibles.

杰出公司创新者奖:PDMA 一年一度通过专业认证颁发给杰出创新公司的奖项。要荣获 PDMA 这个年度奖项,需要符合以下基本要求:1. 在开发新产品方面持续5 年拥有新成果;2. 新产品的成功给公司带来显著的效益增长;3. 能明确定义新产品开发的流程;4. 独特的创新特征及无形资产。

Payback / 回报

Payback: The time, usually in years, from some point in the development process until the commercialized product or service has recovered its costs of development and marketing. While some firms take the point of full-scale market introduction of a new product as the starting point, others begin the clock at the start of development expense.


Perceptual Mapping / 感知映射

Perceptual Mapping: A quantitative market research tool used to understand how customers think of current and future products.

Perceptual maps are visual representations of the positions that sets of products hold in consumers’ minds.


Performance Measurement System / 绩效评估系统

Performance Measurement System: The system that enables the firm to monitor the relevant performance indicators of new products in the appropriate time frame.


Performance metrics / 绩效指标

Performance metrics: a set of measurements to track product development and to allow an organization to measure the impact of process improvement over time. These measures generally vary by organization but may include measures characterizing both aspects of process, such as time to market and duration of particular process stages, as well as outcomes from product development such as the number of products commercialized per year and percentage sales due to new products.

绩效指标:用于跟踪产品开发的一组测量,并允许组织测量过程改进随时间的影响。 这些措施通常因组织而异,但可能包括表征过程的两个方面的措施,例


PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) / 项目评审技术

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique): An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty in estimates of duration times for individual activities.



PESTLE: A structured tool based on the analysis

of Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal

and Environmental factors. It is particularly useful as a strategic framework for seeking a better understanding of trends in factors that will directly influence the future of an organization – such as demographics, political barriers, disruptive technologies, competitive pressures, etc.

PESTLE:基于政治,经济,社会,技术,法律和环境因素的一种结构化分析工具。 它是极为有效的战略框架,是对趋势的更精准解读,是分析直接影响组织未来,如人口统计,政治因素,颠覆性技术,竞争压力等因素的关键。

Phase Review Process / 阶段审核流程

Phase Review Process: A staged product development process in which first one function completes a set of tasks, then passes the information they generated sequentially to another function which in turn completes the next set of tasks and then passes everything along to the next function. Multifunctional teamwork is largely absent in

these types of product development processes, which may also be called baton-passing processes. Most firms have moved from these processes to Stage-GateÔ processes using multifunctional teams.

阶段审核流程:阶梯式的产品开发流程,在此过程中,一职能团队完成一组任 务,所生成的信息传递给另一职能团队,然后此团队完成系列任务并 将信息传递给另外一组职能团队。此类型的产品开发流程并不适合跨职能团队合作,所以大多数公司正从此流程转向跨职能团队阶段–关口流程。

Pipeline / 产品管道

Pipeline (product pipeline): The scheduled stream of products in development for release to the market.


Pipeline Management / 管道管理

Pipeline Management: A process that integrates product strategy, project management, and functional management to continually optimize the cross-project management of all development-related activities. (See Chapter 5 in The PDMA HandBook 1st Edition and Chapter 3

in The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition.)

管道管理:将产品战略、项目管理和职能管理整合起来,以持续优化所有相关开发活动中的跨项目管理。(参见 PDMA 手册第一版第 5 章和 PDMA 第二版第 3 章)

Platform Product / 平台型产品

Platform Product: The design and components that are shared by a set of products in a product family. From this platform, numerous derivative products can be designed. (See also product platform)


Platform projects / 平台项目

Platform projects: produce a set of subsystems and interfaces that form a common structure, from which a stream of derivative products can be efficiently developed and produced.


Portfolio / 组合

Portfolio: Commonly referred to as a set of projects or products that a company is investing in and making strategic trade-offs against. (See also project portfolio and product portfolio)


Portfolio Criteria / 组合关键指标

Portfolio Criteria: The set of criteria against which the business judges both proposed and currently active product development projects to create a balanced and diverse mix of ongoing efforts.


Portfolio Management / 组合管理

Portfolio Management: A business process by which a business unit decides on the mix of active projects, staffing and dollar budget allocated to each project currently being undertaken. See also pipeline management. (See Chapter 13 of The PDMA ToolBook 1 and Chapter 3 of The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition.)

组合管理:对项目活动、人员以及分配到各项目的预算进行业务管理的过程。参见渠道管理。(参见 PDMA 工具书第一册第 13 章和 PDMA 手册第二版第 3 章)

Portfolio Rollout Scenarios / 组合产品首次公开展示

Portfolio Rollout Scenarios: hypothetical illustrations of the number and magnitude of new products that would need to be launched over a certain time frame to reach the desired financial goals; accounts for success/failure rates and considers company and competitive benchmarks.


Primary market research / 首要市场研究

Primary market research: is defined as original research conducted by you (or someone you hire) to collect data specifically for your current objective


Process Champion / 流程负责人

Process Champion: The person responsible for the daily promotion of and encouragement to use a formal business process throughout the organization. They are also responsible for the ongoing training, innovation input and continuous improvement of the process.


Process Managers / 流程经理

Process Managers: The operational managers responsible for ensuring the orderly and timely flow of ideas and projects through the process.


Process Owner / 流程拥有者

Process Owner: The executive manager responsible for the strategic results of the NPD process. This includes process throughput, quality of output, and participation within the organization. (See Section 3 of The PDMA ToolBook for 4 tools that process owners might find useful, and see Chapter 5 of The PDMA HandBook.)


Product / 产品

Product: Term used to describe all goods, services, and knowledge sold. Products are bundles of attributes (features, functions, benefits, and uses) and can be either tangible, as in the case of physical goods, or intangible, as in the case of those associated with service benefits, or can be a combination of the two.


Product and Process Performance Success / 产品和流程绩效成功

Product and Process Performance Success: The extent to which a new product meets its technical performance and product development process performance criteria.


Product Architecture / 产品架构

Product Architecture: The way in which the functional elements are assigned to the physical chunks of a product and the way in which those physical chunks interact to perform the overall function of the product. (See Chapter 16 of The PDMA HandBook 1st Edition.)


Product backlog / 产品积压

Product backlog: A basis of agile product development. The requirements for a system, expressed as a prioritized list of product backlog items. These include both functional and non-functional customer requirements, as well as technical team-generated requirements

产品积压:敏捷产品开发的基础。 对系统的要求,表示为产品积压项目的优先级列表。 这些包括功能和非功能客户要求,以及技术团队生成的要求

Product Definition / 产品定义

Product Definition: Defines the product, including the target market, product concept, benefits to be delivered, positioning

strategy, price point, and even product requirements and design specifications.


Product Development & Management Association (PDMA) / 产品开发与管理协会

Product Development & Management Association (PDMA): A not-for- profit professional organization whose purpose is to seek out, develop, organize and disseminate leading edge information on the theory and practice of product development and product development processes. The PDMA uses local, national, and international meetings and conferences, educational workshops, a quarterly magazine (Visions), a bi-monthly scholarly journal (Journal of Product Innovation Management), research proposal and dissertation proposal competitions, The PDMA HandBook of New Product Development 1st and 2nd Editions, and The PDMA ToolBook 1 for New Product

Development to achieve its purposes. The association also manages the certification process for New Product Development Professionals. Web site:

产品开发与管理协会(PDMA):探求、发展、组织和传播产品开发领域前沿理论与实践知识的非盈利性专业组织。在实现其目标的过程中,PD MA 召开地方性、国家级和国际性会议,建立教育体系,创办季刊杂志(《展望》)和双月刊学术期刊(《产品创新管理》),审查提议和论文, 完成《PDMA 新产品开发手册》(第一版)和《新产品开发工具书》(第一版)。PDMA 还从事新产品开发专业人士的认证工作。网址

Product Development / 产品开发

Product Development: The overall process of strategy, organization, concept generation, product and marketing plan creation and evaluation, and commercialization of a new product. (See Chapters 19

– 22 of The PDMA HandBook 1st Edition.)


Product Development Process / 产品开发流程

Product Development Process: A disciplined and defined set of tasks, steps, and phases that describe the normal means by which a company repetitively converts embryonic ideas into salable products or services. (See Chapters 4 and 5 of The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition.)

产品开发流程:一整套明确的任务、步骤和阶段,表明了公司不断将初始概念转化成可销售产品或者服务的正式途径。(参见 PDMA 手册第 6 章和第 7 章)

Product development Team / 产品开发团队

Product development Team: That group of persons who participate in the product development project. Frequently each team member represents a function, department, or specialty. Together they represent the full set of capabilities needed to complete the project. (See Chapter 9 in The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition and Chapter 6 in The PDMA ToolBook 1.)


Product Discontinuation / 产品废止

Product Discontinuation: A product or service that is withdrawn or removed from the market because it no longer provides an economic, strategic, or competitive advantage in the firm’s portfolio of offerings. (See Chapter 28 of The PDMA HandBook 1st Edition.)

产品废止:一种产品或服务从市场上撤回或退出,因为它在公司产品中不再具有经济、战略或竞争性优势。(参见 PDMA 手册第一版的第 28 章)

Product Failure / 产品失败

Product Failure: A product development project that does not meet the objective of its charter or marketplace.


Product Family / 产品系列

Product Family: The set of products that have been derived from a common product platform. Members of a product family normally have many common parts and assemblies.


Product Innovation Charter (PIC) / 产品创新章程

Product Innovation Charter (PIC): A critical strategic document, the Product Innovation Charter (PIC) is the heart of any organized effort to commercialize a new product. It contains the reasons the project has been started, the goals, objectives, guidelines, and boundaries of the project. It is the “who, what, where, when, and why” of the product development project. In the Discovery phase, the charter may contain assumptions about market preferences, customer needs, and sales and profit potential. As the project enters the Development phase, these assumptions are challenged through prototype development and in-market testing. While business needs and market conditions can and will change as the project progresses, one must resist the strong tendency for projects to wander off as the development work takes place. The PIC must be constantly referenced during the Development phase to make sure it is still valid, that the project is still within the defined arena, and that the opportunity envisioned in the Discovery phase still exists.

产品创新章程(PIC):指导新产品开发工作的职能部门或者项目团队的策略综 述。PIC 详述了项目运行的领域、目标和通常采用的方法。它适用于 单个项目或者项目的整个规划。参见文档最后的备注里修改和扩充的定义。

Product Life Cycle / 产品生命周期

Product Life Cycle: The four stages that a new product is thought to go through from birth to death: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Controversy surrounds whether products go through this cycle in any predictable way.


Product Life-Cycle Management / 产品生命周期管理

Product Life-Cycle Management: Changing the features and benefits of the product, elements of the marketing mix, and manufacturing operations over time to maximize the profits obtainable from the product over its lifecycle. (See Chapter 33 of The PDMA HandBook 2nd Edition).

产品生命周期管理:随着时间推移改变产品特性和功能、市场混合要素和制造过程,以在产品生命周期中获取利润最大化。(参见 PDMA 手册第二 版的第 33 章)

Product Management / 产品管理

Product Management: Ensuring over time that a product or service profitably meets the needs of customers by continually monitoring and modifying the elements of the marketing mix, including: the product and its features, the communications strategy, distribution channels and price.

