




Movie market rebounds on strength of war epic


The war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, one of the most expensive films ever made in China, shot to the top of the weeklong National Day holiday box office, propelling the domestic market to rebound after being sluggish for more than two months.


With three prestigious directors-Chen Kaige, Hark Tsui and Dante Lam-the 176-minute-long film follows Chinese People's Volunteers who joined the battle, which turned the tide of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953).

这部长达 176 分钟的电影由陈凯歌、徐克和林超贤三位著名导演指导,讲述了参加抗美援朝战争(1950-1953)扭转战局的中国人民志愿军的故事。

With the number of cast and crew reaching an unprecedented scale of more than 12,000, the movie re-creates the brutal conflict on the Korean Peninsula amid the extremely cold winter of 1950, when temperatures plunged to the lowest level in 50 years. The movie's production involved more than 80 visual-effects companies domestically and abroad, with the script being revised 37 times.

该片以史无前例的超过12,000名演职人员的规模,再现了1950年极端寒冷的冬天,气温降至50年来最低水平的朝鲜半岛的残酷冲突。 影片制作涉及国内外80多家视效公司,剧本修改37次。

Shattering over 10 records, including single-day haul for a feature drama, the blockbuster has raked in around 2 billion yuan ($310 million) since its opening on Sept 30. It accounted for around 75 percent of total holiday receipts, which had reached 2.67 billion yuan as of Monday, according to the movie information tracker Beacon.

自 9 月 30 日上映以来,这部大片打破了包括故事片单日票房在内的 10 多项记录,收入约为 20 亿元人民币(3.1 亿美元)。它占假期总收入的 75% 左右,至周一达到 2.67 亿元根据电影信息追踪器 Beacon 的数据。

The film has also garnered millions of reviews and clicks on several of the country's most popular social media platforms, including Sina Weibo and Douyin, with most commenters praising the heart-wrenching tale and saying it stirred their national pride, making them want to pay tribute to the CPV heroes who sacrificed their lives. Some netizens said the film reminds them, amid the current China-US tension, to cherish today's peaceful life.


Though nearly 10 new films have been released for the holiday-which along with Spring Festival is one of the two most lucrative box office periods in China in recent years-The Battle at Lake Changjin is far ahead of its rivals.


Taking second place on the holiday box-office charts was My Country, My Parents, an anthology consisting of four stand-alone tales respectively directed by Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Zheng and Shen Teng. It grossed 710 million yuan, less than half of The Battle at Lake Changjin.

获得假日票房第二名的是《我的祖国,我的父母》,这部由吴京、章子怡、徐峥和沉腾分别执导的四部独立故事组成的选集。 票房7.1亿元,不到长津湖之战的一半。

The other new movies, on the other hand, are struggling with limited screenings and poor receipts, exemplified by Little Canned Men, the first feature-length film adapted from renowned novelist Zheng Yuanjie's eponymous tale, which has merely brought in nearly 30 million yuan. It is currently the holiday period's third-highest-grossing flick.

另一方面,其他新片则在放映场次有限、票房不佳的情况下苦苦挣扎,比如首部改编自著名小说家郑元杰同名小说的长片《小罐头》仅票房近3000万元。 这是目前假期期间票房第三高的电影。

Most insiders and analysts said the top two blockbusters' commercial success has lived up to the industry's estimation, giving cinema operators a sign of revival.


"With a lot of details to re-create historical reality, The Battle at Lake Changjin has raised the bar for Chinese war films to a new high level, signaling the progress that the domestic industry has achieved," said Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film critics Association.


But compared with the same period in previous years, the shortage of appealing, medium-budget films has reduced the variety of genres, which will not be good for the long-term development of the Chinese film industry, Rao added.


Yu Chao, deputy general manager of Beijing's Capital Cinema, said the crowded cinemas show that the market potential is still huge in China, but the industry's recovery might be slow, as the lineup for the next two months appears to have just a few movies that are expected to be highly successful.

北京首都影城副总经理余超表示,院线人满为患表明中国市场潜力仍然巨大,但行业复苏可能会比较缓慢,因为未来两个月的阵容似乎只有几部电影 预计会非常成功。

He added that the significant change for this year's National Day holiday is that the single-day box office haul has consecutively increased, exemplified by 629 million yuan on Friday, 633 million yuan on Saturday and 646 million yuan on Sunday.


"In the past, the first day usually grosses the highest box office, partly generated by intensive marketing, but the figures would drop in the following days. The change shows that the blockbusters this year have won a lot of word-of-mouth praise, helping them to attract more audiences," said Yu.

“过去,第一天的票房通常最高,部分是因为集约营销产生的,但接下来几天的数字会下降。变化表明今年的大片赢得了很多口碑 ,帮助他们吸引更多观众,”于说。

With The Battle at Lake Changjin scoring 7.6 points out of 10 on Douban, one of the country's most popular review aggregators, and My Country, My Parents receiving 7 points, the holiday blockbusters have pushed this year's box office to surpass 37 billion yuan so far-close to double the total haul for last year, according to Beacon.

全国最受欢迎的影评平台之一豆瓣的《长津湖之战》获得7.6分(满分10分),《我的祖国,我的父母》获得7分,今年的假期大片已经将今年的票房推向了370亿元以上。 -根据 Beacon 的说法,几乎是去年总运量的两倍。



□ commercial [kəˈmɜːʃl] adj. 商业的,商务的;商业化的,以获利为目的的;由广告商支付的;(化学制品)大量供应且纯度不高的;n. 电视广告,电台广告;

□ critic [ˈkrɪtɪk] n. 批评家,评论员;批评者,反对……的人;

□ current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的;草写的;n. (水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流;

□ detail [ˈdiːteɪl] n. 细节,琐事;具体信息;次要部分;分队,支队;vt. 详述;选派;vi. 画详图;

□ domestic [dəˈmestɪk] adj. 国内的,本国的;家用的,家庭的;喜爱家庭生活的,乐于操持家务的;非野生的,驯养的;n. 家庭纠纷,家庭矛盾;佣人,家仆;国货,本地产品;

□ drama [ˈdrɑːmə] n. 剧本,戏剧;戏剧研究,戏剧艺术;戏剧性场面,戏剧性事件;激动,刺激;

□ generate [ˈdʒenəreɪt] vt. 使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应;

□ gross [ɡrəʊs] adj. 总共的;粗野的;恶劣的;显而易见的;恶心的;vt. 总共收入;n. 总额,总数;

□ highly [ˈhaɪli] adv. 极其,非常;高度地,高水平地;钦佩地,赞赏地;在高处,地位高;

□ historical [hɪˈstɒrɪkl] adj. (有关)历史的;历史学的;(书籍、电影或图片)描述历史的,基于史实的;按历史顺序排列的;

□ intensive [ɪnˈtensɪv] adj. 加强的,集中的,深入细致的;精耕细作的,集约的;加强词意的;以强度测量的;n. 加强语势的形容词(或副词、小品词);

□ limited [ˈlɪmɪtɪd] adj. 有限的;受限的;受宪法限制的;(公司)有限责任的 (=Ltd);n. 高级快车;

□ plunge [plʌndʒ] v. (使)突然向前倒下(跌落);猛推,猛插;(价值)猛跌;(剧烈)颠簸,震荡;n. (突然的)坠落;跳水,快速游泳;(价值或数量的)骤然下跌;突然陷入;

□ previous [ˈpriːviəs] adj. 以前的,先前的;(时间或顺序上)稍前的;过早的,过急的;n. 前科,犯罪记录;

□ recovery [rɪˈkʌvəri] n. 恢复,复原;痊愈;重获;

□ release [rɪˈliːs] v. 释放;放开;发泄;免除;松开;使不紧张;公开;解禁;放弃(权利);n. 释放;发布;新发行的东西;排放;解脱;新闻稿;让予;宣泄;释放装置;

□ respectively [rɪˈspektɪvli] adv. 分别地,依次地;

□ revise [rɪˈvaɪz] v. 改变,修正;调整(价格、数目、估计等);修订,校订(文稿);复习,温习;n. 修订,校订;(印刷)改样;

□ rival [ˈraɪvl] n. 竞争对手,敌手;可与之匹敌者,可与之相比的人(或物);v. 与......相匹敌,比得上;adj. 竞争的,对抗的;

□ scale [skeɪl] n. 规模;等级;等级体系;刻度;比例;音阶;

□ shortage [ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ] n. 短缺,不足;

□ significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的; 别有含义的,意味深长的;n. 象征,有意义的事物;

□ stir [stɜː(r)] v. 搅拌;微动;(使)活动;激发,打动;(非正式)挑拨;传播;n. 搅拌;激动;(非正式)监狱;

□ tide [taɪd] n. 潮汐;潮水;潮流,趋势;怒潮,(难以控制的)浪潮;高涨的情绪;潮水般的人流,洪流;v. 顺潮水漂浮;


□ brutal [ˈbruːtl] adj. 野蛮的,凶残的;毫不掩饰的,直截了当的;令人不快的,糟糕的;

□ cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ] vt. 珍爱;怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等);

□ consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv] adj. 连贯的;连续不断的;

□ exemplify [ɪɡˈzemplɪfaɪ] v. 是……的典范;举例说明;

□ haul [hɔːl] vt. (用力)拖,拉;费力前进;强迫(某人)接受申斥;(用卡车)运;n. 拖,拉;赃物;(赛季)得分总数;

□ script [skrɪpt] n. 脚本;手迹;书写用的字母;vt. 把…改编为剧本;vi. 写电影脚本;

□ shatter [ˈʃætə(r)] vt. 粉碎;打碎;破坏;破掉;使散开;vi. 粉碎;损坏;落叶;n. 碎片;乱七八糟的状态;

□ surpass [səˈpɑːs] v. 超过,胜过,优于;比(预期的或希望的)更好;超越自我;超出(理解范围);

□ tribute [ˈtrɪbjuːt] n. 礼物;[税收] 贡物;颂词;(尤指对死者的)致敬,悼念,吊唁礼物;

□ wrench [rentʃ] n. 扳手,扳钳;扭伤;痛苦;歪曲;猛扭;vt. 扭伤;猛扭;曲解;折磨;vi. 扭伤;猛扭;猛绞;


□ amid [əˈmɪd] prep. 在……过程中;四周是;在……气氛中;

□ deputy [ˈdepjuti] n. 代理人,副手,副职;代表,议员;(美国协助地方治安官办案的)警官;adj. 副的,代理的;

□ peninsula [pəˈnɪnsjələ] n. 半岛;


□ anthology [ænˈθɒlədʒi] n. (诗、文、曲、画等的)选集;

□ flick [flɪk] n. 弹开;快速的轻打;轻打声;飞快翻阅;电影(非正式);v. 轻弹;忽然摇动;轻轻拂去;用(鞭)抽打;

□ lucrative [ˈluːkrətɪv] adj. 获利多的,赚大钱的;

□ making [ˈmeɪkɪŋ] n. 制作,生产;素质,潜在能力;材料,原料;使……成功的因素;(自己动手卷烟用)纸和烟叶;v. 使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造(make 的现在分词形式);

□ prestigious [preˈstɪdʒəs] adj. 有威望的,有声望的;

□ sluggish [ˈslʌɡɪʃ] adj. 萧条的;迟钝的;行动迟缓的;懒惰的;n. 市况呆滞;市势疲弱;


□ appealing [əˈpiːlɪŋ] adj. 吸引人的;动人的;引起兴趣的;恳求似的;vi. 呼吁,恳求;对……有吸引力,有感染力;启发,劝说,打动(appeal 的现在分词);vt. 上诉,申诉,诉请裁决(appeal 的现在分词);

□ epic [ˈepɪk] n. (讲述英雄冒险经历的)叙事诗,史诗;史诗般的书籍(或电影等);壮举,惊人之举;特别耗时费力的事(或活动);adj. 史诗般的;漫长而艰难的;宏大的,壮丽的;

□ revival [rɪˈvaɪvl] n. 复兴,复苏;再流行;(旧剧的)重新上演;(复兴基督教信仰的)奋兴布道会;(体力或活力的)重振;

□ unprecedented [ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd] adj. 前所未有的,史无前例的;(大小、数量、程度等)前所未知的,空前的;


□ domestical adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的 (domestic的变形);

□ insider [ɪnˈsaɪdə(r)] n. 内部的人,知情人;

□ commenter [ˈkɒmentə(r)] n. 批评家;评论家;

□ rebound [rɪˈbaʊnd] v. (球或其他运动物体)弹回,反弹;(价格、价值等下跌后)回升,反弹;复发;v. 重新装订(rebind 的过去式和过去分词);

□ eponymous [ɪˈpɒnɪməs] adj. (书、戏剧等中的人物)与作品同名的;以……的名字命名的;

□ weeklong ['wiːklɒŋ] adj. 持续一星期的;为时一周的;

□ screening [ˈskriːnɪŋ] n. 筛选;放映;[物] 屏蔽;审查;防波;v. 筛选;拍摄(screen的ing形式);遮蔽;隔挡;adj. 筛选的;

□ blockbuster [ˈblɒkbʌstə(r)] n. 轰动;巨型炸弹;一鸣惊人者;

□ netizen [ˈnetɪzn] n. 泛指一般的网民;

□ aggregator [ˈæɡrɪɡeɪtə(r)] n. 聚合器,整合者;汇集者,聚合;

□ estimation [ˌestɪˈmeɪʃn] n. 估计,估算;判断,评价;尊重,尊敬;

□ analyst [ˈænəlɪst] n. 分析者;精神分析医师;分解者;

□ changjin n. 长津(朝鲜地名);
