




七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I'm watching TV.复习


man (n.男人;人)----(复数)men

America (n,美国) ----(adj.美国的;n.美国人)American

Child (n.儿童)----(复数)children


read a newspaper看报纸

talk on the phone通过电话交谈,

make soup做汤

go to the movies去电影院

eat out 出去吃饭

drink tea喝茶

make dinner做晚饭

make zongzi包粽子

Dragon Boat Festival端午节

host family 寄宿家庭

talk show脱口秀

living room客厅

listen to...听....

use the computer使用电脑

wash the dishes洗餐具

swim in a pool 在游泳池里游泳

read a story (to sb.)读故事(给某人听)

a picture of….-张……的照片

would love/like to do sth愿意做某事

any other+可数名词单数:其他任何一个…

wish to do sth:希望做某事

study for a/an….test为……考试而学习


1.This is Jenny.我是珍妮。

22.一 Do you want to join me for dinner?你想跟我一起吃晚饭吗?

--Yeah. I’d love to.是的,我很.乐意。

3.What areyou doing? 你正在干什么?

I’m watching TV.我正在看电视。

4.—What’s she doing?她正在做什么?

--She’s washing her clothes.她正在洗她的衣服。

5.--Are you doing your homework?你正在做你的家庭作业吗?

--Yes, I am./No , I’m not. I’m cleaning my room.


6.Is he reading a newspaper?他正在看报纸吗?

Yes, he is./No , he isn’t. He’s playing basketball.是的,他在看。/不,他没有。他正在打篮球。

7.He’s living with an American family in New York.在纽约他正和一个美国家庭一起生活。.

6. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom's delicious zongzi


四、本段元地语法和重点知识点 1.wish to do sth希望做某事

WeiHua wishes to buy a new pen.魏华希望买只新的钢笔。


①I am writing a letter.我正在写信。

②He is watching TV now.现在他正在看电视。

③They are reading.他们正在读书。


We are working on a farm these days.这些天我们在农场干活。

I am writing a book this month.这个月我正在写一本书。

3)下列动词come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等现在进行时可以表示将来。例 如:I'm leaving tomorrow. 明天我要走了。

Are you staying here till next week? 你会在这儿呆到下周吗?

现在进行时的标志词:now,these days,look,listen 。例如:

①He is playing basketball now.现在他正在打篮球。

②The students are helping the farmers these days.这些天学生们正在帮助农民。

③Look!They are dancing in the classroom.看!他们正在教室里跳舞。

现在进行时的形式:be 动词的现在分词(即动词加ing)


1.Jim ___________(take) photos now.

2.Bob ___________(not play) soccer ,he_________ (watch) TV.

3. they___________ (read) English now ? No,they ___________(do) their homework .

4.Don't talk!My brothers___________ (sleep).

5.Look!That girl ___________(clean) her room.

6sten!Linda ___________ (sing) songs in her room.

7.What ___________he ___________(do) now ? He___________ (cook) dinner at home.
