An exterior view of Deng Shiru's former residence
If you drive to Bailin Village in Wuheng Township that is about 25kilometers away from the outskirts of Anqing City, you will see in a littlebit more than half an hour the Dengs House, which is called TieyanShanfang, the former residence of Deng Shiru, who was a mastercalligrapher in the Qing Dynasty.
Tieyan Shanfang, literally known as "IronInkstone Mountain House", is of antiquebeauty with a long history. From this houseof the Deng family came quite a few famedpeople, especially Deng Shiru and DengJiaxian, whom people know best. Therefore,some times this house is referred to as theFormer Residence of Two Dengs.
That is a place surrounded by mountains and waters–the rolling mountains are impressive and green in all seasons and the limpid waters amazing and fascinating with nice ripples. Deng Shiru had a seal engraved with "Home in an auspicious place" (literally home in a place between the mountain of dragon and the river of phoenix), which shows his deep love for his hometown.
邓石如,又号“完白山人”, 清代书法家、篆刻家,邓派的创始人。他是布衣出身,但骨子里却有家国情怀。他一生廉洁,不愿随波逐流,在艺术上,他兼收并蓄,自成一家,为后人所景仰。
A portrait of Deng Shiru
Deng Shiru, a famous calligrapher and seal carver in theQing Dynasty and the founder of the Deng School, wasacclaimed as "the first calligrapher commanding four styles"at his time; Deng Jiaxian, the 6th generation grandson ofDeng Shiru and one of the founders of China's theoreticalresearch on nuclear weapons, is honored as a hero in thedevelopment of A-bomb and H-bomb.
An interior view of Tieyan Shanfang
Deng Shiru declined official career and pursued for pure art all hislife. In the 59th year under the reign of Emperor Qianlong in theQing Dynasty (1794 AD), he had a house built for his later years inseclusion. The house he named Tieyan Shanfang was the place heread, wrote, carved and taught his offspring. When he was tired, hewould take a walk nearby in the natural surroundings.
Deng Shiru Stele Museum
The stele corridor in Deng Shiru Stele Museum
Yanyuju, the third row of Deng Shiru's formerresidence
The residence is now used to display the achievements of his family. Deng Chuanmi, his son, was also a calligrapher and scholar, Deng Shenghou, his great-grandson, was a literary artist who once served as director-general of the education department of Anhui governor's office; Deng Yizhe, his fifth-generation grandson and also Deng Jiaxian's father, was a modern aesthetician, art historian and educationist.
铁砚山房让我们明白,一个人的成长,离不开家庭的环境熏陶,家风家训是深入人心的无形力量,它影响着个人、 家庭和家族的延续与发展。
A photo of Deng Jiaxian
The back row of the rooms in the residence is an exhibition hall dedicated to Deng Jiaxianwhere his research manuscripts, letters from Dr. Chen-Ning Yang and many other preciousmaterials are displayed, showcasing Deng Jiaxian's childhood and life, as well as his lifelong contributions to the national defense science and technology construction he madeunder harsh difficult conditions.
"Be loyal and honest with the mission in heart" is the spirit of theDeng family that has been inherited for so many generations. Theexhibits in Tieyan Shanfang make us better understand that familytraditions and instructions are invisible forces deeply rooted in thehearts of people and influence the continuation and development ofindividuals, families and clans.
图片:汪映成 许萍 陈智
编辑:张倩莹 周宇鑫(实习生)
审核:刘冬梅 孙婷