Word of the Day : November 16, 2021facetious,我来为大家科普一下关于眨眼的搞笑?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Word of the Day : November 16, 2021



adjective fuh-SEE-shuss

What It Means

Facetious means "joking often inappropriately" or "meant to be humorous or funny." It usually describes something said or done as being annoying, silly, or improper.

Facetious 的意思是“经常不恰当地开玩笑”或“幽默或有趣”。它通常用来形容说的话或做的事令人讨厌、愚蠢或不恰当。


I was just being facetious.


"Forget the license to kill. James Bond fanatics carry a license to argue about everything. Who's the best Bond? Well, Connery. Obviously. But Daniel Craig's a close second, many believe. And the other screen Bonds have their admirers, despite the lesser movies' unevenness or facetious gadgetry." — Michael Phillips, The Chicago Tribune, 8 Oct. 2021

Did You Know?

Facetious—which puzzle fans know is one of the few English words containing the vowels "a, e, i, o, u" in order—comes from French facetieux, which traces to the Latin word facētia, meaning "cleverness or wit." In English, facetiae refers to "witty or humorous writings or sayings."

Facetious——解谜的爱好者知道它是少数包含元音“a、e、i、o、u”的英文单词之一——来自法语 facetieux,可追溯到拉丁词 facētia,意思是“cleverness or wit「聪明或机智」”。 在英语中,facetiae 指的是“ "witty or humorous writings or sayings「诙谐、幽默的文字或谚语」”。


Fill in the blanks to complete an adjective meaning "deserving to be laughed at": r _ _ ib _ _.

