
今日北美知名记者Travis Gafford发布了LPL众人对欧美赛区评价的视频,引发Reddit网友讨论。标题为:We asked LPL casters, players, coaches, and fans what they really thought of LCS and LEC! (trash talk ft. Candice, Weixiao, PDD, the LPL casters, and more)

我们采访了LPL的解说,队员,教练和粉丝们,看看他们对LCS和LEC的真正想法 (垃圾话环节:余霜,微笑,PDD,LPL解说等)

[–]xChami 57 points 7 hours ago

Alright guys Western leagues are more "comfortable"


[–]MarquisOfThorns 34 points 6 hours ago

That was both hilarious and felt so Chinese at the same time.


[–]fjstadler 12 points 5 hours ago

Laidback or casual is a better localization, and I'm inclined to agree. We've got way more streaming persoNAlities.


[–]TurbinePro 6 hours ago

it means nalcs is free lol

Edit: I'm actually not saying this to flame, "comfortable" means "winning comfortably" in that context



[–]redditexcuse 9 minutes ago

Lpl players dont really have free time, so they are quite envious when they see LCS player's pro life


[–]Xonra 4 hours ago

They basically don't have lives. There is a reason like 22 year olds in China have terrible wrist problems. It's to the point UZI has to sit out scrims and practices these days cause of how bad his are and is likely to have legit problems the rest of his life cause of the continued stress on terrible wrists.


[–]Garnetus 37 points 7 hours ago

For Doinb it's like wake up 7:00, streaming at 8:00, end the stream and eat around 12:00, Scriming at 13:00, come back to streaming around 20:00, go to bed at 2:00, repeat. 6/7 days a week(except game day) Everyday, because he streams everyday. And he plays mostly on KR Challenger 1000 points...


[–]Dblg99 49 points 6 hours ago

That sounds incredibly unhealthy


[–]Garnetus 18 points 5 hours ago

Yeah that's what the chat says during his stream and he would just "hahahaha" and thats it. He would even go out and say 3 hrs sleep is better.... only god knows how he functions.


[–]mgo35 11 points 4 hours ago

Tell that to Kobe Bryant lol


[–]Weird_Wuss 3 hours ago

its so wild that i live in the us but pretty much any time i go on douyu doinb is online lmao god bless 金咕咕


[–]Linko_98 5 hours ago

I have been following his streams before worlds and he was playing until 2/3am but he started to stream at 9/10pm and didnt stream on morning. Maybe sometimes when he had to play with random girls because FPX are the sponsors for the play with girls app


[–]calibraka 223 points 7 hours ago

Candice looks like female KKoma lol


[–]Deathberry23 4 hours ago

I see Candice and I click :)

