



不及物动词vi。如:appear。A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.

The sun appeared on the horizon.

及物动词vt。如eat。Tigers eat meat. To eat the milk.

及物动词后面可以加宾语。主动语态:I eat meat. 被动语态: The meat is eaten by me.

不及物动词后面不可以加宾语,没有被动语态。主动语态:I appear.

主动变被动:Be动词(根据10种时态变化,与原句时态一致) 过去分词。原句的宾语作主语,而原句的主语在被动语态中省略,或前面加上介词by做状语。


被动语态:I was beaten (by somebody).主动语态:Somebody beat me.

一般态:现在,Our ciavichord is kept in the living-room.

过去,The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.

将来,The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years’ time.


The work must be finished in one way or another.无论如何

This passage may be given several interpretations.

进行态:be动词 being 过去分词,be动词的时态和原句保持一致。

I am being a doctor.过去和将来不确定,仅表示现在。

现在:It is being repaired by a friend of my father’s.主动:A friend of my father’s is repairing it.

过去:I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time. 主动:Somebody was testing me for a driving lecence for the third time.

将来:He will be being examined when we get there. 主动:Somebody will be examining him when we get there.

完成态:have/has/had been 过去分词。

现在完成时:The fantastic modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. 主动:Kurt Gunter has designed the fantastic modern buildings.

过去完成时:I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully.主动:Somebody had asked me to drive in heavy traffic.

Bluebird, the car he was driving ,had been specially built for him.主动:Somebody had specially built Bluebird, the car he was driving for him.

将来完成时:Your character will have been completed by the time your life comes to an end.



1、 为了突出受动者(主动语态中的宾语)。

A hero is distinguished in difficult circumstances.

A liar is not believed when he tells the truth.主动:People do not believe a liar when he tells the truth.

2、 施动者(主动语态的主语)不明确或不必指明时。

Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island.

Once a year, a race is held for old cars.


1、 欧元在大部分欧洲国家都被使用。The euro is used in most of European countries.

2、 这些电脑是在台湾制造的。These computers were manafactured in Taiwan.

3、 2012年的奥运会将在伦敦举行。The 2012 Olympic Games will be hold in London.

4、 一名应聘者正被我们的人事经理面试着。An applicant is being interviewed by our personnel manager.

5、 那栋旧大楼已被拆除(tear down)。That old building has been torn down.

6、 我们办公室的房间都是每天打扫的。Our office rooms are cleaned every day.

7、 汤姆昨天被一只狗咬到,所幸无大碍。Tom was bitten by a dog yesterday, fortunately, it was nothing serious.

8、 因为经济不景气(the economic recession),大约5000名员工将被裁员(lay off)。Because of the economic recession, about 5000 employees will be laid off.

9、 六个人被困在矿井里已有17个小时了。Six persons have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours.

10、这场地震结束的时候有多少建筑被毁坏了? How many buildings had been destroyed when the earthquake ended.

第四大句型,其实就是让某人作某事。My mother made me wash the car.

宾语和宾补之间的关系是被动语态。He made this task be finished. He get this task to be finished.

宾补中,出现be或to be,通常要省略。所以,He made this task finished.

英语中还有什么时候会出现be动词呢? Be 过去分词、名词、形容词、地点副词。

使役动词 宾语 过去分词(补语)。Now a group of students will have the plane restored.

Officials have the clock checked twice a day.

使役动词也可以加名词、形容词或地点副词等作补语,其原因是前面省略了不定式be或to be。使役动词 宾语 名词、形容词、地点副词

His teacher made him a good student.

The trip made him happy. He let me in.

Get him out of here. 介词短语相当于地点副词。


The postman wanted me to sign for a letter.

Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold.

Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heave food sacks.

My dentist had told me to rest for a while.

My old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette.

知觉动词(5看2听1感觉)see/observe/watch/look at/notice, hear/listen to, fell.

表事实:此类动词 宾语 动词原形(补语),译为……了

I saw him dance. I heard him sing.

表进行状态:此类动词 宾语 现在分词(补语),译为……正在……

Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead.

The pilot saw one of the men taking photographs.

表被动状态:此类动词 宾语 过去分词(补语),译为……被……

I saw him killed.

认定动词:视……为……,认为……是……,动词 宾语 介词as 名词/形容词(补语)。如:regard、look upon、think of、see、view。

In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero.

His students all look upon him as a friend.

They think of themselves as the salt of the earth.他们自认为是社会中坚。

I’d like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone.无核区

We view every customer as a partner.

动词宾语 (to be) 名词/形容词(补语)。注意:to be可省略。consider、deem、think、find、believe。

He is finding his new work far more exciting.

I found his advice really useful.

People think this problem determination.解决

转变动词:change、turn,使……变成……,此2动词 宾语 into 名词(补语)。

I need to change my dollars into francs.

The experience turned him into a good student.

其他:call/name 宾语 名词(补语)。

Do you call that a hat?你把那个叫帽子吗?

You can name your pet dog doctor.


A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry my old bookcases up the stairs.


1、 店员看见这个衣着很好的妇女正在偷东西。The shop assistant saw the well-dressed woman stealing something.

2、 你能帮我洗衣服吗?Can you help me to wash clothes?

3、 作为老师,你应该鼓励你的学生努力学习。As a teacher, you should encourage your students to study hard.

4、 父母不应该期望他们的孩子做任何事都成功。The parents shouldn’t expect their children to succeed in doing everything.

5、 你应该命令这个计划在一个月内完成。You should order the plan finished within a month.

6、 我发现我们的老师被警察逮捕了。We found our teacher arrested by policeman.

7、 工人们明天将把墙刷成绿色。The workers will paint the wall green tomorrow.

8、 女主人邀请我们进去。The hostess invested us in.

9、 我们认为这个男人处于危险中。We considered the man in danger.

10、大部分人把他当作英雄。Most of people regarded him as a hero.


My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends.

I bought a book for him. I asked a question of him.

这些授予动词与of连用。Rob抢夺、deprive剥夺、cure治愈、relieve减轻 。

He robbed me of my money. 中式思维容易说成He robbed my money.这是错的

This low will deprive us of our most basic right.

I continually have to remind him of his responsibilities.我得一再提醒他记住他的责任。


He provided me with a lot of money.

The school doesn’t furnish students with lunch.

The present conflict may provide fresh impetus for peace talk.目前的冲突可能会给和谈提供新的动力。

The present conflict may provide peace talk with fresh impetus.

The gas station usually supplies its nearby communities with gas.

We supply power to the three nearby towns.


1、 这个著名的流行歌手给我们演唱了一首流行歌曲。The famous singer sang a popular song for us. (sang us a popular song)

2、 这座新桥带给当地人极大的方便。The new bridge brings the local people the great convenience.

3、 你不能剥夺她的权利。You can’t deprive her of her rights.

4、 这张照片使我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。This photo reminds me of the days which spent in the summer camp.

第四大句型:主语 不完全及物动词 宾语 宾补变成被动语态时,原句的宾语补语,在被动语态中的名称为主语补语。

My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it.

The Games will be held just outside the capital and the whole area will be called ‘Olympic city’.

The man was ordered to pay 3,545RMB for the cost of the trip.


They made me repeat the story. 被动:I was made to repeat the story.

I saw him dance. 被动:He was seen to dance.

第五大句型变成被动语态时,两个宾语都可以成为被动句的主语,但由于间接宾语是人,通常变成主语。I give him a book.

He was given a book by me. =A book was given to him by me.
