李娜出演网球王子了吗 李娜出演网球王子(1)

2017年9月20日 第二十七期

李娜出演网球王子了吗 李娜出演网球王子(2)

李娜出演网球王子了吗 李娜出演网球王子(3)

李娜 IMG 旗下网球巨星李娜和其丈夫姜山已确认参演由腾讯出品的电视剧《网球王子》。剧中,李娜和姜山将担任“特别出演”及技术顾问,该剧将在2018年春天于湖南卫视播出。

Li NaIMG Tennis legend Li Na and her husband Jiang Shan have confirmed to play the coaches' role in the TV series "Prince of Tennis" produced by Tencent. The participation of Li Na and Jiang Shan will be the highlight of this TV series, which will air on Hu Nan TV Satellite Channel in spring 2018.

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高尔夫客户 在11月17日落幕的依云锦标赛中,IMG 球员、“中国一姐”冯珊珊最终以206杆,低于标准杆7杆的成绩夺得并列第六,这是她本赛季在大满贯比赛中第三次夺得前十。IMG 球员刘钰在 LPGA 二级赛赛美特拉巡回赛中,以四轮成绩73-68-67,总成绩208杆,低于标准杆11杆的成绩最终获得单独第四名。目前,刘钰在此巡回赛中以当前奖金59,313美元排名奖金榜第八名。

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僵尸兄弟 WME 客户、著名导演大卫·桑德伯格以及编剧马特·利伯曼将与腾讯及查宁·塔图姆联手,共同打造电影《僵尸兄弟》。该项目由腾讯漫画的国产漫画力作改编,在中国已改编成热门动画及舞台剧。

Zombie BrothersWME clients, famous director David Sandberg and screenwriter Matt Lieberman, will work with Tencent and Channing Tatum on the project "Zombie Brothers." The project is an adaptation of the top title on Tencent's digital comics platform and has already been adapted in China as a hit animated series and stage play.

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汇丰青少年 2017汇丰全国青少年高尔夫冠军赛总决赛在上海林克司乡村俱乐部圆满落幕,10个组别的冠军尘埃落定。14岁的北京少年刘雨琦在男子 A 组的比赛中,反超前两轮领先的王鑫兴,勇夺第三个汇丰青少年总决赛冠军。此外,女子 C 组选手安彤表现突出,打出全场最低杆68杆(-4),以九杆优势胜出,并获得女子 MVP 大奖。男子 MVP 则由 C 组选手徐李润泽获得。至此,2017年汇丰全国青少年高尔夫冠军赛圆满结束,在总决赛中取得优异成绩的四位选手将代表汇丰青少年参加世锦赛-汇丰冠军赛17洞配对赛。

HSBC Junior The HSBC National Junior Golf Championship Final completed at Shanghai Links Country Club. Ten junior players were named the champions of 10 age groups, including Liu Yuqi (Boys Group A), who caught up with Wang Xinxing (Boys Group A) and won his third championship. An Tong (Girls Group C) finished with 68 (-4), the best score of the final round, which made her the champion of Girls Group C as well as won her the title of MVP. Another MVP title went to Xu Lirunze (Boys Group C). Thus, 2017 HSBC National Junior Golf Championships was brought to a successful close. Four champions from the Final will attend the WGC-HSBC Champions 17th Hole Pro-Am representing HSBC Juniors.

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UFC 首届由 UFC 和新浪体育联合举办的“中国 UFC 举牌女郎选举”圆满帷幕。通过一个多月的层层选拔,潘笑和王晶晶两位佳丽最终脱颖而出,成为中国首次诞生的两位 UFC 举牌女郎,在“UFC 格斗之夜:上海”她们将向世界展示属于中国的美。

UFC After months of selections, the first "Chinese UFC Octagon Girl Election" held by UFC and Sina Sports has successfully come to an end. Pan Xiao and Wang Jingjing became the first two Chinese UFC Octagon girls, who will show in UFC Fight Night Shanghai representing the beauty of China.

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多伦多电影节 在过去几个星期的多伦多电影节中,我们完成了多部电影的交易,包括将 WME 巨星杰森·克拉科出演的电影《查帕奎迪克》的北美发行卖给 Entertainment Studios;将艾伦·佩姬主演并联合制作的电影《治愈》售给 IFC Films;以及 Netflix 买下了由客户金·凯瑞主演的作品《吉米与安迪》以及由 Gotham 集团和 21 LAPS 制作的《柯达》。

TIFFWe closed several deals at TIFF throughout the past week: "Chappaquiddick," starring WME client Jason Clarke, sold to Entertainment Studios for a North American release; "The Cured," starring and co-produced by Ellen Page, sold to IFC Films; and Netflix bought "Jim & Andy," starring client Jim Carrey, and "Kodachrome," produced by The Gotham Group and 21 LAPS.

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创意艾美奖 25位 WME 客户捧得本届创意艾美奖,获奖作品包括《第十三修正案》、《开心汉堡店》、《恶搞之家》、《LA 92》、《上周今夜秀》、《鲨鱼池》、《怪奇物语》以及《西部世界》等。

Creative Arts EmmysTwenty-five clients took home Creative Arts Emmys for work on programs including "13th," "Bob's Burgers," "Family Guy," "LA 92," "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," "Shark Tank," "Stranger Things," and "Westworld."

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纽约时装周 刚刚圆满落幕的本季纽约时装周一共呈现了88场秀,总计超过10万的客人参观了我们的 NYFW: The Shows 以及 NYFW: First Stage,两个秀场汇聚了包括 Jermy Scott、Marchesa、Prabal Gurung、Anna Sui 等世界顶尖设计师。此外,时装周的亮点还包含 Art Commerce 的20周年展览、我们与联合国儿童基金会合作的纽约时装周快闪店、与锐步联手推出的免费健身课以及宣布 NYFW: The Show 的最新场地 Spring Studios。

NYFWWe brought New York Fashion Week to life again this season with a total of 88 shows across our footprint. All in all, more than 100,000 guests visited our NYFW: The Shows and NYFW: First Stage venues, which featured leading designers including Jermy Scott, Marchesa, Prabal Gurung, Anna Sui and more. Additional highlights included Art Commerce's 30th anniversary exhibition, designer t-shirts benefiting UNICEF at The Shop @ NYFW, a partnership with Reebok offering free workout classes and an announcement that Spring Studios will become the new home of NYFW: The Shows.

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Coming Soon

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