

绘本the kid(跟孩子一起读绘本The)(1)

Jimmy is crying. He doesn't want to get his hair cut. He is afraid


It is his first time going to a barber. He does not l ike the sounds in a barber shop. There are many strange smells too.


Mr. Howard, the barber, smiles. "Hello Jimmy,"he says."So, this is your first haircut? I will take good care of you.


绘本the kid(跟孩子一起读绘本The)(2)

He begins to cut. Jimmy closes his eyes. "Please don't cut my ear! ”he cries.


As he works, the barber talks to Jimmy. "Do you know that people who have red hair like you have only 90,000 hairs on their head? People who have black hair have more than 110,000 hairs."


"Hmmm, that is interesting," thinks Jimmy.


"The average hair lives about five and a half years, And we lose about 100 hair a day," says Mr. Howard.


绘本the kid(跟孩子一起读绘本The)(3)

Jimmy likes the barber. In no time at all, the barber says. "You can open your eyes now." Jimmy cannot believe it. It didn't hurt. It was fun. And, he learned something interesting about hair.

