


1. The competitors are moving onto their ___.参赛者正走向起跑线。

2. Could you explain that again? I’m a bit ___ off the Mark today.你能再解释一次吗?我今天反应有点迟钝。

3. You’ll have to be ___ off the mark with that job application – I bet loads of people are interested.你得赶快申请那份工作 – 我打赌许多人都对它感兴趣。

4. A long-range missile requires a highly sophisticated guidance system to be sure of ___ its mark.远程导弹要求高度精密的制导系统,以确保击中目标。

5. I’d like to give this bottle of wine as a mark of ___ for all the work you’ve done for us.我谨以这杯酒表示谢意,感谢你为我们所做的一切。

6. The opening of new factory is yet another mark of our ___ success.新工厂的开办是我们连续胜利的又一标志。

7. The signing of the ___ marked a major milestone on the road to European Union.协议的签署是通向欧盟之路上的一座重要里程碑。

8. I can’t get these marks ___ of my T-shirt.我无法把T恤衫上的这些污迹去掉。

9. His feet ___ dirty marks all over the floor.他的脚踩得地板上到处都是污迹。

10. The ___ marks were over 30 feet long.打滑痕迹有三十多英尺长。

11. There is a ___ mark on the kitchen table.厨房餐桌上有一块烧痕。

12. There were ___ marks all over the victim’s body.被害人身上到处是抓痕。

13. The kitten is mainly white with black ___ on her back.小猫身体基本为白色,背上有黑色斑点。

14. What do these strange marks at the ___ mean?顶端那些奇怪的记号是什么意思?

15. Make a mark at the ___ of the page.在页末做个记号。

16. The temperature is not expected to ___ the 20 degree mark in the next few days.在未来几天里,气温预计不会超过20度。

17. In 1976 unemployment in Britain ___ the one million mark.1976年英国失业人数突破了一百万大关。

18. The highest ___ is a B .最高分是B 。

19. Her marks have been a lot ___ this term.她这学期的成绩差多了。

20. She always gets ___ marks.她成绩一直很好。

21. The ___ mark was 75%.及格分数为75分。

22. I have to ___ you top marks for determination.我得给你的决心打满分。

23. Parents gave the ___ high marks.家长很满意这套装备。

24. He got ___ marks as transportation chief.他作为交通部长得分不高。

25. It took him only two games to make his ___.只打两场比赛他就出名了。

26. He ___ his mark as a pianist in the 1920s.他于二十世纪二十年代成为著名的钢琴家。

27. He has ___ his mark on baseball history.他在棒球史上留下了大名。

28. Singers like Franklin and Redding helped gospel music make its ___ on popular culture.富兰克林和雷丁这样的歌手使福音音乐对流行文化产生了持久的影响。

29. Growing up during the war had left its mark ___ her.战争中的成长经历在她身上留下了烙印。

30. Our cost ___ was way off the mark.我们的成本估算偏差非常大。


31. His next guess was ___ to the mark.接下来的这次他猜得更准确一些。

32. The ability to ___ well under pressure is the mark of a true champion.在压力下仍表现良好才是真正冠军的品质。

33. The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of ___ for his years of service.牌匾授予格兰特是对他多年来服务的认可。

34. There was a two-minute ___ as a mark of respect for the dead.为死者默哀了两分钟以示敬意。

35. Cook for 40 minutes ___ gas mark 6.把煤气开到六档煮40分钟。

36. Although it contains a certain amount of truth, this theory ultimately ___ the mark.这个理论虽然有一定的道理,但从根本上来说还是没有说透彻。

37. You’ll have to be quick off the mark if you want to find a job ___ here.如果你想在这儿找到工作,动作就得快。

38. Her work just isn’t ___ to the mark.她的工作根本不达标。

39. I’m not feeling quite up to the ___ today.我今天感到不太舒服。

40. His face wore the marks of many ___.他的脸上有屡次执行任务留下的疤痕。

41. His speech ___ all the marks of his military background.他的演讲带有明显的军人印记。

42. This is an expensive ___ of camera.这是一种昂贵的照相机品牌。

43. The ___ of the tree had made black marks on her trousers.树皮在他裤子上留下了黑色的污迹。

44. I’d like everyone to mark their progress on the ___ every week.我希望每人每周在表上记录进展情况。

45. This X marks the spot where the ___ is buried.这个X标记了藏宝地点。

46. I’ve already sent Paul an invitation, but I forgot to mark him ___ on the list.我给保罗寄了请帖,但忘了将他名字从名单上划去。

47. The police marked ___ the area where the body was found.警方用线隔离出发现尸体的地方。

48. The digging will seem easier if you divide up the garden by marking out small ___ with your spade.如果你用铁锹将花园分割成小块,挖起来就会觉得容易些。

49. The piles of tattered and ___ blankets marked out the living space of each family group.几堆破烂不堪、污渍斑斑的毛毯分割出每家的生活空间。

50. I can’t speak a ___ of French so I’m marked out as a foreigner as soon as I arrive in France.我不会说法语,所以一到法国就被看出是外国人。

51. Having children often prevents women who’ve been marked out as ___-fliers reaching their potential.那些被认为可能取得巨大成就的女性常因生养孩子而影响了其潜能的发挥。

52. Make sure you don’t mark the ___ while you’re moving the furniture around.搬家具时别碰坏了油漆。

53. The man’s body was marked with blows from a ___ weapon.那人的尸体上有钝器敲击的痕迹。

54. I’ve marked the pages you need to ___ at.我把你需要看的几页做了记号。

55. When you’re done, put your ___ in the envelope marked with your name.做完后将纸放进写有你名字的信封里。

56. Peter marked his name ___ the first page.彼得在第一页上写下他的名字。

57. He handed me a document marked ‘___’.他递给我一份标有“机密”字样的文件。

58. Any student who is more than 20 minutes late for class will be marked ___.上课迟到二十分钟以上的学生都将被记为缺席。

59. All school uniform should be clearly ___ with the child’s name.所有校服都应该清晰地标明学生的名字。

60. Take off your shoes so you don’t ___ the floor.把鞋脱掉,免得弄脏地板。

61. The disease had marked her face ___ life.这场疾病在她脸上留下了终身的疤痕。

62. The table ___ easily, so please be careful.这桌子很容易留下印痕,所以请小心点。

63. Carter’s 90th birthday will be marked with a ___ party at Savoy Hotel.卡特九十岁生日将在萨沃伊酒店举办盛宴庆祝。


64. Mrs Lawson was presented with a gold watch to mark the ___.劳森太太被赠予一块金表作为纪念。

65. A simple ___ cross marked her grave.一个简单的木十字架标出了她坟墓的位置。

66. He had marked the ___ on the map in red.他用红色在地图上标出了路线。

67. Troops ___ were marked with colored pins.军队阵地用彩色大头针标出。

68. She placed a ___ between the pages to mark her place.她在书中夹了一个书签标记阅读的位置。

69. This week marks the 250th anniversary of the ___ of Joseph Priestley.本周是约瑟夫·普利斯特利诞辰250周年。

70. Her latest novel marks a ___ point in her development as a writer.她的这部最新小说是她作为作家在成长过程中的一个转折点。

71. The move seemed to mark a ___ change in government policy.这一行动标志着政府政策的重大改变。

72. These elections mark the end of an ___.这些选举标志着一个时代的结束。

73. The villages of East Anglia are marked by beautiful churches ___ fine towers.东英吉利亚的村庄有个特点,就是教堂很漂亮,都有精美的塔楼。

74. I’ve got a ___ of exam papers to mark.我有一大堆考卷要批改。

75. I was just ___ time until a better job came up.我只是在混日子,等待有更好的工作出现。

76. They’re going to regret ___ me, you mark my words!他们会后悔解雇我的,你记住我的话!

77. Her uncle’s just given her a car – given, mark you, not ___.她叔叔刚送给她一辆汽车。你听好了,是送给她,不是借给她。

78. Mark ___ everything you eat on your daily chart.在日记表上记下你吃的每样东西。

79. The teacher marked him down ___ absent.老师给他记了缺席。

80. Winter ___ have been marked down from $80 to $50.冬季外套从八十美元降到五十美元。

81. Students will be marked down for ___ to follow directions.学生如果不按指示去做,得到的分数就会很低。

82. When I first saw Gilbert play I marked him down ___ a future England player.我第一次看到吉尔伯特踢球时,就认定他将会成为英格兰队的队员。

83. The competitors’ ___ had been marked off with cones.比赛场地已经用圆锥筒分隔出来了。

84. Mark off each of the names on the ___ as I call them out.我每叫到一个名字你就在名单上标个记号。

85. Sara’s natural ___ for languages marked her off from the other students.萨拉的语言天赋使得她在学生中非常突出。

86. A volleyball ___ had been marked out on the grass.在草地上画好了一个排球场。

87. His stunning victory marked him ___ as the very best horse of his era.那场精彩的胜利使它脱颖而出,成为那个时代最优秀的马匹。

88. She seemed marked out for ___.她似乎胜券在握。

89. Compact disc may be marked ___ as much as 80%.光盘价格可能会标高多达80%。

90. I have to ___ up the pages and send them back to the printer.我必须在各页上标注好说明,然后送回印刷厂。

91. The patient showed a ___ improvement in her condition after changing medication.换药治疗后病人病情明显好转。

92. Miller’s organized desk stood in marked ___ to the rest of the office.米勒的桌子整理得井井有条,和办事的其他桌子形成明显的对比。

93. Johnson and Rivera have markedly different leadership ___.约翰逊和里韦拉的领导风格迥然不同。

94. He buried the bodies in a ___ grave with a wooden cross as a marker.他把尸体都埋在一个坟墓里, 用一个木十字架作为标记。

95. There is a ___ spot on my shirt.我衬衫上有一块油渍。

96. It is common to find a wine ___ on the table cloth.在桌布上发现葡萄酒渍很正常。

97. There was a smudge of ___ on his cheek.他脸上有一个口红印。

98. He had a smudge of ___ on his jacket.他的夹克上有一处粉笔印。

99. The table had a ___ of paint on the tap.桌面上有一块油漆印迹。

100. The glass was a covered with ___ fingerprints.玻璃杯上满是油腻腻的手指印。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 marks 2 slow 3 quick 4 hitting 5 appreciation 6 continuing 7 treaty 8 out 9 left 10 skid 11 burnt 12 scratch 13 marks 14 top 15 bottom 16 reach 17 passed 18 mark 19 lower 20 good 21 pass 22 give 23 kit 24 low 25 mark 26 made 27 left 28 marks 29 on 30 estimate 31 closer 32 perform 33 recognition 34 silence 35 at 36 misses 37 around 38 up 39 mark 40 missions 41 wore 42 mark 43 bark 44 chart 45 treasure 46 off 47 out 48 sections 49 stained 50 word 51 high 52 paintwork 53 blunt 54 look 55 sheet 56 on 57 confidential 58 absent 59 marked 60 mark 61 for 62 marks 63 large 64 occasion 65 wooden 66 route 67 positions 68 bookmark 69 birth 70 turning 71 major 72 era 73 with 74 pile 75 marking 76 firing 77 lent 78 down 79 as 80 coats 81 failing 82 as 83 arena 84 list 85 flair 86 court 87 out 88 success 89 up 90 mark 91 marked 92 contrast 93 styles 94 single 95 grease 96 stain 97 lipstick 98 chalk 99 smear 100 greasy
