
包豪斯通过应用广告从建筑到设计,到应用艺术的影响是普遍的。包豪斯最初是由著名建筑师沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius)于1919年创建的德国艺术学校。包豪斯的雄心是使美丽和功能性成为现实。在工业大规模生产的技术限制内的每个人。著名的画家,包括康定斯基和克利,以及杰出的建筑师和设计师,如密斯·凡·德·罗(Mies van der Rohe),马塞尔·布劳(Marcel Breuer)和莫霍洛·纳吉(Moholo-Nagy),都在学校任教,并为我们现在称之为设计的创作打下了烙印。借助这一灵感,尤其是它对建筑的影响,都彭创造了独特的打火机系列,这些打火机由黑色或黑色和红色的中国真漆制成,并镶有闪亮的铂金带,几何和图形设计象征着我们对艺术与技术结合的敬意。


The influence of the Bauhaus on the applied arts,from architecture to design,via advertising,is universal.The Bauhaus,began as a German art school created in 1919 by the famous architect Walter Gropius.Bauhaus's ambition was to make beauty and functionality available to everybody,within the technical constraints of industrial mass production.Renowned painters,including Kandinsky and klee,and brilliant architects and designers,such as Mies van der Rohe,Marcel Breuer and Moholo-Nagy,taught at the school and made their mark on the creation of what we now call design.Drawing on this inspiration,and ,more particularly,its impact on architecture,S.T.Dupont has created a unique collection of lighters made of real Chinese lacquer in black or black and red,set with bands of sparkling platinum.Like a building set,this contrasted,geometric and graphic design symbolises our homage to the union of art and technology.

