知识精讲:知识点一:字母C (36个),我来为大家科普一下关于2022中考英语高频词汇汇总?以下内容希望对你有帮助!




知识点一:字母C (36个)

【知识梳理1】call vt. 称呼 vt. 打电话 n. 电话

【短语】call sb. sth.

call sb. back 给某人回电话

give you a call 给你打一个电话

call on sb.拜访某人

call at s.p.拜访某地

【变形】called 叫作......


What do you call him? (疑问词不能用how) 你叫他什么?

a boy called Tom 一个叫Tom的男孩


例1:The Great Wall is about 6,300 kilometers long. It is often ______ “The Ten-thousand-Li Great Wall”.

A. calling B. call C. being called D. called

例2:The girl_____(call) Annie Frank had her diary published successfully.

例3:Someone _________ (call) the police,I think.You needn’t do that again.

答案:D; called;has called

【知识梳理2】calm adj. 平静的 n. 平静 v. 使平静

【短语】 keep/stay calm 保持镇静

calm down 平静下来

【变形】calmly adv. 平静地

【例句】I tried to stay calm and just ignore him.

【例题精讲】1.红色和白色是很好的搭配, 因为强烈的红平衡了平静的白。

Red and white______________________, as _________________________________

答案:is a good match; strong red can balance the calm white

【知识梳理3】cancel vt. 取消,终止

【变形】过去式:cancelled 过去分词:cancelled (注意过去式和分词要双写l ed)

【例句】Would you like to cancel the summer holiday?


例1:The plan he insisted on __________________ (cancel) at yesterday's meeting.

例2:.I don't know the competition of model planes________(cancel) the other day.

答案:was cancelled;was cancelled

【知识梳理4】capital n. 首都

【短语】the capital of ... ......的首都

【例句】Is Tokyo the capital of Japan?

【例题精讲】Beijing is the ________(首都) of China and there are many places of interest there.


【知识梳理5】care vi. 关心,关注 n. 关心

【变形】careful adj. 小心的,认真地 carefully adv. 认真地,仔细地

careless adj. 粗心的 carelessly adv. 粗心地

carelessness n. 粗心

【短语】 care about 关心,在意

care for =take care of/look after 照顾

take care of 照顾

【例句】 As we all know, a careless driver is always a danger to the public.


例1:Mike does his homework as __________ (care) as Jim. They always make a lot of mistakes.

例2:Many accidents happened because of people’s ________ (粗心).

例3: Mother was very angry because I wrote (care).

答案:carelessly; carelessness; carelessly

【知识梳理6】carry vt

【短语】carry on 继续开展,继续下去

carry out 开展,执行


Gina was carrying a small bunch of flowers. 吉娜拿着一小束花。

Angela carried the child in her arms. 安杰拉把小女孩抱在怀里。

Let me carry that for you. 让我帮你拿吧。


例1: The bag is ______ heavy for me ______.

A. so; to carry it B. too; to carry it C. too; to carry D. enough; to carry it


What _____________________________________ ?

例3:The strong postman put the heavy box full of letters on the ground and ________ (carry) it to the office.

例4:________ your mother often_______ (carry) your school bag for you last year? Yes, she did.

答案:C; else did you need to carry on with your operation?; carried; Did;carry

【知识梳理7】cause n. 原因;事业;目标 vt. 引起,导致

【短语】the cause of=the reason for ……的原因/起因

cause sth =lead to sth 导致某事

cause sb/sth to do sth 使某人去做某事

【例句】Smoking is the main cause of lung disease.

Bad weather has caused a lot of problems on the roads.

What caused you to change your mind?


例1:-Do you know what_______(cause) him to miss the important meeting? -Repairing a new machine.


【知识梳理8】centre n. 中央;中心 vi. 以…为中心

【变形】central adj. 中央的

【短语】 in the centre of 在.......中心 centre on 以......为中心

【例句】The hotel is right in the centre of the village.

Much of their work is centred on local development projects.


例1:This is the __________(center) task that we have to complete first.

例2: He used to live in London but now he is planning to live in the countryside.(centre)

答案:central; central

【知识梳理9】certain adj. 确定的 pron. 某些;某几个

【变形】certainly adv 必定;无疑 uncertain adj. 确定的;无疑的 uncertainly adv.不稳定的

【短语】It is certain that.... 确定的是

be certain of/about sth

be certain to do sth

make certain

【例句】I felt certain that I’d passed the test.


例1:______(无疑),you will be successful some day.


【知识梳理10】challenge n. 挑战(可数)

【变形】challenging adj. 有挑战性的

【短语】take on new challenges 承担新挑战

【知识梳理11】change vt. 改变 n. 改变(可数) n. 零钱(不可数)

【短语】change a lot 改变很多

changes in numbers 数量上的变化

change…into…= turn…into 把……变成

change one’s mind 改变……的主意

【例句】When I lost my keys, we had to change all the locks.

There was a change for the better in the patient’s condition.

Changzhou has changed a lot over the years.

Here’s your change.


例1:. __________ the area ___________(change) over the years?

例2: It is not wise of young people to _______ their jobs from time to time. (changeable)

例3:What?You are Jenny,my old friend?Why_______you_________(change)so much?You are so different from ten years ago.


I would rather ______________________________________________.

答案:Has;changed;to change; have; changed; keep silent than change my daily life in many ways

【知识梳理12】cheer vi. 欢呼

【变形】cheerful adj. 兴高采烈的 cheerless adj 无精打采的

【短语】cheer for 为……加油 cheer up 使……振奋

【例句】They cheered up when they saw us coming along.

Everybody cheered when the firemen arrived.


例1:Orange can ______ you ______ when you are feeling sad.

A.cheer, up B.cheer, on C.take, up D.take, on



答案:A; What will cheer him up when he gets into trouble?

【知识梳理13】choose vt. 选择


choice n. 选择(可数)

【短语】choose to do 选择做某事 被动语态:sb be chosen to do sth 某人被挑选去做某事

choose sb. as 选择某人担当……

have no choice but to do别无选择只能做某事


例1: 那时,我除了更好地安排时间别无选择。

I ________________________________________________________________________ at that time.

例2:Who do you think_______(choose)to announce the results of the awards if Andy is absent.

例3:When you have the __________ (选择)of being right or being kind, choose kind.

例4:I want to buy some presents for all my family, but I ________(not choose) any yet.

例5: Darunfa Supermarket has large __________ (choose) of all the things we need in everyday life, from tasty

答案:had no choice but to manage time better; will be chosen; choices; haven’t chosen; choices

【知识梳理14】close vt. 关闭 adj. 近的,亲密的 adv. 近的(形象的)

【变形】closed adj. 关着的

closely adv. 密切地,亲密地(抽象的)

【短语】 be close to take a close look at

sit close to work closely with


come a little closer, so you can see better.

If you need to buy bread or milk, the closest shop is about a mile away.


例1:Tom works so _________ (close) with Jerry that they can get along well with each other.

例2:Jim sat________to his mother with his eyes half_______.They really enjoyed the sunny relaxing afternoon.

A.closely;open B.close;opened C.closely;opening D.close;closed

例3:It should be known to all that economic progress is _______ (close) connected with educational development.

例4: We always find that the policemen watch __________(close) the traffic.

例5: Who is your (close) friend of all at school at present? Liu Mei is.

答案:closely; D; closely; closely; closest

【知识梳理15】collect vt. 收集,搜集

【变形】 collection n. 收集物

【例句】The party depends on whether or not we can collect enough money.

He presented his whole collection of books to the library.


例1:My cousin John is very interested in ________(收集) stamps.

例2:Bob likes to_________ (收集) train tickets and he keeps them in a yellow box.

答案:collecting; collecting

【知识梳理16】come v. 来;来到;实现

【变形】coming adj. 即将到来的


come on 得了吧,快点,加油(表鼓励,催促等语气)

come across 偶遇

come up with 想出 = think out/work out

come out(花)开;出来;出版

come over 顺便拜访

come true 梦想; 成真

come up with 想出,提起

come down 崩塌


例1:In yesterday’s Geography class,did the fact that Christmas ________(come) in summer in Australia really surprise those lovely children?


It is ____________________________________this good idea.

例3:--What are your plans for the ______(come) winter holiday?

--I will spend more time on my weak subjects.

例4:-His new book about his relationship and his son _______(come) out.

例5:We were happy because our dream _______(come) true at last.

答案:comes; really creative of you to come up with; coming; has come; came

【知识梳理17】comfortable adj. 舒服的

【变形】uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的

comfortably adv. 舒服地

【例句】Sit down and make yourself comfortable

The hotel was very comfortable.


例1:I don’t think it is the (comfort) colour for eyes of the three colours.

例2:Town Cinema has _________(comfort) seats than Guangming Cinema.

例3: How (comfortable) the tourists found it to sit on the grass after walking for a day!

答案:most comfortable; more comfortable; comfortably

【知识梳理18】common adj. 普通的,平常的

【短语】common sense 常识

a common man 普通人

have something/nothing in common 有相同之处

【辨析】normal adj. 正常的 usual 通常的 ;惯常的

【例句】I found I had a lot in common with these people.

Foxes are common in the area.


例1:They are all examples of __________ (普通的) people who became successful.

例2:Generally speaking, excellent learners have some good habits in________(相同).

答案:common; common

【知识梳理19】compare vt. 比较

【变形】compared 比较的;对照的 comparison n. 比较

【短语】compare A to B 把A比作B

compare A with B 把A与B做比较

Compared with A, B ..... 与A相比,B……

make/draw a comparison 进行比较

compare notes 交换意见

【例句】How does your bike compare with mine?


例1: _______ (比较)your answers with those in your book to see if they are right.

例2:________(比较) with life on Earth, life on Mars will be better in many ways.

例3:In order to prevent the parents ___________ (比较) their children unreasonably, the school didn't encourage them to pay much attention to the result of the exam.

答案:Compare; Compared; comparing

【知识梳理20】complain vi. 抱怨

【变形】complaint n. 抱怨,投诉

【短语】complain about sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨某事 complaint letter 投诉信

【例句】Neighbours complained to the police about the dogs barking.



Do you often ____________________________________________________?

例2:The twins ___________(complain) about their meals at school right now.

答案:do you often complain to your parents about your school life; are complaining

【知识梳理21】 complete vt. 完成 adj. 完全的,彻底的

【变形】 incomplete 不完全的 completely adv. 完全地,彻底地

【短语】complete doing 完成做某事

【例句】This is a complete waste of time .

The child’s task was to complete the sentences.


例1: Look at the two boys.They look (完全地)the same.

例2:The invention he has devoted his whole life to ___________ (complete) successfully if more money is spent on them in the future.

答案:completely; will be completed;

【知识梳理22】 communicate vt. 交流,交际

【变形】communication n. 交流,交际

【短语】 communicate with sb. 与某人交流

【例句】Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate with their teenage children.


例1:1. The mobile phone is an important way to _____________(communication) with each other.

例2:I am in (communicate) with him on this subject.

答案:communicate; communication

【知识梳理23】 competition n. 竞赛,比赛,竞争

【变形】compete v. 比赛;竞争 competitor n.竞争者

【短语】compete with/against sb compete in sth

【例句】How many runners will be competing in the marathon?

He will be competing against the world’s best.


例1: It was brave of her to join such difficult ________(compete).


【知识梳理24】confident adj. 有信心的

【变形】confidence n. 信心

【短语】have confidence in sb/sth 信任某人/某事物

lose (your) confidence 失去信心

be full of confidence 充满自信

【例句】He’d been out of work for six months and had lost all his confidence.

The people no longer have any confidence in their government.


例1:In order to finish the task, you have to build up ______(自信).

例2:I’m _________ (自信的) that I can work out the hard maths problem.

答案:confidence; confident

【知识梳理25】connect vt. 连接


connect sth. to/with sth. 把……连接到……/把……与……连接起来



The computer is connected to the Internet. (谓语被动)

The railway connects Shanghai to Nanjing. (谓语主动)

The railway connecting Shanghai to Nanjing has been in use. (非谓语主动)

The computer connected to the Internet is Jim’s. (非谓语被动)

例1:.—Do you think it is worth ______(连接) my watch to the Internet?

例2:____________ (connect) what you read with what you have learnt, and you may understand the article easily.

例3: I hear they will build a railway _________ Jintan _________ the cities in Changjiang Delta (长江三角洲) in the following years.

A. connect; to B. connected; with C. connects; to D. connecting; with

例4: The bridge _________ (connect) the two towns together will be built in 5 years.

例5:It is reported that our government will build an intercity railway __________ Jintan _________ the cities in Changjiang Delta in the following years.

A. connect; to B. connected; with C. connects; to D. connecting; with

答案:connecting; Connect; D; connecting; D

【知识梳理26】consider vt. 考虑

【变形】consideration n. 考虑

【短语】consider sb. as .... 认为某人是(注意被动 sb. be considered as ....)

consider doing sth. 考虑做某事

【例句】We’re still considering where to move to.

They consider themselves to be Europeans.


例1:Why not consider __________ (do) it in another way? Maybe you’ll succeed.

例2:Stephen Hawking __________ (consider) to be ‘the greatest scientist in history’, along with Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

例3:Qian Xuesen __________ (consider) as “ Father of Missile(导弹)in China”.

答案:doing; is considered; is considered

【知识梳理27】control n. 控制 vt. 控制

【变形】 过去式:controlled 过去分词:controlled(注意过去式,过去分词,现在分词要双写尾字母)

【短语】out of control 失控

lose control 失去控制

beyond my control超出我的控制

【例句】His son is being trained to take control of the family business.


例1:__________ (控制) the temperature is very important to this plant I summer.

例2:You will make yourself get into trouble without _____________ (control) your feelings well.

例3:The survey shows that few people believe robots __________ (control) our planet one day.

例4:Was the modern robot these scientists devoted themselves to __________ (control) properly with the help of the computer system at last.

例5: __________ (控制) the temperature is very important to this plant I summer.

答案: Controlling; controlling; will control; controlled; Controlling

【知识梳理28】correct adj. 正确的

【变形】correctly正确地 incorrect 不正确的 incorrectly不正确地



例1:You will get a point every time you answer a question ________(正确地).

例2: Jack finds it difficult to pronounce some English words ________. (correct)

例3:To sing an English song ______ (正确地), I listen to the CD again and again, and check every word in the dictionary.

例4: The questions are so easy that few students answered them __________(correct).

答案:correctly; correctly; correctly; incorrectly

【知识梳理29】cost vt. 花费 n. 费用,成本

【短语】 the cost of ……的费用

【例句】A new kitchen will cost you a lot of money.


take 句型:sth/Doing sth. take sb. some time. It take sb. some time to do sth.(主语必须是事情或者物,只能花时间)

spend 句型 sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth.

sb. spend some time/money on sth. (主语必须是人,既能花钱又能花时间)

cost 句型:sth/Doing sth. take sb. some money. It cost sb. some money to do sth. (主语必须是事情或者物,只能花钱)

pay 句型:sb. pay some money for sth. (主语必须是人,只能花钱)


例1:Mrs Lee is a moonlite (月光族). She _____ all her money in the first two weeks of a month, and after that she even can't _____ for a meal sometimes.

A. spends; spend B. pays; pay C. pays; spend D. spends; pay

例2: The stamp I bought yesterday (花费) me 20 yuan.

答案: D; cost

【知识梳理30】couple n. 几个,一对,夫妻

【短语】a couple of 可数名词复数


【例句】The couple are doing housework now.

There are a couple of girls waiting for you.

【知识梳理31】courage n. 勇气(不可数名词)

【变形】encourage vt. 鼓励 have the courage to do sth 有勇气去做某事

【短语】encourage sb. to do sth.

【例句】Sue showed great courage throughout her illness.


例1:Sue always has great ___________ (勇气) to face difficulties and that’s why we all respect her.

例2:Do you think it a waste of time (劝告) people to form a habit of learning latest information through reading dailies.


In class, the teacher often_________________________________________.

例4:Teenagers should be _____(鼓励) to learn and spread Chinese traditional culture.

答案:courage; to encourage; encourages children to make up their own dialogues.

【知识梳理32】cover n. 封面,盖子 vt. 覆盖; 报道;包含,涉及;走过多少路程

【变形】discover vt. 发现 discovery n. 发现

【短语】cover .... with

be covered in/with

be covered live

cover...live 现场直播

【例句】I read the magazine from cover to cover (= all of it )

Dan covered his face with his hands

【知识梳理33】create vt. 创造

【变形】creative adj. 有创造力的 creation n. 创造物

【例句】Her behaviour is creating a lot of problems.

The new factory is expected to create more than 400 new jobs.


例1:Some people believe that God ______(create) the world.

例2:When I saw her just now, she _____________ (create) a file.

例3:It is __________(create)of you to come up with so many good ideas.

答案:creates; was creating; creative

【知识梳理34】cross vt. 穿过,从表面横穿过

【变形】crossing n. 十字路口 across prep. 横穿;横过

【短语】cross=go across 穿过;横穿



______________________________, you will see a supermarket __________________.

例2:Please be careful when___________ (cross) a busy road.

例3:---Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?

---Go _________ the street and turn left. Walk __________ the museum, and you will see it.

A. along, over B. across; past C. past; to D. cross; past

答案:Cross the road at the traffic lights; in the corner; crossing; B

【知识梳理35】crowded adj. 拥挤的

【变形】crowd vi. 拥挤 n. 人群

【短语】more and more crowded 越来越拥挤

a crowded room 拥挤的房间

the crowd (作主语时,谓语动词用复数)

be crowded with 挤满了

【例句】The train was very crowded, and we had to stand.

【知识梳理36】cut vt. 剪下,切下 n. 伤口;切口;削减;


【短语】cut down 砍树 cut out 剪下 cut into 切成……

cut in 打断,插嘴

cut...short 缩短

【例句】They cut the cake in two and ate half each.


例1:He regretted ____________ (cut) his journey to Ice Island short because of the business trade.

答案:to cut


一 写出下列所有的词性转换:

calm : _______ adv. 平静地

care: _________adj. 小心的,认真的 ________ adv. 认真地,仔细地__________ adj. 粗心的__________ adv. 粗心地 ___________ n. 粗心

centre: ____________adj. 中央的

certain:___________adv. 必定地 ____________ adj.不确定的 __________adv. 不确定地

challenge:_____________ adj. 有挑战性的

cheer:___________ adj. 兴高采烈的__________adj. 无精打采的

choose: ___________ n. 选择(可数)

close:________ adv. 近的(形象的)________ adv. 密切地,亲密地(抽象的)

collect : _________ n. 收集物

come:_________ adj. 即将到来的

comfortable:____________ adj. 不舒服的________ adv. 舒服地

complain: ________ n. 抱怨,投诉

complete:_________ adj. 不完全的 ______ adv.不完全地 _______ adv. 完全地,彻底地

communicate: __________ n. 交流,交际

compete: _________ n. 竞赛,比赛____________n. 竞争者

confident: ___________ n. 信心

consider: __________ n. 考虑;认为

correct: _______ adv. 正确地 _________ adj. 不正确的___________ adv. 不正确地

courage: __________ vt. 鼓励

create_________adj. 有创造力的 ________ n. 创造物

cross: ________ n. 十字路口

crowded: ________vi. 拥挤

答案:calmly; careful; carefully; careless; carelessly; carelessness; central; certainly; uncertain; uncertainly; challenging; cheerful; cheerless; choice; close; closely; collection; coming; uncomfortable; comfortably; complaint; incomplete; incompletely; completely; communication; competition; competitor; confidence; consideration; correctly; incorrect; incorrectly; encourage; creative; creation; crossing; crowd;


  1. 1.Tom’s father was so angry that he punished him for his ________ (careless).

  2. 2. China will prepare timetables and road maps for the ________ (come) years for the “One Belt and One Road” project.

  3. 3. Don’t worry. Your mother will _________ (必定地) come and pick you up.

  4. 4. What the poor family could serve was _________ (一般的) vegetable soup.

  5. 5. Many teenagers have little __________ (交流)with their parents.

  6. 6.I don’t like that my mother always _________ (比较) me with my classmates.

  7. 7.To my surprise, the 3-year-old boy can spell those words ________________ (正确地).

  8. 8. Sue always has great ______________ (勇气) to face difficulties and that’s why we all respect her.

  9. 9. We’d better know more about __________(顾客) likes and dislikes. That will be of help.

  10. 10. You should depend on yourself. It’s you who make final _________ (decide).

  11. 11. Could you mind a list of these ______(direct)films?

  12. 12. I’ll show them to you .When a strong wind came from the northwest, the heavy smoggy(雾霾的) air over our city began to _________ (appear).

  13. 13.What’s the result of your ____________ (discuss)? I would like to hear your thoughts.

  14. 14. Are you crazy? How do you _______________ (胆敢)to do so?

  15. 15. Quite a lot of teenagers have no idea how to____(处理)with stress.

  16. 16.When you try to get a good job, you will be at a big _______ if you don’t go to a good university.(劣势)

答案:carelessness; coming; certainly; common; communication; compares; correctly; courage; customers’; decisions; directors’; disappear; discussion; dare;deal; disadvantages