



Why Japanese names have flipped


They will now be written in English in the same order as in Japanese


On January 1ST a minor lexical revolution rolled through Japan. A new decree ordained that official documents should reverse the order of Japanese people’s names when they are rendered in the Latin alphabet. Hitherto in, say, English documents, Japanese names have been written with the given name first, using the Western practice.


Henceforth the family name will come first and, to banish any ambiguity, may be entirely capitalised. One backer of the change is the prime minister. From now on The Economist will refer to him as Abe Shinzo rather than Shinzo Abe.


Like other newspapers, we have long followed the convention of writing Japanese names in the Western order (while scholarly publications have tended to use the Japanese order). If Japan wants to change, why should anyOne object? As is common in East Asian cultures, in Japanese the family name always comes first.


National pride motivates many advocates of the change. From a Japanese perspective, writes Peter Tasker, a Tokyo-based commentator, in the Nikkei Asian Review, it represents “authenticity and normalisation”. The fact that Asian powers are on the rise, both geopolitically and culturally, is part of the point, Mr Tasker argues.


Japanese conservatives do not see why they should say their names backwards just for the convenience of Western minds too lazy to grasp a basic facet of Japanese culture. Some 59% of Japanese in a recent opinion poll favoured reverting to surname-first.


Yet there is an irony. Japan first decided to put given names first when talking to foreigners way back in the 1870s, during the Meiji era. It was actually a gesture by nationalist reformers who wanted to keep Western imperialists at bay.


Japan, they argued, could keep its independence only by abandoning the paternalism of Confucius, imported from China, which had long governed society and family life. Instead it should rapidly learn modern Western ways in everything from military affairs to education, both to ward off Western powers and to impress them.


English name-order was a tiny part of the package. Reformists had drunk deeply of the social Darwinism then prevailing in the West, which taught that only the strongest societies would survive. One, Mori Arinori, even proposed adopting English as Japan’s language.


In 1885 a friend of Mori’s, Fukuzawa Yukichi, penned a polemic, “Goodbye Asia”, arguing that Western civilisation was like measles: if it didn’t kill you, it would make you stronger and should be embraced.


He said the static cultures of China and Korea would make those countries more vulnerable to Western conquest. He urged Japan to cut its spiritual and civilisational ties with them. It was, with hindsight, a small step from there to a sense of Japanese exceptionalism, and then to militarism.



lexical [ˈleksɪkl] adj. 词汇的;词典的

ambiguity [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti] n. 含糊;不明确;暧昧

perspective [pərˈspektɪv] n. 观点;远景

abandon [əˈbændən] v. 遗弃;离开;放弃;终止

polemic [pəˈlemɪk] n. 争论,辩论文章;辩论者;辩论术

hindsight [ˈhaɪndsaɪt] n. 后见之明;事后诸葛亮


