
For Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western creative."It's no secret that China has always been a source of inspiration for designers," says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer(创意总监) at A E Networks,a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion shows.

对于西方设计师来说,中国和他本身博大精深的文化一直是他们的灵感源泉。“这件事早已不是什么秘密了。”阿曼达·希尔说,是美国A E电视网公司的创意总监,美国A E电视网公司是一个全球传媒公司,是一些全球最大的时装秀的摇篮。


Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art,with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics(美学) on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries.



The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences."China is impossible to overlook," says Hill."Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world,which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its movement."


Of course, not only are today's top Western designers being influenced by China — some of the best designers of contemporary(当代的) fashion are themselves Chinese."Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galiano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs — and beating them hands down in design and sales," adds Hill.

当然,不仅仅只有当今顶尖的西方设计师受到过中国文化的影响,一些最好的当代时尚设计师本身就是中国人。“王薇薇, 亚历山大·王,吴季刚挑战加利亚诺、阿尔巴茨、马克·雅可布——并且在设计和销售方面轻而易举地击败他们”希尔补充说。


For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion."The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she says."China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market.



中国:镜花水月 (China: Through the Looking Glass) May 7–September 7, 2015 (二零一五年 五月七日-九月七日) 展览简介 (About the Exhibition): 展览方位:中国艺术展厅(206–218),埃及艺术展厅(132), Anna Wintour时装中心(980–981) 展览将呈现中国美学对西方时尚的影响,并探讨中国如何催化着几个世纪以来的时尚想象。服装艺术部与亚洲艺术部联手合作,将高级时装与中国服饰、书画、瓷器以及包括电影创作在内的其他艺术形式对照展陈,借以呈现中国意象的迷人回响。 自16世纪与中国开始交往以来,西方一直对于东方的既神秘而又难以捉摸的器物和图像心往神迷,时装设计师也由此萌发无限灵感,从Paul Poiret到Yves Saint Laurent的设计之中不乏由此产生的幻想、浪漫和怀旧的情怀。通过时尚这一窥镜,设计师们将中国审美与文化传统中形色各异的元素驳接起来。 "中国:镜花水月"将展出140多件高级定制以及前卫成衣,并将其置于中国传统艺术经典氛围之中。银幕上的中国影像将贯穿整个展览,以展现流行文化如何塑造对于中国的想象,并揭示电影对于增进了解中国历史的独特作用。

