


1. 可选项解包

var optional1: Int? var optional2: Int? // 1 - Ugly Code func unwrap() { if let o1 = optional1 { if let o2 = optional2 { // reached } } } // 2 - Clean Code func unwrap() { guard let o1 = optional1, let o2 = optional2 else { return } // reached }



2. 三元运算符

let myBool = true let testBool = myBool ? false : true let testInt = myBool ? 16 : 8 //testBool equals false, testInt equals 16 because the input to the conditional is true, therefore //the first choice is picked for each operator //ternary let ternary = conditional ? true : false //vs. conditional var ternary = false if conditional { ternary = true }



//double stack let ternaryDouble = conditional ? true : (conditional2 ? true : false) //triple stack let ternaryTriple = conditional ? true : (conditional2 ? true : (conditional3 ? true : false))

3. 泛型

// 1 - Ugly Code var strings = ["Hello", "This", "Is", "A", "Test"] var integers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] func printStrings(_ array: [String]) { for s in array { print(s) } } func printIntegers(_ array: [Int]) { for i in array { print(i) } } // 1 - In Action printStrings(strings) printIntegers(integers) // 2 - Clean Code func printArray<T>(_ array: [T]) { for item in array { print(element) } } // 2 - In Action printArray(strings) printArray(integers)




4. 通过十六进制代码生成UIColor

创建一个名为 UIColor Extensions.swift的文件,包含以下代码:

import UIKit extension UIColor { convenience init(hex:Int, alpha: CGFloat = 1.0) { self.init( red: CGFloat((hex & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0, green: CGFloat((hex & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0, blue: CGFloat((hex & 0x0000FF) >> 0) / 255.0, alpha: alpha ) } }


let green = UIColor(hex: 0x1faf46)

let red = UIColor(hex: 0xfe5960)

let blue = UIColor(hex: 0x0079d5)

5. 使用扩展程序

import UIKit extension UIButton { func press(completion: @escaping() -> ()) { UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.125, delay: 0, options: [.curveEaseIn], animations: { self.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.94, y: 0.94) }, completion: { _ in UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.125, delay: 0, options: [.curveEaseIn], animations: { self.transform = .identity }, completion: { _ in completion() }) }) } }




let myButton = UIButton()

myButton.press() {

//handle completion



6. 通过创建一个类汇集多种后端/函数调用



在该例中,FAB代表Google Firebase。现在,设想要清除Firebase,用另一个后端进行替换,这一技巧将使这种情况变得快速又简单。



// 1 - Bad Code class MyClass1 { init() { FAB.updateData() } } class MyClass2 { init() { FAB.updateData() } } class MyClass3 { init() { FAB.updateData() } } // 2 - Good Code class Network { func updateData() { FAB.updateData() } } class MyClass1 { init() { Network.updateData() } } class MyClass2 { init() { Network.updateData() } } class MyClass3 { init() { Network.updateData() } }


7. guard let



// example 1 - nil checking func checkTheText() { guard let text = textField.text else { return } //we made it this far... now we can use text for something! updateLabel(text) } // example 2 - conditional checking func conditionalCheck() { let c1 = true let c2 = false let c3 = true let c4 = true guard c1, c2, c3, c4 else { return } } // example 3 - multiple validation checks func validatePassword(_ password: String) -> Bool { guard password.count >= 8 else { return false } guard password.count <= 15 else { return false } guard checkPasswordCharacters(password) else { return false } //must contain capital letter, special character, etc... //password is valid return true }

8. 循环

// while loop var i = 0 while 5 > i { print(i) //output: 0 1 2 3 4 i = 1 } // repeat var a = 0 repeat { print(a) //output: 0 1 2 3 4 a = 1 } while a < 5 // for loop for c in 0...5 { print(c) //output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 } // for loop (no variable) for _ in 0...3 { print("count up") //output: count up, count up, count up, count up } // for loop (less than equal than) for d in 0..<5 { print(d) //output: 0 1 2 3 4 } // for loop (reversed) for z in (1..<10).reversed() { print(z) //output: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 } // for loop (stride) for g in stride(from: 1, to: 10, by: 3) { print(g) //output: 1 4 7 } // for loop (stride, reversed) for k in stride(from: 3, to: 0, by: -1) { print(k) //output: 3 2 1 }


9. 使用枚举确保切换语句/不同类别的项是类型安全的

// 1 - Ugly code var marketShare: Int! let operatingSystem = "iOS" switch operatingSystem { case "iOS": marketShare = 30 case "android": marketShare = 45 case "windows": marketShare = 15 case "sailfish": marketShare = 8 case "ubuntu": marketShare = 2 default: marketShare = 0 } // 2 - Clean code enum OS { case iOS, android, windows, sailfish, ubuntu } var marketShare_: Int! let operatingSystem_ = OS.iOS switch operatingSystem_ { case .iOS: marketShare_ = 30 case .android: marketShare_ = 45 case .windows: marketShare_ = 15 case .sailfish: marketShare_ = 8 case .ubuntu: marketShare_ = 2 }



10. 使用回调发送完成处理程序

// 1 - Completion handlers func myFunction(completion: @escaping() -> ()) { UIView.animate(withDuration: 2, animations: { //run animation }, completion: { _ in completion() }) } // 2 - Sending data through a callback: update UI upon network call class Modal { func getData(completion: ((_ data: String) -> Void)) { let data = "Network data!" completion(data) } } class ViewController: UIViewController { let model = Model() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() model.getData { [weak self] (data: String) in self?.updateView(data) } } private func updateView(_ data: String) { print(data) } }



11. 提供默认值

// "Hello World!" represents the default text we should use if the user's textInput is nil // 1 - Ugly Code var textInput: String? var text = "" if let t = textInput { text = t } else { text = "Hello World!" } // 2 - Clean code let text_ = textInput ?? "Hello World!"


12. 为便于访问请将通用常量存储在一个文件中


import Foundation struct Constants { struct Colors { static let blue = UIColor(hex: 0x111111) static let green = UIColor(hex: 0x222222) static let red = UIColor(hex: 0x333333) } struct Names { static let myName = "Gavin" static let myMomsName = "Marie" static let myDadsName = "Jake" static let mySistersName = "Jennifer" } }


let myColorPick = Constants.Colors.green

let sistersName = Constants.Names.mySistersName

13. 自动参考计数





class Person {

init() { print("initialized!") }

deinit { print("deinitialized!") }



var ref1: Person? // nil

var ref2: Person? // nil

var ref3: Person? // nil


ref1 = Person() // console output: "initialized!"


ref2 = ref1 // Person

ref3 = ref1 // Person


ref1 = nil

ref2 = nil


ref3 = nil // console output: "deinitialized!"

14. 为函数参数提供默认参数

func printToConsole(_ messageLine1: String, _ messageLine2: String = "This is line 2!") { print("\(messageLine1) | \(messageLine2)") } printToConsole("This is line 1!") // This is line 1! | This is line 2! printToConsole("This is line one.", "This is line two.") //This is line one. | This is line two.


15. 通过UserDefaults15.49/5000从内存中编码/解码结构

import Foundation // - represents a single Task struct TaskItem: Codable { var isToggledOn: Bool var title: String var notes: String } // - handles on-device memory retrieval and storage class MemoryManager { static var tasks: [TaskItem]! // - static array of TaskItems that currently exists on the device private let defaults = UserDefaults.standard // - reference to application's UserDefaults dictionary private let DEFAULTS_KEY = "TASK_LIST" // - the key we use to retrieve/save our array of TaskItems init() { MemoryManager.tasks = [TaskItem]() retrieveData() saveData() } // - decode our array from memory private func retrieveData() { // - check if an array of TaskItems already exists in memory var didFail = false if let data = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: DEFAULTS_KEY) as? Data { if let tasks = try? PropertyListDecoder().decode(Array<TaskItem>.self, from: data) { MemoryManager.tasks = tasks } else { didFail = true } } else { didFail = true } // - guard statement: if we had a failure then continue guard didFail else { return } // - we had a failure in finding a pre-existing array, create a new array of TaskItems! MemoryManager.tasks = [ TaskItem(isToggledOn: false, title: "task 1", notes: "this is task 1"), TaskItem(isToggledOn: false, title: "task 2", notes: "this is task 2"), TaskItem(isToggledOn: true, title: "task 3", notes: "this is task 3"), TaskItem(isToggledOn: false, title: "task 4", notes: "this is task 4"), TaskItem(isToggledOn: false, title: "task 5", notes: "this is task 5"), TaskItem(isToggledOn: true, title: "task 6", notes: "this is task 6") ] } // - encode our array into memory private func saveData() { UserDefaults.standard.set(try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(MemoryManager.tasks), forKey: DEFAULTS_KEY) } }



之后可以发现,在函数retrieveData()中,使用了guard语句和if let语句检查UserDefault是否存在一个预先存在的TaskItem数组。


在该文件底部,可看到如何通过PropertyListEncoder、字典键和可选的try block块将现有的Codable项目数组编码到内存中的演示。




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