


Today is the Autumn Equinox—a day when there are exactly 12 hours of dark and 12 hours of light, officially marking the first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.



autumn equinox 秋分

northern hemisphere北半球

In the United States, however, it is known as the "fall" season—a word that also originated in Britain, but which has fallen out of favor in this country. The older of the two words is "autumn" , which first came into English in the 1300s from the Latin word "autumnus". It quickly replaced the term "harvest", which had previously been used to describe the season, because it was the time when crops were usually harvested. Later, many writers used the phrase "the fall of the leaves" to describe the season. This was shortened to "fall"in the 1600s.



然而在美国,它被称为"fall"季节,这个词也起源于英国,但在这个国家已经失宠了。"autumn"是两个词中较早的一个,它最早出现在英语中是在13世纪,由拉丁词"autumnus"演变而来。它迅速取代了以前用来描述季节的"harvest"一词,因为这是通常收获作物的时间。后来,许多作家用"the fall of the leaves"来形容这个季节。在17世纪被缩短为"fall"。


be known as... 被称为……

originate in 起源于

fall/be out of favor 失宠

come into 进入

It is the time when... 是……的时候。

be shortened to 被简称为……


In the English language, calling the season "autumn" first began in the 12th century. But the word was not commonly used until about the 16th century. This is about the same time that people began using the word "fall" to mean autumn.


However, even earlier, the season was called "harvest."


In the early days of the United States, autumn was a time for preparing for the winter months by collecting and preserving food. People gathered corn, nuts and berries. They also dried and salted meats to feed them through the long, cold winter.


来源:VOA Learning English

It was around this time that England's empire (帝国) was fast expanding, and the English language started to be used in the "New World"—including North America. As time went on, the difference of the English language spoken in the two countries widened further following the US Declaration of Independence in 1776. The type of English spoken in the US at the time became part of the country's early national identity (国家认同)—and "fall" became the adopted word to describe the autumn season.



It is...that...此处是强调句,去掉it is和that后,句子剩余部分的结构和语义仍然完整。下一段中的...it's...that...也是强调句。

As time went on...in 1776. 本句为主从复合句,as引导时间状语从 句。句中的following the US Declaration of Independence in 1776为现在分词作状语。

The equinox occurs because of the tilt (倾斜) of the Earth in relation to the sun. This is what causes the seasons. During the summer time, the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. So we get longer days as more light falls on this part of the surface. In the winter time it's the Southern hemisphere that gets the majority of the light.



in relation to与……相

This is what causes the seasons. 本句为主从复合句,what引导表语从句,且在从句中作主语。

the majority of大多数

Equinoxes occur when the axis of rotation of the Earth is exactly parallel (平行的) to the direction of motion of the Earth around the sun. This means that day and night length is exactly 12 hours at all points on the Earth's surface.



be parallel to与……平行

This means that...本句为主从复合句,that引导宾语从句。

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