弟子规第四章:谨(十二)善相劝,德皆建,朋友之间,互相劝勉向上,那么彼此的品德,都会增进建立If we urge one another toward goodness, then we all will develop our virtue.过不规,道两亏.朋友有过,却不加以规劝,对于彼此的道行,都是一种亏损If we fail to correct one another’s faults, hen we all will be deficient in morality.凡取与,贵分晓,无论是收取或给与任何财物,最重要的是交待得清楚明白It is important to be clear and distinct on what you give to and take from others.与宜多,取宜少付出的应当多一些,取得的最好少一点When giving you should be generous; when taking you should take a little less.将加人,先问己,任何事情想要加到别人身上时,先问问自己是否能承受?Before we treat others a certain way, first we should question ourselves:苏州金桥翻译社整理,接下来我们就来聊聊关于弟子规第十四章注解?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



弟子规第四章:谨(十二)善相劝,德皆建,朋友之间,互相劝勉向上,那么彼此的品德,都会增进建立。If we urge one another toward goodness, then we all will develop our virtue.过不规,道两亏.朋友有过,却不加以规劝,对于彼此的道行,都是一种亏损。If we fail to correct one another’s faults, hen we all will be deficient in morality.凡取与,贵分晓,无论是收取或给与任何财物,最重要的是交待得清楚明白。It is important to be clear and distinct on what you give to and take from others.与宜多,取宜少。付出的应当多一些,取得的最好少一点。When giving you should be generous; when taking you should take a little less.将加人,先问己,任何事情想要加到别人身上时,先问问自己是否能承受?Before we treat others a certain way, first we should question ourselves:苏州金桥翻译社整理
