







“Let me begin by/please allow me to begin by, on behalf of sb, extending my welcome to sb, expressing my thanks to sb for sth and offering my congratulations to sb on sth.”

在这里要特别强调的是介词的使用,一定不要弄混,动词的话express和extend可以互换,但是说“祝贺”的时候都是用“offer”做动词,感谢某人做某事一定不要把介词弄混了,是“to sb for sth”。

例子: 女士们、先生们、亲爱的朋友们:


Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends: Please allow me to begin by, on behalf of the Wuhan Municipal Government and 6.7 million Wuhan residents, extending my warm welcome to experts from home andabraod.



As we are meeting here together today for ~meeting, I wish to, on behalf of sb, extend(同上)


1. 今天,来自亚太经合组织各成员的朋友们齐聚北京,参加第五届亚太经合组织人力资源开发部长级会议。这次会议的主题是“开发人力资源、大力促进就业、实现包容性增长”。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对与会各位代表表示诚挚的欢迎!

As friends from member states of APEC meet together here today for the Fifth APEC Human Resources Development Ministerial Meeting themed by "Developing Human Resources, Vigorously Promoting Employment and Realizing Inclusive Growth, I wish to begin by, on behalfor the Chinese government and the Chinese people, offering my congratulations on the opening of this meeting and extending my sincere welcome to all delegates present here.

从上述例子我们可以看到,中文的句子很长,一共有三句话,但是翻译的时候最好用一句话给连起来,第一句用的是As,之后第二句和第一句的链接我用的是“themed by”,第三句话是主干,直接出来主谓宾。

2. 金秋十月,北京气候宜人,中国国际投资贸易论坛今天在这里隆重召开了,我很高兴能够应邀出席本次论坛,首先我仅代表中华人民共和国商务部向远道而来的国内外朋友表示热烈的欢迎和中心的谢!

As we are meeting here together for the Chinese International Trade and Investment Forum in Beijing at this golden Octobertime , I feel delighted to begin by, on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC, extending my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to friends from home and abroad.



各位领导:Your Excellencies

(不是 dear leaders)

各位老师:Dear Faculty Members

(不是dear teachers)

各位代表:Fellow Delegates/Repersentatives/Deputies


专家和学者:Friends from the academia

主席先生:Mr. President(有的时候也可以说Chairman)

亲爱的~总统/主席: Your Excelelency Mr. President~

国内外的来宾:guests from home and abroad

各位同事:Dear Colleagues(不要和colleges弄混了)

各位员工:Fellow Staff Members

盛情款待和精心周到的安排:gracious hospitality and thoughtful arrangements




我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位从百忙之中拨冗光临我们的新春联欢晚会 。

On behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank you all for your taking time off your busy schedule to come to our New Year’s Party.

我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢主席先生的盛情邀请 。

On behalf of all the members of my group, I’d like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious invitation.

首先,请允许我代表研讨会的筹委会,向参加今天开幕式的市政府领导,社会团体的领导,社区工作者协会的代表,以及社会各界的来宾,表示热烈的欢迎 。

First of all, permit me, on behalf of the organizing committee of the symposium, to extend our warm welcome to the leaders of the Municipal Government, leaders of social organizations, representatives of the Community Social Worker’s Association and guests from various circles.

今晚我们请到了从伦敦远道而来的贵宾与我们一起共度中秋佳节,我为此而深感自豪与荣幸 。

I feel very proud and honored tonight to have the attendance of the distinguished guests, who came here all the way from London to join us in our celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival.


May I hereby declare open *****meeting.


First of all, please allow me to offer warm congratulations on the success of the ****meeting .


Let’s raise our glasses to……


I would like to propose a toast to ……


Please allow me to ……

我提议为我们之间的友谊干杯 。

Allow me to raise the glass to our friendship

祝愿您健康 。

To your good health


To your happiness

愿您年年有今日,岁岁有今朝 。

Wish every morning you wake up like this day and happiness come along to you in the following years.

最后我预祝研讨会圆满成功,祝愿来自海外的专家学者和全国各地的朋友们在上海生活愉快 。

In conclusion, I wish the symposium a complete success. I wish our overseas experts and scholars, and Chinese friends from various parts of the country a pleasant stay in Shanghai.


Let’s work together for a successful conclusion of this meeting.

我相信,在各位朋友的努力下,我们的研讨会一定能取得丰硕的成果 。

I believe that our symposium is bound for abundant accomplishment through your hard work.

女士们,先生们,我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临。最后,我祝愿各位新年身体健康、万事如意 。

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to thank you again for coming to the party. And I wish everyone of you good health and the very best of luck in everything in the new year.

让我们在这年终岁末之际,祝贺这喜庆佳节 。

I’d like to toast with you to this happy occasion at the end of the year.

我为有幸参加这次精彩的聚会,再次向您深表谢意 。

Thank you very much again for this wonderful party.






