






former [ˈfɔːmə(r)] adj./n.

adj. 从前的,前者的;前任的n. 模型,样板;起形成作用的人


the former (两者中)前者的be a shadow/ghost of your former self 失去昔日的力量(或影响等);威风不再;不如当年


This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory. 这座美丽的老建筑物已恢复了昔日的壮观。The former option would be much more sensible. 前一种选择要明智得多。


同:long-ago, old-time; matrix, model, shape, template派:formative 形成的;造型的;格式化的formalized 形式化的;正式的formless 没有形状的;无定形的;形体不明的formally 正式地;形式上formerly 以前;原来form 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格formative 构词要素formalism 形式主义;形式体系formalization 形式化;礼仪化


formulate [ˈfɔːmjuleɪt] v.

v. 制订;规划;构想;准备;确切表达;认真阐述构词:formul〔a〕公式;信条 ate 使…… → 使形成公式 → 公式化


formulate a policy/theory/plan/proposal 制订政策;创立理论;构想计划;准备建议to formulate 规定;制定;制订;构想或规划


The compost is specially formulated for pot plants. 此混合肥料专门用于盆栽植物。She has lots of good ideas, but she has difficulty formulating them. 她有很多好的想法,但就是不善于表达。


同:programme, mark out派:formulaic 公式化的;刻板的;套话堆砌的formulary 规定的;公式的;药方的formula [数] 公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品formulation 构想,规划;公式化;简洁陈述formulary 公式集;处方一览表;套话formularize 使公式化;以形式表示


forth [fɔːθ] adv.

adv. 向前,向某处;自……以后;离去;外出


set forth 阐明;动身起程;陈述;说明back and forth 来来回回;往返地;反反复复put forth 提出;发表;启航;(植物等)长出;放出and so forth 等等bring forth 产生;发表come forth 出来;涌现;被公布go forth 出发,向前去;发布from that day/time forth(literary) 从那天起;从那时以后


They set forth at dawn. 他们在黎明时出发。Huge chimneys belched forth smoke and grime. 巨大的烟囱冒出烟和灰尘。Water gushed forth from a hole in the rock. 水从岩洞里涌出。


同:to, ahead, along, forwards, front


foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃn] n.

n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立构词:found 基础 ation → 基础;地基


shake/rock the foundations of sth. 摇动某物的基础shake/rock sth. to its foundations 从根本上动摇without foundation 毫无事实根据have no foundation 纯属虚构


The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school. 建筑工人正开始给新校舍打地基。Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage. 尊重和友爱是婚姻的牢固基础。The rumor is totally without foundation. 这谣传毫无事实根据。These stories have no foundation. 这些故事纯属虚构。The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. 这笔钱将交给旧金山艾滋病基金会。The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955. 该组织自1955年创建以来已有重大的发展。This issue has shaken the foundations of French politics. 这个问题从根本上动摇了法国的政治。


同:elements, basis, bed, seed, radical派:founder 创始人;建立者;翻沙工; 失败;沉没;倒塌;变跛;破坏;使摔倒;垮掉found 找到;创立,建立;创办


frame [freɪm] n./v.

n. 框架;结构;眼镜框;[电影] 画面v. 给(图画或照片) 配框;设计;建造;陷害;使……适合;制订;拟订;有成功希望


be in/out of the frame 参加;不参加


We won our match, so we’re still in the frame for the championship.我们赢了比赛,所以仍可参加锦标赛。In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context. 在本课程中,我们希望从社会和历史背景的整体结构来看文学。The frame is made of steel. 这个架子是钢制的。The secret of the machine lies in the aerodynamic shape of the frame. 该机器的精妙之处在于其构架呈流线型。


同:configuration, mechanics, texture, structure; design, construct, engineer, style, project派:framed 遭到陷害的;有构架的framing 框架;设计;取景;组帧framer 组成者;筹划者



1. employ [ɪmˈplɔɪ] v./n.v. 雇用;应用;运用;使用n. 雇用,受雇;服务;工作,职业构词:em 使…… ploy 用 → 使用 → 雇用常用搭配:be employed in doing sth. 从事于,忙于(做某事)in the employ of sb. 替某人工作;为某人所雇用例句:With this end in view they employed 50 new staff. 为了达到这个目标他们雇用了50名新职员。I’m his mother and I’m steadily employed.我是他妈妈,而且我有稳定的工作。拓展:同:hire

2. employment [ɪmˈplɔɪmənt] n.n. 工作;职业;受雇;就业;雇用构词:em 使…… ploy 用 → 使用 → 雇用常用搭配:full employment 充分就业;整日制工作;全职工作;全面就业employment contract 雇佣合约;雇佣合同;就业合同;劳动合同employment record 工作经历;雇佣记录;工作履历;工作经验employment contract 雇佣合约;雇佣合同;就业合同;劳动合同employment rate 就业率;雇用率;人力资源新进率employment pressure 就业压力employment service 就业服务flexible employment 弹性就业employment policy 就业政策例句:Only half the people here are in paid employment. 这里只有一半的人有薪工作。They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.他们已经保证在诸如就业等方面停止种族歧视。拓展:同:usage, utilization, profession, career, use, pursuit

3. empty [ˈempti] v./adj./n.v. 倒空;腾空;掏空;;变空;把……移出,把……腾出(置于别处)adj. 空的;空洞的;说话不算数的;无诚意的;空虚的;无意义的;无目的的n. 空车;空的东西常用搭配:empty set 空集;看来球队后防的空设;翻译empty string 空字元串;空串;空字符串;空串行empty space 架空层;排挤层;真空feel empty 感到空虚例句:The offices on either side were empty. 两边的办公室都是空的。Every night, I empty my heart.每一夜,我掏空自己的灵魂。拓展:同:blank, bare, hollow, vacant派:emptiness 空虚;无知 emptying 排空;倒空

4. enclose [ɪnˈkləʊz] v.v. (用墙、篱笆等)把……围起来;围住;附入;随函(或包裹等)附上构词:en 包围 clos 关闭 e → 四周封闭 → 包围例句:Please complete the enclosed application form. 请填好随函所附的申请表。I enclose the two plans for comparison.附上两份计划以供比较。拓展:同:enring, inclose派:enclosed 被附上的;与世隔绝的enclosure 附件;围墙;围场 encloser 外壳;罩壳

5. enclosure [ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)] n.n. 圈占地;圈用地;围场;圈地;(信中)附件构词:en 包围 clos 关闭 e → 四周封闭 → 包围例句:The men walked aimlessly about the enclosure. 人们无目的地在围场里走着。Please see enclosure for details.详细资料请看附件。拓展:同:attachment派:enclosed 被附上的;与世隔绝的enclosure 附件;围墙;围场 enclose 围绕;装入;放入封套

6. encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] v.v. 支持;鼓励;激励;鼓动;劝告;怂恿;促进;助长;刺激构词:en 使…… courage 勇气 → 使有勇气 → 鼓励例句:We encourage all students to work at their own pace. 我们鼓励学生都按自己的节奏学习。Sunlight encourages the growth of green plants.阳光促进绿色植物的生长。拓展:同:inspire, stimulate, power, hand派:encouraging 令人鼓舞的;鼓励的,奖励的, 鼓励;支持encouraged 受到鼓舞的 encouragement 鼓励

7. encyclopedia [ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə] n.n. 百科全书(某一学科的)专科全书;光盘版百科全书构词:en 使…… cyclo〔= cycl 圆,环〕 ped 教育 ia → 囊括了所有的知识 → 百科全书例句:The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM. 百科全书光盘已上市。Here are two-odd volumes of an encyclopedia.这儿有两卷零散的百科全书。拓展:同:cyclopaedia派:encyclopaedic 百科全书的;广博的;如百科辞典的 encyclopedism 百科全书的知识;广博知识

8. end [end] n./v.n. 终止,终结,结局,结尾;末端;尽头;末梢;结束;破灭v. 结束;终止常用搭配:in the end 终于,最后at the end 最终,最后;在终点by the end of 到……结束时;在……之前from beginning to end 自始至终例句:By the end of the day we were tired but happy. 一天结束时,我们很累,但很高兴。Labour quickly moved a closure motion to end the debate.工党很快提出终止辩论的动议。拓展:同:finish, accomplish, close, complete, terminate派:endless 无止境的;连续的;环状的;漫无目的的endmost 位于最末端的endlessly 不断地;无穷尽地 endwise 竖着;末端向前地;两端首尾相接;向着两端,末端向前地

9. endeavour [ɪnˈdevə(r)] n./v.n. 努力,尽力,企图,试图v. 努力,尽力,企图,试图常用搭配:self endeavor 自身努力endeavor costs 努力成本aesthetic endeavor 审美追求例句:We made an earnest endeavor to persuade her. 我们郑重其事地努力说服她。I shall endeavor to do my duty.我将恪尽本分。拓展:同:effort, pain, struggle, trial, try

10. ending [ˈendɪŋ] n./v.n. (故事、电影等的)结尾,结局;结束;终结;最后部分;词尾v. 结束;终止常用搭配:A Happy Ending 大团圆结局;美满的结局;完满的了局;快乐的结局例句:It was the perfect ending to the perfect day. 那是美好一天的圆满结束。His stories usually have a happy ending.他的故事通常有一个美满的结局。拓展:同:conclusion, outcome

11. endorse [ɪnˈdɔːs] v.v. (公开)赞同,支持,认可;(在广告中)宣传,代言(某一产品);(在支票背面)签名,背书常用搭配:endorse one’s opinions 同意某人的意见endorse in blank 空白背书endorse clause 背书条款;保证债票例句:I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks. 我真诚地赞同他的话。You risk having your licence endorsed.我将恪尽本分。拓展:同:sign, autograph, endorse派:endorsed 批注的;授让的endorsement 认可,支持;背书;签注endorser 背书人;转让人 endorsed 支持,赞同;批注

12. endow [ɪnˈdaʊ] v. v. 捐钱,捐赠,资助构词:en 使…… dow 给予 → 资助;捐赠常用搭配:be endowed with sth. 天生赋有,生来具有(某种特性、品质等)endow sb./sth. with sth. 认为……具有某种品质;给予;赋予例句:She was endowed with intelligence and wit.她天资聪颖。She had endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess.她认为马库斯具有她所期望的品质。拓展:派:endowment 捐赠;捐助;捐款;天资

13. endurance [ɪnˈdjʊərəns] n.n. 忍耐力;耐久力例句:He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness. 他在整个生病期间表现出非凡的忍耐力。This event tests both physical and mental endurance. 该比赛项目既是对体力也是对心理承受力的考验。拓展:派:enduring 持久的;能忍受的endurable 能忍耐的;可忍受的;能持久的enduringly 耐久地;永久地endure 忍耐;持续

14. enemy [ˈenəmi] n.n. 敌人;仇人;反对者;敌国;敌军;敌兵;危害物;大敌常用搭配:be your own worst enemy 自讨苦吃;是自己问题的根源例句:The city is under enemy control. 那座城市现处于敌人的控制之下We are now within range of enemy fire. 我们现在处于敌人的火力射程以内。拓展:同:foe, hostes

15. energetic [ˌenəˈdʒetɪk] adj. adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的;需要能量的;积极的例句:He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader 他似乎是一个富有干劲、精力充沛的领导。Her mother was a resourceful and energetic woman. 她母亲是一个足智多谋、精力充沛的女人。拓展:同:active, positive, male, live, vigorous派:energetically 积极地;精力充沛地energy 能量;精力;活力;精神energise 供给……能量;使精力充沛(等于energize)

16. energy [ˈenədʒi] n.n. 精力;活力;干劲;力量;能源构词:en 使 erg 能量,活力;工作 y 表名词 → 能量;活力例句:The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes. 系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。In the exam there’s sure to be a question on energy. 考试时准有关于能量的题目。拓展:同:energy, force, power, strength派:energetic 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的enervate 衰弱的;无力的energetically 积极地;精力充沛地energize 活动;用力;激励;使活跃;供给……能量enervate 使衰弱;使失去活力energise 供给……能量;使精力充沛(等于energize)

17. enforce [ɪnˈfɔːs] v.v. 强制执行,强行实施;强迫;迫使构词:en 使…… forc 力量;强壮的 e → 使有力量地进行 → 强行;实行例句:The legislation will be difficult to enforce.这一法规将难以实施。It is their responsibility to ensure that the rules are enforced. 他们有责任确保制度的执行拓展:同:perform, actualize派:enforceable 可实施的;可强行的;可强迫的enforced 实施的;强制执行的enforcement 执行,实施;强制

18. engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ] v.v. 吸引住;雇用;聘用;与……建立密切关系;尽力理解;使订婚常用搭配:engage sb. in sth. (使)从事,参加例句:Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities. 他甚至在监狱里还继续从事犯罪活动。Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not applied research. 行业领袖希望科学家从事基础性研究,而非应用性研究。拓展:同:participate, attend, join派:engaged 使用中的,忙碌的;保证;约定;同……订婚engaging 迷人的engagingly 动人地;吸引人地engagement 婚约;约会;交战;诺言

19. engagement [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt] n.

n. 订婚;订婚期间;约定,约会,预约;战斗;交战

例句:Their engagement was announced in the local paper.


The terms of engagement are to be agreed in writing.



同:appointment, date

派:engaged 使用中的,忙碌的; 保证;约定;同……订婚

engage 从事;答应,保证;交战;啮合; 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚

20. engineer [ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)] n./v.

n. 工程师;设计师;机修工;技师;技工;轮机手;机械师

v. 密谋策划;设计制造;改变……的基因结构

构词:engine 发动机 eer 人(专做某种工作或从事某种职业)→ 工程师

例句:Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department.


She engineered a further meeting with him.



派:engine 引擎,发动机;机车,火车头;工具

engineering 工程,工程学

