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Poverty of the Spirit


"MATERIAL SCARCITY often brings about one of two results: the extreme poverty of the spirit or the extreme fullness of it. I definitely chose the latter," wrote Wang Xinyi in her long essay about how poverty drove her to achieve success in the Chinese National College Entrance Examination (高考). From Zaoqiang County in Hebei province, Wang grew up in poor conditions and often spent time working on the family farm to help raise her younger siblings. Despite these hardships, she scored a 707 on the college entrance examination and was accepted by Peking University. Wang's achievements have been widely applauded, but some people are bothered that she chose to "thank" poverty for her success.

I read a book not long ago, about poverty-stricken (赤贫的) families struggling but failing to leave their poor conditions behind. Studies and data also support this idea: Children from poor families generally end up poor. But that doesn't always have to be the case. Too many individuals possess the "extreme poverty of the spirit"; they give up because they believe they will fail. Many don't even bother trying. It is true that people living in big cities have better opportunities and more resources, but it really boils down to the individual and the effort they are willing to put into achieving their goals.

Before you back away thinking, "I'm living in a big city, this doesn't apply to me," think about the last time you gave up on something. whether it was choosing to give up playing the piano because you believed you couldn't become the next Lang Lang, or giving up in the middle of a basketball game because your team was behind by 30 points, it is giving up that leads to failure. Yet you can choose to acknowledge your disadvantages and make them your motivation. After all, a 1 percent chance of success is much better than a 100 percent chance of failure.

Wang Xinyi may have gotten accepted into Peking University, but she is still far away from stepping out of the shadow of poverty. However, I believe that her experiences have given her an indomitable (不屈不挠的) spirit, one that will carry her through the many obstacles she is sure to face.



1. What do you know about the living conditions of children from poor rural areas?

2. What's your understanding of material scarcity and spiritual scarcity?



1. I read a book not long ago, about poverty-stricken families struggling but failing to leave their poor conditions behind.

1) stricken是一个形容词后缀,意思是“受……侵害的,受……困扰的”,和poverty连在一起可以意思引申为“赤贫的”。这一用法较为正式。

2) 介词短语“about poverty-stricken families ...”是book的后置定语,对其进行修饰限定。通常介词短语作后置定语时紧跟在所修饰名词的后面。这里用时间状语not long ago将其隔开,这样一来可以使句子语气变得更加舒缓。

2. Whether it was choosing to give up playing the piano because you believed you couldn't become the next Lang Lang, or giving up in the middle of a basketball game because your team was behind by 30 points, it is giving up that leads to failure.

1) "whether ... or ..."句式可以翻译为“无论……还是……”。它可以用来表达:

A. 正反、对错等两种截然相反的情况,是一种强烈的让步语气。即不管情况如何,正反两方面都被估计在内,不会影响后面主句动作的结果。

e.g. Whether you succeed or fail, we will always be on your side.

B. 两种不同的情况或概念。后面可以接不定式、形容词或其他短语。

e.g. Whether happy or sad, she always tries to keep smiling.

2) 这是一个强调结构:It is/ was 被强调部分 that/who 其他部分。在这一结构中,构成强调句的it本身没有词义。强调句中的连接词that或who不可省略。


Complete each sentence using one word from the box in its correct form. Note that there is one word more than you need and you can use each word only once.

extreme conditions generally bother achieving willing

1. Even if we ______ great success in our work, we should not be self-satisfied.

2. I skimmed through it to get a ______ impression of the text.

3. Sixty percent of voters said they would ______ pay higher taxes for better health care.

4. My father is ______ proud that I followed in his footsteps and became a doctor.

5. I was so uninterested in the result that I didn't even ______ to look at it.

Key: achieve general willingly extremely bother


1. 坐在那里抱怨并不会有助于解决问题。(bring about)

2. 我们往往会认为这些人不可靠,但事实并非如此。(case)

3. 她话音一落,我就赶紧抓住机会离开。(chance)

Possible answers:

1. Sitting there complaining would not help bring about a solution.

2. We tend to think that these people are unreliable, but that's not the case.

3. As soon as she stopped speaking/talking, I grabbed the chance to leave.


Choose the best answer.

1. Which of the following statements about Wang Xinyi is true?

A. It was poverty and hardships that helped Wang Xinyi get into Peking University.

B. Wang Xinyi should not have thanked poverty for her success.

C. Wang Xinyi will definitely get out of poverty after graduating from university.

D. With great determination and courage, Wang Xinyi will overcome any difficulties she might be faced with.

2. What's the author's intention in mentioning Lang Lang?

A. To prove that people should work hard even if they enjoy life in big cities.

B. To tell people that Lang Lang's success owes to his talent.

C. To inspire readers to try their best when they want to achieve their goals.

D. To suggest that everyone can become a famous pianist as long as they do not give up.

3. By writing this article, the author mainly wants to ______.

A. praise Wang Xinyi for her success in the National College Entrance Examination

B. encourage Wang Xinyi to work harder to escape the shadow of poverty

C. argue that material scarcity is the foundation of success

D. tell people that material scarcity is nothing terrible, as long as they have an indomitable spirit.

Key: DCD


"Thank you, poverty, for giving me endless hope and the courage not to give up," Wang Xinyi wrote in her essay. Some people are touched by Wang's inspirational story. Some people think that the state of being poor is not worthy of praise. What is worthy of praise is Wang's own efforts to improve her life and that of her family.

What's your opinion? Was it reasonable for Wang to thank poverty? Why or why not? Share your thoughts with your classmates.


「英语阅读基础版」The Price of Existence(内附音频)

「英语阅读基础版」Life Is a Gift(内附音频)

「英语阅读基础版」Adopting Abandoned Animals(内附音频)



