

Lesson21 Daniel Mendoza




draw [drɔ]




同义词:make a drawing of; trace; pull; open; close; pull out

draw up vt.制定、 制订,起草,草拟;拟定 , 把…拉近;使接近 ,伸直背部;挺直身子

to make or write sth that needs careful thought or planning

draw up 停住;停下来

A bus drew up. 一辆公共汽车停了下来。

Let us draw up a formal agreement.让我们拟定一份正式协议吧。

We need to draw up plans for a new course.我们需要为一门新课程制订计划。

to draw yourself up伸直背部;挺直身子

He drew himself up to his full height.他把身子挺得笔直。


1.draw in (白昼)渐短;(天黑)渐早2使参与;使卷入3深呼吸;吸入(空气)

2.draw off 抽出;排掉;汲出;使转移,撤掉

draw sth↔off抽出;排掉

to remove some liquid from a larger supply

The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure. 医生排掉了一些液体以缓解压力。

3.draw on /draw upon凭借;利用;动用;(时光)渐渐过去,荏苒

Night was drawing on. 夜渐深了。

4.draw out 使畅所欲言;使愿意交谈;(天黑)渐晚;(白昼)渐长

draw out(天黑)渐晚;(白昼)渐长to become lighter in the evening as summer gets nearer

The days/evenings are drawing out. 白昼越来越长了。

draw sb↔out使畅所欲言to encourage sb to talk or express themselves freely

draw sth↔out拖延;拉长to make sth last longer than usual or necessary

She drew the interview out to over an hour. 她拖拖沓沓采访了一个多小时。

5.draw up 草拟;制定;把(椅子)拉近

6.draw back移开;后退 to move away from sb/sth

He came close but she drew back. 他一步步靠近,而她却一步步向后退。

draw back (from sth/from doing sth)退缩;撤销;撤回 to choose not to take action, especially because you feel nervous

We drew back from taking our neighbours to court. 我们撤回了对邻居的起诉。

7.draw sth from sb/sth(从…中)得到,获得

to take or obtain sth from a particular source

to draw support/comfort/strength from your family 从家人那里得到支持 / 安慰 / 力量

She drew her inspiration from her childhood experiences. 她从儿时的经历中获得灵感。

8.draw in(天黑)渐早;(白昼)渐短

to become dark earlier in the evening as winter gets nearer

The nights/days are drawing in. 天黑得越来越早了。

9.draw sb into sth/into doing sth

draw sb↔in使卷入;使参与

to involve sb or make sb take part in sth, although they may not want to take part at first

The book starts slowly, but it gradually draws you in. 这本书开始时情节展开得很慢,但渐渐地就把你给完全吸引住了。

10.draw into 使参与;使卷入

They are the youngsters drawn into a life of crime 他们就是那些身不由己卷入犯罪活动的年轻人。

11.draw on/upon sth凭借;利用;动用to use a supply of sth that is available to you

I'll have to draw on my savings. 我只得动用我的存款了。

The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences. 这位小说家在很大程度上是以她的亲身经历为素材。

12.draw up(车辆)到达某处停下,停止if a vehicle draws up , it arrives and stops

The cab drew up outside the house. 出租车在房子外面停了下来。




1. Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for Prize money. 两百年前,拳击比赛在英国非常盛行。当时,拳击手们不戴手套,为争夺奖金而搏斗。

to be popular in 在.......盛行,在.....流行、受欢迎

to be popular with sb [ food, activity ] 为某人所喜爱

Skateboarding and rollerblading are particularly popular with young boys. 滑板运动和滚轴溜冰尤其受到男孩子们的喜爱。

Ice cream is always popular with children.冰激凌一直是孩子们爱吃的东西。

(sth.) be popular to (sb.) 对”sb来说很受欢迎(sb. be popular with (sth.) 受..欢迎、喜爱People are popular with music.Music is popular to him.

fought with bare fists 赤手空拳的打斗

2. Because of this, they were known as 'prize-fighters'. However, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and a prize-fighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match. 因此,他们被称作“职业拳击手”。不过,拳击是十分野蛮的,因为当时没有任何比赛规则,职业拳击手有可能在比赛中受重伤,甚至丧命。3. One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza who was born in 1764. 拳击史上最引人注目的人物之一是丹尼尔.门多萨,他生于1764年。4. The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860 when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules. 1860年昆斯伯里侯爵第一次为拳击比赛制定了规则,拳击比赛这才用上了手套。

the first set of rules.



Introduce(vt.传入, 引进)= bring in(介绍引进)

Potatoes were introduced into Europe from South America.

draw [drɔ]




同义词:make a drawing of; trace; pull; open; close; pull out

draw up vt.制定、 制订,起草,草拟;拟定 , 把…拉近;使接近 ,伸直背部;挺直身子

to make or write sth that needs careful thought or planning

draw up 停住;停下来

A bus drew up. 一辆公共汽车停了下来。

Let us draw up a formal agreement.让我们拟定一份正式协议吧。

We need to draw up plans for a new course.我们需要为一门新课程制订计划。

to draw yourself up伸直背部;挺直身子

He drew himself up to his full height.他把身子挺得笔直。

draw up a plan

draw sth↔up拟订;制订;起草

to draw up a contract 起草一份合同

draw up 草拟;制定;把(椅子)拉近

draw up(车辆)到达某处停下,停止

if a vehicle draws up , it arrives and stops

The cab drew up outside the house. 出租车在房子外面停了下来。



5. Though he was technically a prize-fighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prize-fighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. 虽然门多萨严格来讲不过是个职业拳击手,但在把这种粗野的拳击变成一种体育运动方面,他作出了重大贡献。是他把科学引进了这项运动。6. In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike. 门多萨在的全盛时期深受大家欢迎,无论是富人还是穷人都对他祟拜备至。

In his day = in his full time = in his good day 在他的全盛时期

He was adored by rich and poor alike.

He was not only adored by the rich but adored by the poor as well.

7. Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing-match when he was only fourteen years old. 门多萨在14岁时参加一场拳击赛后一举成名。

rise to fame = become famous

rise to power = become powerful

8. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn. 这引起当时英国拳坛名将理查德.汉弗莱斯的注意。他主动提出教授门多萨,而年少的门多萨一学就会。

attracted the attention of sb.

offered to

was quick to learn.



9. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him.事实上,门多萨不久便名声大振,致使汉弗莱斯与他反目为敌。

became so ……l that …… turned against him.

turned against him.与某人为敌,同某人反目

10. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. 两个人争吵不休,显而易见,只有较量一番才能解决问题。

it was clear that

11. A match was held at Stilton where both men fought for an hour. The public bet a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. 于是两人在斯蒂尔顿设下赛场,厮打了一个小时。公众把大笔赌注下到了门多萨身上,但他却输了。

bet a great deal of money on Mendoza把大笔赌注下到了门多萨身上

bet 打赌,赌注;被打赌的事物, vt. 打赌;敢断定,确信, vi. 打赌


His bet was that the horse would win.他曾预言这匹马会胜出。

1.to have a bet打赌

Do you always have a bet on the Grand ?你总是在赛马会上赌马吗?

to place a bet on sth | to put a bet on sth 将赌注押在…上

He placed a bet on one of the horses.他在其中一匹马身上下了赌注。

You can put a bet on almost anything these days. 如今你几乎可以对任何东西下赌注。

2. to be a good bet : strong probability 极有可能发生

it is a good bet that ... | it is a safe bet that ... very likely: 极有可能…

It is a safe bet that the current owners will not sell. 现在的业主极有可能不会出售。



12. Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. 后来,门多萨与汉弗莱斯再次在拳击场上较量,门多萨又输了一场。

he lost for a second time = he lost again

13. It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. 直到1790年他们第3次对垒,门多萨才终于击败汉弗莱斯,成了全英拳击冠军。

=He didn't finally beat Humphries and become Champion of EnglandIt until his third match in 1790 that .

=Not until his third match in 1790 did he finally beat Humphries and become Champion of England.

It was not until....意思是直到.....才.....

It is not until that….,是个强调句型句型。

It be not 被强调部分 that(强调句连词) 主句

It won't be ready until next week.这要到下个星期才能准备好。

Not until then will we know the answer.到那时候我们才能知道答案。

It is not until he finished his composition that his mom came back home.

= His mom didn't come back home until he finished his composition.

= Not until he finished his composition did his mom come back home.



14. Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. 同时,他建立了一所拳击学校,办得很成功,连拜伦勋爵也成了他的学生。


15. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as &100 for a single appearance. 门多萨挣来大笔大笔的钱,一次出场费就多可达100英镑。

1. as much as

2. appearance

16. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt.尽管收入不少,但他挥霍无度,经常债台高筑。Despite==in spite of 尽管

1.Noise got into the room despite the efforts to soundproof it.尽管有隔音设备,噪音还是传进了房间里。

2. Despite strong principles he was never rude.他尽管原则性很强,却从粗鲁。

3. Despite official denials, the rumours still persist. 尽管官方予以否认,但谣言依然没有平息。

in debt 负债

He was already in debt through gambling losses. 由于赌博老是输钱,他已处于欠债状态。

to be in debt to sb 欠…的债

We're in debt to the bank to as much as $40 million. 我们对银行的欠债总额高达4,000万美元。

to get into debt 负债

He borrowed enormous sums of money from friends, and thus got into debt. 他借朋友很多钱,因此,他开始负债。

Families end up getting deeper and deeper into debt. 许多家庭最后负债越来越多。

to get out of debt 还清债务;偿清欠款

He wrote the novels to get out of debt. 他为了还清债务而写下了这些小说。

He had to sell her flat to get out of debt. 为了摆脱债务,他不得不卖掉了她的公寓房。



17. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. 他在被一个叫杰克逊绅士的拳击手击败后很快被遗忘。

defeat vt. 击败,战胜;挫败;[法]宣告无效,作废; n. 战胜;失败

This accident has defeated all his hopes of winning.这次意外让他获胜的希望化为泡影。

He swore to defeat the plan.他发誓要挫败那项计划。

18. He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836. 他因无力还债而被捕入狱,最后于1836年在贫困中死去。

was sent to prison for failing 因为……而被送入监狱





who, whom, which, that,as 在从句中要充当相应的句子成分。



when,相当于相应的介词,如,in, on, at, during等 which,指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语

where指地点,相当于相应的介词,如,in, on, at, 等 which,在定语从句作地点状语

