



1.keep up with 跟上,不落后。

如:Try to keep up with the others. 设法不要落在别人后面。

It’s hard to keep up with the changes in computer technology. 要跟上电脑技术的发展不容易。

2.keep out 遮挡,使不进入。

如 :The trees keep out the wind. 这些树可以挡风。

Warm clothing will keep out the cold. 暖和衣服可以御寒。

3. keep sb from doing 使某人不能做某事。

如:The rain kept us from going out. 下雨使我们没法出去。

We must keep them from getting to know our plans. 我们一定不要让他们知道我们的计划。

4. keep from (doing) sth

(1) 忍不住做某事。

如:I couldn’t keep from laughing. 我忍不住笑了。

(2) 避开或防止(做)某事。

如:He keeps from bad company. 他不与坏人为伍。

He kept from talking about it. 他避而不谈此事。

5. keep out of 使不进入……。

如:Keep the dog out of my room. 别让狗进入我的房间。

Try to keep out of other people’s quarrels. 设法不要卷入别人的争吵。

6. keep up 保持,继续。

如:Rain kept up all night. 雨下了一整夜。

I hope the fine weather will keep up. 我希望好天气会保持下去。

7. keep on 继续。

如:The rain kept on for several days. 雨一连下了好几天。

Keep on until you come to the station. 一直走到车站.

8. keep back

(1) (使)后退。如:Keep back. 后退。The police kept the crowd back. 警察使群众后退。

(2) 忍住,隐瞒。如:She couldn’t keep back her tears. 她忍不住哭了。I’ll keep nothing back from you. 我什么也不瞒你。

9. keep at sth 坚持做某事。

如:Keep at it. 坚持做。

He kept at the job until finished. 他坚持把工作干完。

10. keep doing sth

(1) 不断地或一直做某事(动作之间略有间隔)。

如:They kept talking about it. 他们一直在谈论此事。

My shoe laces keep coming undone. 我的鞋带老是松开。

注:此用法可与 keep on doing sth 换用。

(2) 一直在做某事(无间隔)。

如:He kept standing during the meeting. 开会时他一直站着。

He kept hoping that they would have chance to come to China some day.我一直希望什么时候有机会到中国来。

注:此用法通常不能与keep on doing sth换用。

11. keep on doing sth

(1) 不断地或一直做某事(动作之间略有间隔)。

如:He kept on looking at us. 他老是瞧我们。

Don’t keep on asking questions like that. 不要老是问那样的问题。

注:此用法可与 keep doing sth 换用。

(2) 继续做某事(即将一直在做的事继续做下去)。

如:He kept on working after dark. 天黑了我们还继续干。

Don’t give up; keep on trying. 别灰心,继续努力。

注:这样的 keep on doing 有时可与 go on doing 换用。

如:The boys kept [went] on doing their homework in spite of interruptions. 尽管有干扰,孩子们仍继续做自己的作业

12. keep down 抑制,控制,使下降。

如:He couldn’t keep down his anger. 他控制不了怒火。The government is trying to keep prices down. 政府正在设法降低物价。

13. keep off 避开,防止,挡住。

如:Danger, keep off. 危险,走开。

Please keep off that subject. 请避开那个话题。

He made a fire to keep off wild animals. 他烧了堆火使野兽不敢走近。

14. keep sb (sth) doing sth 使某人(某事)不停地做某事。

如:He kept the fire burning. 他让火燃着。

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让你等了。

15. keep sb (sth) done 使某人(某事)被……。

如:Keep you mouth shut and your eyes open. 少说话,多干事。

She kept us supplied with food and money. 她为我们源源不断提供食物和钱。

