
Get ready to dive deep in the ocean and learn some cool facts about fish and their marine habitat Scuba Sam's World! There's an elusive gentle giant that swims deep in the ocean, has wings, and can leap high in the air!


Can you guess what it is? It's a giant manta ray, one of the world's most beloved marine animals.


Look how majestic it is, gliding in the ocean with a wingspan of 25 feet from tip to tip. It's like a bird flying underwater.


Giant manta rays have a unique body shape. Its triangular pectoral fins, tiny eyes on the side of its head, flattened slender tail, and distinct spots and blotches make them truly a spectacular sight to see.


And they're super-smart too. Out of about 32,000 species of fish, manta rays have the largest brains.


Their intelligence is evident in how they feed. Manta rays are often solitary animals that live over 20 years in tropical, subtropical, and temperate oceans worldwide.


But their numbers are declining. So let's protect this graceful, iconic species.


So it stays around for many years to come!

