Easteastern; north 或 northern?



North, south, east, west

north, south, east 和 west通常被用于指代“具体地点 运动的方向”,而northern, southern, eastern 和 western则不具备这一功能。

此时,north, south, east 和 west的词性为:形容词(adj)、副词(adv)或名词(n)。


  1. More and more people are buying second homes on the south coast of Ireland. (south为形容词,地点:海岸南部)
  2. We drove north for about six hours without stopping. (north为副词)
  3. Heavy rain is forecast in the west of Beijing. (west为名词)
Northern, southern, eastern , western

Northern, southern, eastern 和 western 指代更大的区域 或 领土。且只能作为形容词(adj)使用。


  1. The northern parts of India have suffered severe flooding. (印度北部
  2. Houses are more expensive in most western parts of China.(中国北部
  3. San Diego is my favourite place in southern California.(= in the south of California) (加州南部)

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