
Aquarius Overview

Dates: January 20 – February 18,Day: Saturday,Color: Silver, Element: Air,Most compatible with: Aries, Gemini, Leo and Libra


出生年月:1月20日—2月18日。 代表日:星期六;代表颜色:银白色;代表元素:空气;


Strengths & Weaknesses 优点和不足

Strengths – The sign of Aquarius is intelligent, energetic and full of brilliant ideas, while humane and honestly turned to the wellbeing of the human race. They will shake the world of everyone around them inspire them to make changes they need, without fear to show their individuality. Eccentric and a bit strange, an Aquarius is someone whose company will never be boring, rich with interesting anecdotes, exciting experiences, and strange events that need to be shared through incredible communication.

优点—-水瓶座的标志是智慧、精力充沛、充满奇思妙想。同时,他们的仁爱之心和诚实会给他人带来福祉。他们有能力撼动周边世界,同时按照自己的想法去改变周边世界。他们不惧怕展示自己的独立性。 水瓶座的人有时有点古怪和独特,同水瓶座的人为伍,永远充满趣味。他们会有讲不完的逸闻趣事,分享不完的新奇经验,也有怪异事件需要用不可思议的沟通方式与你共享。


Weaknesses – Their greatest weakness is their lack of connection with the world they live in. Many Aquarius representatives will seem distant, lost, detached from everyone in their lives, and if they don’t build strong respect for other people’s personalities, they might end up alone, estranged and an outcast to those around them. Each Aquarius needs to take care of their loved ones, and learn that the wellbeing of the community should be balanced by the wellbeing of each individual on this planet.



Aquarius In Relationships

When it comes to relationships, the sign of Aquarius can bring a lot of stress and solitude, and people born under this sign tend to think too much while feeling too little. They need constant excitement and change or their life falls into a boring routine they cannot handle. This makes it impossible for them to hold on to a certain “form” of any relationship that makes life easier for many other signs of the zodiac. The best way to socialize and go out with, or love an Aquarius, is to let go of your need for control and dedication, and hope that this specific individual will find reason to be present, dedicated and there for you for as long as it takes.




As partners

When we speak of romance, this is not someone who is in for the long run at the beginning of any relationship. They need to truly be swept off their feet day after day, convinced of the certainty and endurance of their bond, in order to give their heart to one person. This is a sign often in search for a lot of emotional excitement, but it is important to remember that this is a sign of fixed quality too, which makes them sort of constant in their approach. If they build a strongly intimate, while also intellectually stimulating relationship with another human being, they will hardly drift away once they realize that the spontaneous flow of things leads them towards forming a lasting bond.


当我们谈到爱情,水瓶座的人不是在任何一段感情开始时都可以维持长久的那个人。他们真的需要日复一日的被他人讨好,确认他们的关系的稳定性和持久性,为的是将自己的心交于另一半。 这是一个经常性情感上愉悦的标志。但是,记住下面一点很重要,这种行为也是他们需要牢固爱情质量的标志。 这决定着在他们恋爱过程中他们是稳定的一方。如果他们建立了一个强烈的亲密关系,同时也激发了同另外一个人智力上的关系, 只要他们意识到是一系列事件导致他们形成了一种持久的姻缘,他们几乎就不会从你的身边逃走。


As parents

As parents, Aquarius representatives can bring too much stress into the lives of their children. No matter what makes them different from their surroundings, it becomes a source of stress to those who have yet to build their ego and understand the way the world works. They will give room for the character of their child to develop, excited and truly fascinated by the growth of their mind. As teachers, healers and friends, these strongly opinionated individuals will have trouble understanding a strongly emotional approach when needed, for their rational mind doesn’t let them make decisions based solely on their hearts.


作为父母,水瓶座的代表人物会把过多的紧张和压力带进他们孩子们的生活。不论他们周边环境使他们多么与众不同,他们构建的自我意识以及对世界运转的自我感觉都会成为他们压力的来源。 他们会给予自己的孩子个性发展的空间,也会因为孩子的思想的成熟激动和着迷。作为老师、治疗师以及朋友, 这些有强烈个性的双子座个体,当需要一个有强烈情感的方法去实施时,他们会出现理解困难,因为他们理性的大脑不会听从自己从内心单独做出决定。


As children

In childhood, Aquarius kids require a lot of intellectual presence and attention. It is important not to forget that their ego and self-image built while they are supposed to feel as the center of the world. The battle to show who they are can turn into agony if they have rigid, unmovable parents, and the stronger their character, the more problems they will make. Aquarius children are brilliant, creative and innovative, as much as they are black sheep, outcasts in the family tree, and those who don’t know how to act “appropriately” among neighbors, guests, or their own parents. When cherished just the way they are, they turn into liberators, modern thinkers and incredible people with endless possibilities.


在儿童时代,水瓶座的孩子需要获取知识和别人的注意。重要的是不要忘记他们构建的自我意识和自我形象,这时他们一定感到自己是世界的中心。为了表现自我,他们不惜一战,从而招致痛苦的结局。如果他们的父母严苛,不可动摇,水瓶座孩子的个性越强,他们惹的麻烦就越多。 水瓶座的孩子聪明,富有创造力和创新意识。很多的时候他们被当做“害群之马“, 他们是家族的“抛弃者”,他们不知道在邻居、客人或父母间怎么行为“恰当”。当他们被按他们发展方式加以珍视时,他们就会成为 拯救者,现代思想家以及有无限可能的不可思议的人。


Love And Intimacy

Love excites those born in this sign, but also makes them feel tied up and locked in a room with no doors. They will start their relationships quickly, on a whim, and end them in the same fashion, while often turning to their rational mind for help among matters of the heart. In the core of their personality lies the exaltation of Neptune, and this makes them dreamy, often lost in their desires or parallel realities and worlds that aren’t visible to those they share a life with. This is why their partner needs to touch them on an intellectual, as well as an emotional level, in order for their sexual relationship to be satisfying. They need changes, experiments and their incredible curiosity satisfied at all times.


爱会使水瓶座的人心潮澎湃,但是也会使他们感到束缚,并觉得被关在上锁的没有门的房间。 他们会心血来潮的很快爱上某人,又以同样的风格结束这段情缘。与此同时,他们会经常求助于理性的大脑,来处理心中遇到的事务。在他们责任的中心,有木星族狂喜的特质。这使得他们充满梦幻的色彩,经常迷失在欲望或者平行的现实和世界之中。这个世界是他们共同生活的人无法看到的。 这就是他们的伴侣为什么需要在智力及情感的层面去感知对方,这样做的目的是为了他们性关系的愉悦。他们需要作出改变,进行验证。而且他们惊人的好奇心一直处于满足之中。


Aquarius Career

The imagination and speed of Aquarius representatives makes them great in doing work that no one else can manage. Creative ideas will make any assignment seem like a video game, and their energy never goes unnoticed. However, if they are stuck at a job that gives them no satisfaction, or is below their mental needs, this can turn into torture for both them and those they work for. They need constant motivation and change, as well as new technologies and equipment, in order to shine in their line of work. Unpredictable and strange, they are a good friend but often don’t fit into their team at work. Still, their social and eloquent nature will resolve any problem quickly and keep them on a professional distance.


水瓶座代表性人物的想象力和速度使他们在从事别人无法处理的工作时很出色。他们富有创造力的点子使任何一项任务看起来像视频游戏,而且他们的能量从不被忽视。 然而,如果他们被捆在一项不能让他们愉悦的工作上,或者满足不了他们的智力要求,这项工作就会成为折磨,不管是对于他们,还是对于他们的工作对象。他们需要持续的激情和变化,同时需要新的科技和设备。这样做的目的是在他们想在自己的工作中闪闪发光。他们的行为不可预测而且怪异, 他们是好朋友但是通常不适合团队合作。然而,他们交际能力广,天赋的口才能够很快解决任何问题,而且他们的专业水平会使他人难以望其项背。




