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Life is not for anger, entanglement and anxiety. Don't be an emotional slave. Be your own master. Otherwise, there is no way out? Well, I think the following is the way out. Change and learning want to change, thinking first change, do not change, people will be abandoned. People either indulge in the past glory, or yield to the stability of reality. Listen to your inner voice more, then you can live a life without giving up. Don't just accept fragmented information. You should organize and think systematically and completely. You only know to read information, but never think about it. You don't have your own point of view. Your heart is empty, not down-to-earth, not summarizing and outputting, that is, you don't practice. Knowledge that cannot be expressed for output is always the knowledge of others. Only by integrating knowledge into your own logical system and outputting it through your own way of thinking, can this knowledge really become your skills. With the mastery of skills, anxiety will be reduced. In middle age, people who exercise and perform tend to be lazy, drift with the tide during the working day, lie in bed during the rest day, and have no plans for their own life and work, which can only be abandoned in the end. Without passion, the body is cheap. You should know that the body is the capital of revolution. A good body means abundant energy, longer working hours and more attention than others, and it also means that you can stick to more difficult things with less perseverance. This must be true in light of our own actual situation, and we should put ourselves down and set a position for ourselves. I am no one and start from scratch. Make a plan for yourself and your family, and then follow the plan. Invest and try to be willing to invest in yourself, invest in learning, and invest in a high-quality network. Avoid thinking too much, reading too little, doing too little and thinking too much. We should settle down, place less hope in the past and future, correctly examine and face the present, make efforts, and implement an idea rather than make 10000 decisions. Go out of your comfort zone and try new things bravely. Don't be complacent, live an unsatisfied life but don't dare to give up, face the future of multiple choices but don't dare to pursue, be afraid of hardship, fatigue and failure. It depends on the future. The younger you are, the more you know how to invest in yourself, and the greatest return you can give yourself. It is still not too late to invest in yourself. Social development has given many opportunities, and the current we media is the best proof. In short, the most efficient way to change yourself is to do what you fear. Inaction is more terrible than failure. Do what you fear, and you will find that it is just so. As long as the above three aspects are achieved, the way out is ahead. Why do some people become more and more anxious when they reach middle age? Not as good as when you were young? When you were young? Basically, they were not mature. At that time, their parents took care of their own affairs. They only took care of the storm, regardless of the collapse behind them? In middle age? Children grow up every day, demand more and more, spend more money, and their parents grow old every day. Not only can they not help you? You have to worry about your parents! All kinds of pressure mountain! Personal requirements are also getting higher and higher. Save 100000 yuan? Want 200000? 500000? Or not enough? So you can't sleep well? Not good? Make yourself like a snail, hunched over a shell, stretched out his neck and crawled! Desire is small, demand is low, laugh is high, spirit is cool, live like a fairy! [laughing] [laughing] more and more anxious. There is no hope. What is hope? Middle aged people may be menopausal syndrome! It will be better in a few years, but we must stick to it at present, because we have old and young people! You can't finish housework every day. You must be open-minded. In short, middle-aged people are also doing logistics work. There's no need to be busy making money for work! Is the work in the rear area also very important? Hahaha! When he was young, he was energetic, full of dreams, did not know the taste of worry, only studied and started a business, did not bear any family burden, and did not experience the ups and downs of life. Of course, he was carefree. Even if you encounter something unpleasant, such as drinking, singing, traveling, dancing, your troubles will disappear. The next day, the sun will still rise, and there will be plenty of time to start over. When people reach middle age, their health and energy are not as good as before, the pressure of life is increasing, and their parents are getting older and dependent on their children's care; The child is worried about entering a higher school and getting employed; The fresh-keeping period of marriage has passed, and the couple are estranged due to less communication; There is less room for improvement in work, especially for those who lack a stable income, but also for livelihood, to support their families, they have trouble sleeping and eating, coupled with the temptation of the colorful world outside, the pressure is too great, and there is no place to complain about their depression. Individuals will inevitably flirt with flowers and grass, red apricots and red apricots out of the wall, which naturally makes them restless. Some people have an unbalanced mentality, are too competitive and lack of strength, especially when they encounter some unexpected situations. In a word, they are physically and mentally exhausted and exhausted. Now it's time When I was young, I felt a lot of emotion. No matter how difficult it is, middle-aged people should have a good attitude, have a healthy body, face the ups and downs of life bravely, and go through the only way of life. They will always clear the clouds and come to the best. When they were young, they were thinking about nothing but fantasy and unrealistic things. Their dreams were infinite, they were not clear about themselves, and they thought that they would become a great person. How could that be bad? Every day they thought that they were the favorite of heaven, and that they should be happy when they were happy, and that their youth was a good companion. Many young people are happy when they set foot in society.Thinking that he can be a general manager and a great person immediately, and looking down on some celebrities, such a blind self-confidence and optimism will naturally make him look high spirited. If someone shows him the rest of his life in advance, I'm afraid most young people will not be able to withstand the blow. In middle age, after social trials, it's time to see clearly how much weight you have. It's time to understand that you may be a person who worries about eating all your life, especially in middle age, you're tired after working hard for the first half of your life There may not be a decent house to live in. Marriage is also a noisy chicken feather. Health is not as good as when you were young. Various practical problems are bothering you every day. You have to spend money here and there. You have to count how much money you have left, how much food you have left after paying off the mortgage every month. The company is in a bad situation. What should you do in case of layoffs tomorrow Various problems follow. The youth of yesterday is still boasting about being a billionaire, or some people have vowed that they are not interested in money and want to realize their personal ideals. After ten years in the society, all their illusions have been shattered. All those unrealistic dreams have become the pressure of money and debt, which haunts people's minds every day. More and more anxious, because more and more aware of the complexity and danger of the society they live in, and finally know that this environment is not controlled by anyone. You can only try to adapt to this cruelty. Looking at the lives of people around you, you will feel more and more difficult to survive. Generally speaking, it is very cruel, very real and cruel. In middle age, people feel anxious, as if they suddenly lose their direction and feel at a loss. This is a natural phenomenon. The anxiety is expressed in words. If you don't pay attention, you'll light the gun and enter middle age. There are few friends who are willing to make friends with each other. When you come out for a drink, you need to call your family for filing. You are no longer free; They are more concerned about their parents' physical conditions and the status of their wives and children. They are too heavy to fall down; I feel that sometimes I can't do what I want. I will be very tired after staying up late. I understand the importance of physical health more and more; Lost the courage and determination to move forward, will look ahead and backward; Feel lonely, it is difficult to communicate with relatives, they do not understand you, and you do not want them to worry; Modern people are deeply depressed by the pressure of survival, and all kinds of anxiety are surging from the depths of their hearts. Car loans, housing loans, children's talent training, entertainment and other expenses are pressed on the chest without breathing. Some people are only in their early 40s, but they live like old people. In the face of huge house prices, I squeeze money to repay the mortgage every month, and my anxiety arises from my heart. People who have worked hard in the city for many years, in the face of huge house prices, in addition to sighing at the world, they have gathered their family's strength to pay the down payment first, and then tighten their belts to repay monthly. No matter how small the area of a house is, there is no shortage of about onemillion in the first tier cities in the mainland. The loan of several thousand yuan has been paid back to the ground, and the living expenses have been paid. It's really a moonlight family. Facing the children's tuition fees and the pick-up time arrangement, my heart is haggard. Children go to school every day, early delivery and late pick-up. Then there is the daily homework of children, which should be checked, appraised and tutored. There are also two or three talent training courses every month, which will cost thousands of yuan every month. Children are tired of learning, and parents are tired every day. Not tired. Every parent is suffering like this. When I get home every day, I am so tired that I just want to lie on the sofa and close my eyes. But I still have to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook. If I add relatives and friends for lodging, I will lie down and rest in the early morning. The anxiety and worry caused by the huge medical expenses of family members suffering from serious diseases. Tired, middle-aged man, came after a night's rest. What I fear most is that my family suddenly suffers from a major disease. If one person is seriously ill, the whole family will fall down. Those who go to work have to ask for leave to go home and take care of the patients. They also have to leave one person to earn money and hand it over to the hospital. It's not that the poor can't afford to be ill, it's that ordinary people can't afford to be ill. How easy it is to wear out a middle-aged man. Sometimes, it only needs a feather on top of these pressures. Facing the anxiety caused by children's learning and growth failing to achieve the expected results. The more advanced the society, the greater the competition for survival. If adults do not bring good education or skills to their children when they should study, their future will be full of worries. If a son does not teach his father, if a child does not teach him, then his parents do. If you were born without teaching, you won't make people laugh. This is not afraid of other people's jokes. At least, it is afraid that the children will complain when they grow up. The stress and anxiety caused by the failure of a career in which all your energy is invested. When a promising career has invested a lot of money, manpower and energy, it is found that it can no longer go on. It's hard to move forward without being defeated. It was really Wuzixu who was in a hurry all night. That kind of taste is really not thinking about food and tea. My throat is hoarse when I speak. How many middle-aged people have been defeated by their career, and have been depressed since then, or fallen to the ground as heroes! Middle aged people sometimes seem unable to bear the weight of a straw under pressure! It seems that even a feather will collapse with it! Poor middle-aged man! A middle-aged man who can't bear the burden! But most middle-aged people can do it! You can carry it, but you won't fall down! Even though it is a force beyond the load, if you can do it, you can do it. Middle aged man, stand up and get through. There is no word "easy" in the middle-aged dictionary. Everyone is moving forward with a heavy load. The important thing is to adjust their mentality. Even if they are anxious at present, they should grit their teeth and insist on working silently. I believe that as long as they pay down-to-earth, they will always be able to keep the day when the clouds open and the moon shines Some people are selling anxiety, while others are consuming anxiety. Anxiety, like some element in the air, has always surrounded us. "Other people's children" is definitely a public enemy of the whole people. They studied hard and tried their best to find a decent job to support themselves. It was an ordinary and simple day, but they saw an article when they were bleary eyed and crowded on the subway in the morning, thus starting a day of self reflection and deep anxiety. Just after graduation, the youth crisis is coming. You must pay for your love, career and family. You are not calm. Your anxiety is because of your desire. Before the age of 30, you must make an annual salary of millions. Before the age of 40, you must leave your ancestral property to future generations. Otherwise, when you are middle-aged, you will have no money in your pocket. How miserable it is. But what have you done wrong? Anxiety is the temperament given to people by the times. Some people are anxious because of work, some people are anxious because they have no sense of existence, some people are anxious because their parents don't love themselves, and some people are anxious because they haven't reached their own goals... Although the reasons are different, the state of anxiety is surprisingly consistent. It is more like that everyone is around anxiety, constantly attracting from the edge to the center of anxiety, until the symptoms break out or get worse. When you are anxious, you will never think that this is a kind of motivation, just like when you are sad, you will not think that there will be a good turn for the better, when you fail, you will not think that it is the mother of success, when you are in the rain, you will not think that it will always stop, or there may be a rainbow... Appropriate anxiety is the driving force for progress, but excessive anxiety can only make life meaningless. Because I am poor! Seems to be the ultimate answer to all questions. However, those young people who can't take it easy are really not poor. We feel anxious because we are far away from our imagined self. What hurts people is not poverty and material scarcity, but comparison. You are always looking at others with anxiety and no confidence. I don't envy people who are rich, beautiful and have long legs and a small waist. I envy those who don't worry and sleep until dawn as soon as they touch the pillow. Sometimes, people can't live in the anxiety of the future and forget the road ahead. They can't give up the right to choose because they are eager for success. Don't be anxious for quick success and instant benefit. There are some things you can't hurry. Middle age is a more mature age group. It should be a person who has experienced fantasy and setbacks and made progress again. Most of the children in the hospital I live in are like this. Their children are in middle school and high school. The children are obedient and the family is very friendly. However, there are also some who do not strive for success, but most of them are not the pressure of life. Most of them are playful, lazy, good families fall into their hands, and women and children leave. If they are anxious, let them worry!

