
【写作任务】(Section B 3a & 3b)

假设你是Tom,请根据下面的提示信息,给你的中国朋友张星回一封信, 给他提一些英语学习方面的好建议并陈述理由。

提示:1. 听英文歌曲或其他英文节目; 2. 读英文经典; 3. 参加英语角。


1. 定基调

体裁:应用文(书信);信的主体部分为说明文 时态:以一般现在时为主


2. 谋布局、写句子


3. 巧衔接

写作的评分标准之一是文章是否连贯,因此想让文章连贯的方法之一就是学会正确恰当地使用一些衔接词。本文中,在衔接几条建议时可以使用first, Second, third来列举,这样使文章条理清晰。

4. 成篇章

Dear Zhang Xing,

I’m glad to give you some advice about how to learn English well. ____________


Best wishes!



5. 化“平凡”为“非凡”

I believe you can make it as long as you never give up.

→I believe where there is a will, there is a way.


2. 谋布局、写句子

(1) correct your pronunciation and improve your listening

(2) read more English classics

(3) not only increase your knowledge but also learn a very beautiful language

(4) provide you with many chances to communicate with others in English

(5) my advice is helpful to your English learning

4. 成篇章

Dear Zhang Xing,

I’m glad to give you some advice about how to learn English well. First, you can listen to English songs or other English programs on the radio at least three times a week. This will help you correct your pronunciation and improve your listening.

Second, it is a good idea to read more English classics. If you do this, you will not only increase your knowledge but also learn a very beautiful language.

Third, you could go to the English corner. It will provide you with many chances to communicate with others in English. This way is good for your spoken English.

I hope my advice is helpful to your English learning! I believe you can make it as long as you never give up.

Best wishes!


