一, 专有名词(除冠词,介词等虚词外,第一个字母必须大写;当所有字母大写时,虚词也要大写):Changde Mifen常德米粉/LANGUAGEE兰桂姬语言文化

1. Changde Mifen is the most delicious Rice noodles in the world(专有名词般是不可数,如表具体意义时也可数)


1. Glass玻璃杯:如果打碎,则不具备原来的功能

2. fish鱼/chicken小鸡/orange橘子/paper报纸

3. They are steels他们是各种各样的钢铁(产品)(表各种各样时,物质名词可数化)

4. All kinds of foods 各种各样的食物/ All kinds of fruits各种各样的水果(表各种各样时,物质名词可数化)

5. Get me a coffee给我一杯咖啡(表份数时,物质名词可数化)

6. I have a good time/ Let's go for a walk(抽象名词可数化,表“一次,一种,一场,一类”)

7. Teas多杯茶/glasses眼镜/rains多场雨/snows多场雪/winds多场风/waters大片水域/woods大片树林/sands沙丘(抽象名词变复数-具体意义化)


1. Glass玻璃:分成多份还是玻璃

2. Fish鱼肉/chicken鸡肉/orange橘汁/paper纸

3. It is steel这是钢铁




1. The Diao is going to Sun(作主语)

2. I like the Diao best(作宾语)

3. Going to the sun is good for Diao(作介词宾语)

4. We are making the Sun a better Sun(作宾语补足语)

5. The Sun is being made a better Sun(作主语补足语)

6. The Sun is a good Sun(作表语)

7. You Diaos come over here(作同位语)

8. Will you please step this way,Mr.Diao?(作称呼语)

9. Sorry,I am a Diaos teacher,not an Suns teacher(作定语)

注意:多数情况下名词用单数形式作定语=>shoe factory/heart attack/blood type,但也有复数形式作定语的例子=>clothes shop/sports meet/glasses store


1. 一般直接在名词后加-s,清辅音后发[s], 浊辅音后发[z]

Stamp-stamps/stæmps/ bed-beds/bedz/

2. 以/s//z//ʃ//ʒ//tʃ//dʒ/等音结尾的名词后 es,如词尾为e只 s,(e)s读[iz]

Class-classes/klæsiz/ bridge-bridges/bridʒiz/

3. 以“辅音字母 o”结尾的名词,多数情况 es(某些外来词和缩写词pianos,photos等除外);以“元音字母 o”结尾的,一般 s.

Tomato-tomatoes/təˈmeɪtoʊz/ zoo-zoos/zu:z/

4. 以-f(e)结尾的名词大多变f(e)为ves,读/vz/

Thief-thieves/θiːvz/ wolf-wolves/wʊlvz/

5. 以“辅音字母 y”结尾的名词,大多变y为i es读/iz/(专有名词Marys/Henrys等除外);以“元音字母 y”结尾的直接 s读/z/。

Baby-babies/ˈbeɪbiz/ day-days/deɪz/

6. 以th结尾的名词一般 s,一般读/ð/,注意也有发/θ/音不变的如month

Mouth-mouths/maʊðz/ month-months/mʌnθs/

六, 可数名词的数(不规则复数):

1. 变内部元音:Foot-feet/man-men/woman-women(’wɪmɪn)/tooth-teeth/goose-geese/mouse-mince(mɪns)

2. 词尾 ren或en: child-children/ox-oxen公牛

3. 单复同形:fish/means/sheep,deer/Chinese,Japanese

4. 外来词:phenomenon-phenomena / Bacterium-bacteria细菌/datum-data数据/medium-media媒体

5. 集体名词的复数:只有复数形式的goods/clothes/trousers/shorts/glasses/socks;没有形式变化表复数意义的police/people/cattle;看侧重概念可单可复的family/army/audience/government/public/team

6. 合成名词的复数(变中心词):Englishman-Englishmen/woman teacher-women teachers/passer by-passers by/brother in law-brothers in law/three girl students /shoe-makers

7. 同时具有2种复数形式:two penny两便士(便士的价值) /two pennies两个便士(便士的个数);two fish(2条鱼) /two different fishes(2种不同的鱼种) /two people两个人 two peoples两个民族

8. 字母/数字/符号/缩略语等看作个体名词时在其后加-s或-’s都行:Four f's四个f / Six VIPs六个重要任务

七, 名词的格:有主格,宾格和所有格3种,其中主格和宾格就是名词本身,所有格又分-’s所有格,of所有格和双重所有格3种。


① 一般情况下在名词词尾加’:Diao’s dream

② 名词已有以s或es的复数结尾直接在其后加-’:Diaos dream / the factories’ workers

③ 不以-s结尾的可数名词复数直接加-’s:Children’s toys/men's clothes

④ 两人或多人共有一个人或事物时只变化最后一个名词的词尾,如各自所有,各个名词的词尾都要变化Diao and Sun’s father(1个父亲) / Diao’s and Sun’s father(2个父亲)

⑤ 表时间/距离/国家/地点/节日/自然现象等无生命的名词常

⑥ 用-’s所有格:one hour’s work/ two hours’ work/two days’ trip=two-day trip/ Changde’s Mifen/the earth’s atmosphere/the cat’s feelings/Mother’s Day/the Spring Festival(民族节日包括中秋,元宵,端午要加the)

⑦ 有时为避免重复,如果一个被-’s所有格修饰的名词上文已经提到过,或两个-’s所有格所修饰的词相同,往往可以省略第二个所有格后的名词it’s not Diao’s mistake,but Sun’s(mistake);表示某人的店铺,医院,学校,住宅及公共建筑时,-’s所有格后常常不出现它所修饰的名词At the tailor’s(shop)在裁缝店/at the doctor's(office)在诊所/at Diao’s(home)在阿刁家


1. 表示无生命名词的所有关系“名词 of 名词”the capital of China,注意有生命的名词的-’s所有格和of所有格有时可以互换,如the girl’s name = the name of the girl

2. 名词化的形容词的所有关系用of所有格The life of the poor

双重所有格:“名词 of -’s所有格/名词性物主代词”,如在表示所属的名词前有冠词,数词,不定代词或指示代词时常用双重所有格形式来表示所属关系。Diao is a friend of my father’s / I gave him two photos of mine.

注意:a picture of Mr Diao’s刁所有的一张照片(照片归穆恩所有) a picture of Mr Diao刁本人的照片(照片上是刁)


1. 只修饰可数名词few,a few,several,many,a great/good many,a number of,a large/great number of,numbers of

2. 只修饰不可数名词 little,a little,much,a good/great deal of,a bit of

3. 双修(单/复数都可修饰):some/a lot of/lots of/plenty of/all/most

4. 普通单位词:a piece of music/an article of clothes一件衣服/a bit of water/an article of furniture/a bit of advice

5. 度量单位词: a meter of cloth一米布/two feet of snow/a kilo of tomatoes/a sum of money/an inch of space/a yard of sheep/a pound of gold/a ton of water/a length of cloth

6. 容积单位词(双修): a box of sweets/a glass of beer/a bottle of wine/a basin of water/a bowl of soup/a mouthful of rice/a spoonful of sugar/a handful of sand/a bag of tools/a bottle of water/a cup of water

7. 形状单位词:a bar of chocalate/a loaf of bread/a block of ice/a drop of oil/a grain of sand一粒沙子/a cake of cheese/a sheet of paper一页纸/a pile of sand/a tube of toothpaste

8. 集体单位词: a team of players/a crowd of people/a set of furniture/a suit of clothes/a fleet of products/a group of mobs

9. 名词修饰语: a stone table/a goods train

10. 形容词修饰语:a pretty girl/a sunny day

11. 副词修饰语:the weather here/the picture below/the question above

12. 介词短语修饰语: a girl in clean clothes/a boy with thick glasses

13. 从句修饰语:I like writers who write short stories

14. 成对修饰语:pair来修饰 a pair of shoes一双鞋/a pair of trousers一条长裤/a pair of socks一双短袜/a pair of pants一条短裤/a pair of glasses

