Wordless comedian Khaby Lame has officially become the most followed TikTok star on the planet.无言喜剧演员 Khaby Lame 已正式成为这个星球上最受关注的 TikTok 明星。

Lame, 22, reached 142.5 million followers Thursday night, dethroning North American influencer Charli D'Amelio, who had held the top spot since 2020年22 岁的 Lame 周四晚达到 1.425 亿粉丝,取代了自 2020 年以来一直位居榜首的北美影响者 Charli D'Amelio。

Posting under the TikTok name @khaby.lame, Lame crept爬 past D'Amelio's 142.2 million fans, after a months-long follower war.在长达数月的关注者大战之后,Lame 以 TikTok 名称 @khaby.lame 发帖,悄悄地超过了 D'Amelio 的 1.422 亿粉丝。


The social media star, who was born in Senegal but grew up in Italy, previously worked in a factory. He joined the platform in March 2020 after losing his job. His real name is Khabane Lame.这位社交媒体明星出生在塞内加尔,但在意大利长大,之前在一家工厂工作。他在失去工作后于 2020 年 3 月加入了该平台。他的真名是 Khabane Lame。

Lame quickly gained popularity on the app with his humourous, yet wordless, videos which largely consist of him silently mocking other Tik Tokers, especially those suggesting "life hacks".Lame 凭借幽默但无言的视频迅速在该应用程序上流行起来,这些视频主要由他默默地嘲笑其他 Tik Tokers,尤其是那些暗示“生活黑客”的人组成。

"If u wanna laugh u r in the right place," reads his TikTok page.“如果你想笑得恰到好处”他的 TikTok 页面上写道。

Over Lame's two-year TikTok career he has rubbed shoulders with the great and good, attended glamourous events and landed lucrative sponsorship deals with the likes of Hugo Boss, despite his humble beginnings.在 Lame 两年的 TikTok 职业生涯中,尽管出身卑微,但他与伟大和优秀的人擦肩而过,参加了迷人的活动,并与 Hugo Boss 等人达成了利润丰厚的赞助协议。

The majority of Lame’s videos rack up millions of views, with his most popular TikTok video boasting more than 300m views.Lame 的大部分视频都获得了数百万的点击量,其中他最受欢迎的 TikTok 视频拥有超过 3 亿的点击量。

Lame was born in the west African country Senegal, and moved to Chivasso, Italy, aged one.跛子出生在西非国家塞内加尔,一岁时移居意大利奇瓦索。

Although growing up in poverty and living in social housing with his parents, Lame says he owes everything he has to his roots.尽管在贫困中长大并与父母一起住在“公共住房”中,但拉姆说,他所拥有的一切都归功于他的根。

"Public housing is a place to which I owe everything," Lame told Olhar Digital last year. "They taught me education and allowed me to cultivate many bonds."“公共住房是一个我亏欠所有的地方,”Lame 去年告诉 Olhar Digital。 “它给了我教育,并给了我许多人脉。”

In 2020, Lame was working as a machine operator at a factory in Turin, northern Italy. As the pandemic swept through the country, Lame was laid off.2020 年,Lame 在意大利北部都灵的一家工厂担任机器操作员。随着大流行席卷全国,拉梅被解雇了。

He told Forbes that making Tik Tok videos was a way of fighting the boredom of being unemployed during the lockdown.他告诉福布斯,制作 Tik Tok 视频是对抗封锁期间失业无聊的一种方式。

"The pandemic had just started, and I was bored with a lot of time on my hands so I started making videos on TikTok," he said.他说:“大流行刚刚开始,我对自己手头的大量时间感到厌烦,所以我开始在 TikTok 上制作视频。”

Lame began making videos in which he would mock 'life-hack' videos made by other users, acting out simple ways to do what they made complicated, and topping it off with a wide-eyed stare or a shrug.Lame 开始制作视频,在这些视频中他会模拟其他用户制作的“生活黑客”视频,把其他人的复杂做法给简单化演绎,然后以睁大眼睛盯着看或耸耸肩结束。

"I came up with the idea because I was seeing these videos circulating, and I liked the idea of bringing some simplicity to it," Lame said to CNN last year, "I thought of a way to reach as many people as possible. And the best way was not to speak."“我想出了这个想法,因为我看到这些视频在流传,我喜欢给它带来一些简单的想法,”Lame 去年对 CNN 说,“我想了一种方法来接触尽可能多的人。而且最好的办法就是不说话。”

In his more recent videos, Lame has continued to stick to comedy but has broadened his methods by introducing both friends and costumes into his vids.在他最近的视频中,Lame 继续坚持喜剧,但通过在他的视频中引入朋友和服装来扩大他的方法。

“You're number one," one fan wrote, while another said: “You did it, you passed Charli.”“你是第一,”一位粉丝写道,而另一位粉丝说:“你做到了,你超越了查理。”

Others referred to Lame as the “new king of TikTok,” with some expressing how he has inspired them to create content.其他人将 Lame 称为“TikTok 的新王”,有些人表示他是如何激励他们创作内容的。

“You’re now on top bro," one person wrote. "Thanks for inspiring thousands and thousands that everything is possible.”“你现在处于领先地位,”一个人写道,“感谢你激励成千上万的人相信一切皆有可能。

Looking to the future, the TikTok titan hopes to one day make a film with Will Smith, counting the star as one of his fans.展望未来,这位 TikTok 巨头希望有一天能和威尔史密斯一起拍一部电影,把这位明星算作他的粉丝之一。

来源:Khaby Lame becomes world's most followed TikTok star with 142 million fans | Euronews
