
1.instead of, in place of与take the place of

  ①instead of是介词短语,意思是“代替”,“而不是”,作介词短语后接名词、动名词和宾格代词;作连词短语后接不定式(一般不省略to),谓语动词、形容词、副词和介词短语等。如:john will attend the meeting instead of his manager.约翰将代替经理出席这次会议。you should have some exercise instead of staying indoors all day long.你应多锻炼身体,不要整天呆在家里。the temperature has risen up instead of fallen down.温度上升了而并没有下降。this is dull instead of interesting.这不但没趣,反倒枯燥。

  ②in place of介词短语“代替”,通常后接名(代)词,可与instead of互换。如:people often use plastics in place of/instead of wood or metal.人们常用塑料来代替木材和金属。但instead of sb./sth.可略去介词of及其宾语,而in place of通常不能将其省略。

  ③take the place of动词词组,“代替”(职务,工作等),如:most scientists agree that computers can’t completely take the place of humans.大多数科学家认为,计算机并不能完全代替人。作“代替”解时,不可将the去掉或改换为one’s,那样会引起歧义,要注意区分。

2.pain, ache和hurt

  这三个词都和疼痛有关。ache和pain多作名词,hurt只能作动词。ache指“(人)身体疼痛”,往往用于持续的疼痛或因一些小病引起的感觉,常指“局部的”疼痛。back(背)、ear(耳)、head(头)、heart(心)、stomach(胃)、tummy(肚)、tooth等词与ache构成复合词,表示身体部位的疼痛。如果指身体其他部分之疼痛则用pain或ache表示,如:a pain /ache inmy foot脚痛。单数ache可与不定冠词连用,也可以不用不定冠词,如:he has got an ache in his foot.他脚痛。he has aches on his back.他背上痛。ache也可作动词,如:i ache all over.我全身疼痛。my head aches.我头痛。pain指“肉体或精神上的痛苦、悲痛”,比ache要严重些,如:she is in great pain.她深为痛苦。the boy broke his arm and cried with pain.那个男孩摔断手臂,痛得大叫。pain也可以当及物动词,指“使痛苦”,如:my foot is still paining me.我的脚还在痛。aches and pains指“疼痛”,如:i have aches and pains all over.我全身疼痛。hurt只作动词,可以指“(使)受伤,(使)疼痛,伤害”,如:he hurt his back when he fell.他跌倒时伤了背部。he was badly hurt in this traffic accident.在这起交通事故中,他受了重伤。did you hurt yourself?你弄伤自己了吗?hurt也可以指“伤害(某人的感情);使伤心”,如:my feelings were hurt when he didn't ask me to the party.他没邀请我参加宴会,我很伤心。hurt还可以指“受损伤、有害、有不良影响”,如:it won't hurt to wait a bit longer.再等一会儿(对你)没有什么关系。some chinese big companies have seen their business hurtby nato's air strike on yugoslavia.一些中国的大公司看到了他们的生意因北约空袭南斯拉夫而受损。


3.before long和long before

  before long和long before形式构成上相差不大,但其意义差别较大,也导致了它们在决定句子时态上的差异。before long“不久”,句子时态用将来时。如:this park will be open again before long. 这个公园不久将重新开放。our school will have a lot of new computers beforel ong. 我们学校不久将会有大批的新电脑。long before “很久以前”,句子时态用过去时。如:long before i received an e-mail from my american friend mary. 很久以前,我收到美国朋友玛丽的一封邮件。


  二者都可表示“孤独”,“独自”这一意思,alone指客观存在的“孤独”,而lonely更偏重一种主观感受上的“寂寞”。如:i went alone. 我是一个人去的。mary lived alone,but she didn't feel lonely. 玛丽孤身一人生活,但她并不感到孤独!




