





1.(新疆乌鲁木齐九十八中月考)I decide a foreign language next year.

A.learnB.to learn


答案 B 句意:我决定明年学习一门外语。decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。

2.(江苏启东月考)I hope a teacher in the future.

A.becomeB.you to become

C.to becomeD.became

答案 C 句意:我希望将来成为一名老师。hope常用搭配hope to do sth.“希望做某事”,不能用hope sb. to do sth.。

3.(安徽宿州埇桥区月考)After climbing the mountain, he was tired and had to stop a rest.

A.to haveB.havingC.hasD.have

答案 A 句意:爬山过后,他非常疲劳,不得不停下来去休息。stop doing sth.“停止做某事”;stop to do sth.“停下来去做某事”。爬山劳累,自然是要停下来去休息,故答案选A。

4.(安徽阜阳颍州区月考)—What was Fred going to do?

—He was going to put some signs old books.

A.up;asking forB.on;to ask to

C.up;asking toD.down;asking for

答案 Aput up“张贴”;put on“穿上”;put down“放下,记下”。根据句中的some signs可知第一设空处用put up;ask for“请求;恳求(给予)”。故选A。

5.(广东深圳龙岭学校月考)Lots of fast food restaurants use the color red make customers.

A.to;eating faster B.want to;eat fast

C.to;eat faster D.to;to eat fast

答案 C 句意:许多快餐店用红色来使客人吃得更快些。第一设空处要用动词不定式作状语。第二设空处是make后跟省略to的动词不定式。

6.(重庆江津实验中学月考)There lots of trees on both sides of this street. But now they are all gone.

A.used to haveB.are used to be

C.used to beD.are used to having

答案 Cused to do sth.“过去常常做某事”;be used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”。根据后一句“But now they are all gone.”可知前一句说的是过去的事,此句是there be句型,故答案选C。

7.(陕西西安七十中月考)I’d like to do something to the sick kids in the hospital.

A.cheer upB.give away

C.put upD.give up

答案 A 句意:我想做点事情来让医院里生病的孩子们振奋起来。A项“使振奋起来”;B项“赠送;捐赠”;C项“张贴”;D项“放弃”。由句意可知选A。

8.(河南南阳新野新航中学月考)—The girl is new here and she lives , so she seems .

—We’d better ask her to play games with us.

A.lonely; lonelyB.alone; alone

C.lonely; aloneD.alone; lonely

答案 D 设空处句意:这个女孩是新来这儿的,她独自一人生活,因此她似乎很孤独。alone强调独自一人,lonely指情感上的孤独寂寞。故答案选D。




John:Would you like to have lunch with me this Saturday?

Mary:1.. I’m busy.


Mary:I will do volunteer work on Saturday.


Mary:I help out at the children’s hospital. I help plan activities.


Mary:Yeah. It’s exciting. We’re doing crossword puzzles(纵横填字游戏)this Saturday.

John:Can I go there with you?

Mary:5..Let’s meet at the children’s hospital gate at nine.

John:OK. See you then.

Mary:See you.


1.Sorry, I can’t

2.What will you do

3.What kind of volunteer work

4.Is it exciting






A.“But things have changed over the years. The young students don’t really understand the spirit of Lei Feng,”she continued.“They are told to take photos to put on the school website if they do good things.”

B.March 5 is Lei Feng Day. People are encouraged to help others and to learn from Lei Feng. This year, my classmates and I went to do some cleaning in a street. We finished our work, took photos and talked with some people about their lives. One old lady said she remembered how all students used to do helpful work in the street.

C.Her words made me think. We have been told to do things to help others on Lei Feng Day. But none of the love and care came from our own hearts. We should believe that everyone can make a difference.

D.We don’t need cameras or praise. We can do better if we keep the spirit of Lei Feng inside ourselves. “Learn from Lei Feng”should not be a yearly fad(风尚). Everyone should carry out their good behaviors all year around and we will have a better life.

E.Another told us that when she was young, she and her friends would do a lot of simple things to help others. They would help people carry things or fix broken chairs at school.






It was a very special day because Dylan Terry came to the West End Children’s Home! Dylan Terry is my favorite 1 (sing). I like him because he sings 2 (wonderful), he’s cute and he helps the kids a lot.

We 3 (stand) near the door, waiting for him. Everyone was very excited. Finally, he arrived4shook hands with us. He was so nice! He sang several songs for us. Some of us even started dancing 5he was singing. We were having a great time!

6 our surprise, Dylan joined us for lunch. He brought us 7 big cake. Everyone ate some and8 was delicious. While we were eating, Dylan told us many interesting9 (story) about himself. I never thought I could talk to my favorite pop star. It was just like a dream. I10 (remember) this unforgettable experience forever.

答案 1.singer2.wonderfully3.were standing/stood


10.will remember



Several years ago, I spent most of my time in a hospital in our town. At first, it was a little scary, because people had different kinds of illnesses(疾病) there, but I kept on, because I love helping others. And I felt very happy.

One day I found that one of my parents’ friends was a patient here. When I was a baby, this woman was very kind to me because she had no children. But now she can’t remember me at all. I looked after her and showed my old photos to her.Finally, she was able to remember some old things, and she said to me, “Dear, you should not come here.” But I wanted to bring something happy into this woman’s life. I learned that because she had no family, she had to live in the old people’s home. So I brought her to my home twice, and I still remember the happy smiles on her face.

I will never forget the volunteering experience. This woman later passed away. I can’t see her anymore, but I’m happy that I have done things to make a difference in another person’s life.

1.How did the writer feel at first when working at the old people’s home?


2.The underlined word “patient” means “” in Chinese.


3.The woman had to live in the old people’s home because .

A.she couldn’t remember anything

B.she couldn’t look after herself

C.she didn’t want to leave

D.she didn’t have a family

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.My Parents’ Friend

B.A Special Hospital

C.An Unlucky Woman

D.My Volunteering Experience


1.B 根据第一段中“At first, it was a little scary, because people had different kinds of illnesses there”可知选B。

2.A 根据上文的hospital, illnesses以及下文内容可推测这个画线单词的意思是“病人”,故选A。

3.D 根据“I learned that because she had no family, she had to live in the old people’s home.”可知选D。

4.D 通读全文可知本文主要介绍了作者当志愿者的经历,故选D。

Section B








set up

put off

fix up

put on

1.We are making plans to money for homeless people.

2.Can you help me my broken bike?

3.Never till tomorrow what you can do today.

4.Why do they to help others?

5.The students are going to a new play on School Day.

答案 1.raise 2.fix up3.put off 4.volunteer

5.put on



A: Good morning, Zhang Peng.

B: Hi, Lin Mei. 1

A: I’m going to the old people’s home.

B: 2

A: Yes,I do. I’m a member of the Helper’s Club of our school.


A: We help to care for the old people there.

B: How kind of you! 4

A: Of course.I’m sure they’ll be very happy.

B: But what can I do to help the old people?

A: You can do many things like chatting with them. Welcome to our club.

B: Great! 5

A: All right! Let’s go.


1.Where are you going?

2.Do you volunteer there?

3.What do you do there?

4.Can I join you?

5.Let’s go.




You’re listening to Radio Five. Regular listeners know that every Thursday I give a list of places in the city that are looking for volunteers.1

Tiny Tot Preschool is looking for someone who will sing songs to the children on Tuesday mornings.The best person for the job would be someone who plays the piano or guitar.

Primary School 39 needs volunteers to tutor students with English homework after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.2

The Parks Department needs volunteers to help clean up the parks before National Day.3

Lastly, the Community Center is looking for volunteers to work with older people on weekends.4 The Center also needs a few students to do fix-up work on houses. If you often help your grandfather repair his house, perhaps this is the perfect job for you.

If you are interested in any of the jobs, you can call us at 478-2377.

That’s all for now.5Volunteer today!

A.If you are good at English, this is a great chance.

B.People need your help.

C.You can help read and write letters for seniors with bad eyesight.

D.Perhaps you’d like to get a pencil and write down the ones that interest you.

E.If you like to work outdoors and help the environment, this job is for you.

F.You can volunteer to cheer sick children up in hospital.

G.There are many different ways to help others.








An old woman had a problem with her eyes. She was very sad, so she went to a 1. She said to the doctor, “If you cure(治愈)me, you will get 2of money. But if I’m still blind(瞎的),I will give you nothing.”Every day, the doctor came to the old woman’s house to 3her a cure. On every visit, he4 some of her things. After he took everything she had, he cured her and 5 for money. But when the old woman got her sight(视力)back, she saw 6 in her house. She got very 7, so she didn’t want to give the doctor anything.

At last, they went to the court(法庭).The old woman,8in the court, said,“I did say that I would give him lots of money if he could let me see again, but I’m sure that I’m still 9, because I saw lots of things in my house before I lost my 10. But now I can’t see any of those things.”

答案 1.doctor2.lots3.give4.took5.asked







Amanda is a very kind girl. She always 1 to help people who are in trouble. Now Amanda is 2 in the university of Texas. At the same time, she is volunteering to teach at Heart House in her 3 time. Heart House is a local after-school program for children. It provides some extra education for those children who are not doing 4 in their studies.

Amanda goes to Heart House to teach the children twice a week. She has also made a website5 Heart House. In this way, more people have more chances to learn about Heart House and 6 the children there.

Because of Amanda’s website, every week 125 volunteers 7 about four hours helping the children at Heart House now. Without Amanda’s website, Heart House wouldn’t be 8 to have enough volunteers.

“I feel happy to teach those kids how to study. The 9 thing is that I can also learn a lot from them. I won’t give up volunteering 10 graduation.” Amanda says.





A poor boy sat on the road with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said,“I am blind. Please help me.” But there were few coins in the hat.

A man walked by. He took the sign, turned it back, wrote some words and then gave it back to the boy. Soon the hat began to fill up. More people gave money to the blind boy. The hat was almost filled with money in the morning. That afternoon the man came again. The boy said, “Thanks a lot, sir. But what did you write?”

The man replied, “I said what you said, but in a different way. I wrote, ‘Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.’”

Both signs told that the boy was blind. But the second one made people feel that they were so lucky to see things.

So try to be creative and think differently and you may be on your way to success.

1.What did the man do to help the blind boy?(不超过10个词)

2.How did people feel when they saw the second sign?(不超过5个词)

3.What can we learn from the story?(不超过15个词)


1.He wrote some words on the back of the sign. 根据文章内容He took the sign, turned it back, wrote some words and then gave it back to the boy. 可知答案。

2.They felt lucky. 根据文章内容But the second one made people feel that they were so lucky to see things. 可知答案。

3.We should be creative and think differently when we do something. 根据文章内容So try to be creative and think differently and you...可知答案。



1.A support worker must .

A.be a non-smokerB.be free on weekends

C.live near the universityD.have some computer skills

2.If you find a small grey cat, you can .

A.call 09651 324472

B.send an email to Luka

C.keep her as your own

D.take her to the computer doctor

3.The information above is probably from the section(栏目) of in a newspaper.

A.Star StoriesB.Magic World

C.Teacher’s GuideD.Notice Board


1.B 根据表格中的句子“Can you work on weekends?”可知周末必须有空才可以去当a support worker。

2.A 从表格的右上栏可知当发现提到的那只猫时,可拨打电话09651 324472。

3.D 由表格中的内容可知它们可能出现在布告栏里。



1.(陕西西安七十中月考,11,★☆☆)My bike is broken, so I need to it.


答案 A 句意:我的自行车坏了,因此我需要修理它。fix“修理”;sell“卖”;hide“隐藏”;lose“失去”。故选A。

2.(山东邹城八中月考,5,★☆☆) It’s time for class. Let’s stop .

A.talkB.to talk C.talking D.talked

答案 Cstop to do sth.意为“停下来去做另一件事”;stop doing sth.意为“停止正在做的事”。上课了,当然要停止说话,选项C正确。

3.(吉林名校调研月考,14,★☆☆) I always imagine on the moon.


答案 C 句意:我总是想象在月球上行走。imagine doing sth.意为“想象做某事”。

4.(四川蜀光绿盛实验学校月考,22,★☆☆)—Why did they set up this organization?

— homeless people.

A.To helpB.HelpingC.Helped

答案 A 答语是在回答为什么这样做,故要用动词不定式来表示目的,答案选A。

5.(山东菏泽单县启智学校月考,10,★★☆)Sally volunteered a doctor to help the sick animals in the zoo.

A.beB.beingC.to beD.to being

答案 C 固定搭配volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事,故答案选C。

6.(山东菏泽单县启智学校月考,11,★★☆)The boy used to do his homework with the help of his father. But now he can do it alone.

A.for himselfB.on himself

C.by himselfD.with himself

答案 Calone强调的是独自一个人,不靠别人;by oneself意为“靠某人自己”。故答案选C。

7.(湖南邵阳石齐学校月考,32,★☆☆)Don’t put off to the doctor when you are ill.

A.goB.to go C.going D.gone

答案 C 句意:当你病了的时候,不要推迟去看医生。put off doing sth.意为“推迟做某事”。

8.(湖北鄂州鄂城区月考,29,★★☆)She used to with her parents, but now she is used to with her classmates at school.


C.living;living D.living; live

答案 Aused to do sth.“过去常常做某事”;be used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”。根据句意可知答案选A。



1.(四川乐山中考,31,★☆☆)—I didn’t hear you come in just now.

—That’s good. I tried the baby up.

A.to wakeB.not to wake


答案 B 考查非谓语动词。句意:——刚才我没有听见你进来。——很好。我尽量不吵醒孩子。try not to do sth. 意为“尽量不去做某事”符合句意。故选B。

2.(湖北十堰中考,33,★☆☆)He used to arrive late last year, but now he.

A.hasn’tB.doesn’t C.isn’tD.wasn’t

答案 B 句意:去年他经常迟到,但现在不迟到了。根据句意可知选B。

3.(山东临沂中考,26,★☆☆)Cindy’s grandmother is learning the new mobile phone.

A.useB.usesC.usedD.to use

答案 D 考查非谓语动词。句意:辛迪的奶奶正学着使用新手机。learn to do sth.意为“学习做某事”。故选D。

4.(江苏盐城中考,8,★☆☆)It is reported that about 120 foreign soccer experts to teach soccer school students.


C.to be invitedD.will be invited

答案 D 句意:据报道,大约120名外国足球专家将应邀教授足球学校的学生。设空处在句中作谓语,故排除C项;因experts与invite之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态,故选D。

5.(山东泰安中考,32,★★☆)—Oh, my God! I have five pounds.

—Don’t worry. It’s normal for a growing teenage girl.

A.put upB.put offC.put onD.put down

答案 C 句意:——哎呀,天哪!我体重增加了五磅。——不要担心,对于一个成长中的十几岁的女孩来说这是很正常的。put up张贴,搭建,举起;put off推迟;put on穿上,增加(体重);put down放下。由空后的five pounds 可知选C。

6.(新疆中考,33,★☆☆)He is a little than you, but he is as as you.

A.thin;stronger B.thinner;stronger


答案 C 句意:他比你瘦点,但是他和你一样强壮。根据关键词than,可知第一个空用比较级;as...as中间用形容词或副词的原级。故选C。

7.(青海中考,32,★☆☆)—Would you please help me the invitations to all my friends?

—Sure. You’d better let me know their phone numbers.

A.make upB.clean out C.give out

答案 C 句意:——你愿意帮我给我的所有朋友分发邀请函吗?——当然。你最好让我知道他们的电话号码。make up“编造”;clean out“清理”;give out“分发”。根据语境可知是“分发邀请函”,故选C。





Helen 24

I began to be a volunteer when I was 19 years old. I love children, so I teach them music in an after-class study program. All of them are lovely children, and some of them have a talent for music.

Peter 16

I’m going to volunteer in the Green Park this weekend. I will give out maps to the visitors and guide them to visit the park. This is my first time to be a volunteer. I hope it will be a great experience.

Tim 20

I volunteer in an animal training center. Dogs are my favorite animals. I think they are man’s best friends. I train them to listen to people’s orders and help disabled people. They are smart and understanding.

Sally 18

I am a volunteer. I often guide the visitors around the Capital Museum. During our way of visiting, I often ask the visitors to see the old things on show. I also tell them the Chinese history and Chinese culture. I feel proud of myself.

Mike 30

I go to an old people’s home on Saturday and Sunday. I read newspapers to them and talk to them. Sometimes I take my son to go there with me. He is outgoing and the old love him very much. He often makes them laugh.


1.When did Helen begin to be a volunteer?

2.Where will Peter go to volunteer?

3.What animals does Tim like?

4.Does Sally tell the visitors the Chinese history and Chinese culture?

5.Who does Mike take to go to the old people’s home?


1.When she was 19 years old.

2.In the Green Park.



5.His son.




If you have no good plans for your holidays, why not spend your time helping others? I think you can also learn a lot by giving help.

Volunteer project:The volunteers will work in an orphanage(孤儿院) built by a group of kind women. There are more than 100 children(3 to 12 years old). They can’t go to school although studying is a right(权利) of children. Thanks to the volunteers in the orphanage, the unlucky children can have a chance(机会) to join the class. The local volunteer teachers organize activities, teach them to read, to write, to speak and also give them moral(道德) lessons.


Working time:Saturday, 2:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. Sunday, 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.


Age:18 and over


Volunteers will stay at the guest house near the school(volunteers need to pay for the stay).

1.Who built the orphanage?

A.A group of women.B.Some volunteers.

C.Some parents.D.A group of teachers.

2.Volunteers need to work in the orphanage .

A.once a weekB.twice a week

C.seven hours a weekD.three hours a week

3.The local volunteer teachers do many things in the orphanage except .

A.teaching children to read

B.organizing activities

C.giving children moral lessons

D.cooking food for children

4.The passage is probably from a .

A.website(网站)B.science magazine

C.travel magazineD.storybook


1.A 细节理解题。根据文章中“The volunteers will work in an orphanage built by a group of kind women.”可知选A。

2.B 细节理解题。根据表格内容工作时间包括周六和周日,并不止七个小时。故选B。

3.D 细节理解题。根据“The local volunteer teachers organize activities, teach them to read, to write, to speak and also give them moral lessons.”可知选D。

4.A 推理判断题。根据表格标题可知是在寻找志愿者,短文描述了志愿者工作的基本情况及工作时间,故本文可能来自一个网站。故选A。
