
One Story A Day由加拿大DC出版社出版,共12本,每月1本,每天1个故事。书中的故事话题涵盖自然、历史、科学、文化等各个方面。许多故事来自校园生活,通过故事来探讨人生、社会、学习。

原版绘本 原版CD,尽享纯正英语。一年365天,一天一个小故事,既能培养阅读习惯,体会阅读乐趣,又能增长知识,启迪人生。

共分为三个阶段: One Story A Day for Beginners 幼儿版 5-7岁

One Story A Day for Early Readers 小学版 8-12岁

One Story A Day for Early Readers 初中版 12-15岁


Waiting for Hares (adapted from a Chinese fable)守株待兔


There once was a farmer who laboured in his fields all year round.

One day, as he was working, a hare came out of the bushes. Frightened at the sight of the farmer, the hare started to run. It ran so fast that it smashed into a tree and died.

The farmer brought the hare home. He enjoyed a wonderful meal with his wife.

The next day, the farmer did not work as hard as before. He turned his eyes to the bushes from time to time, hoping to see another hare.





The whole day passed and the farmer didn't see another hare. He didn't get much work done either.

The third day, the farmer was not in the mood to work in the fields anymore. He put his tools aside and sat near the tree. There, he waited for another hare. Again, no hare appeared.

From then on, every day, the farmer waited beside the tree. Days passed, and not a single hare showed up. Meanwhile, his fields became deserted and nothing grew on them.



