



1.and翻译成“和、与、及”。比如:Sue and I left early. 我和休早离开了。There are a table, two chairs and a desk in the room.房间里有一张桌子、两把椅子和一张办公桌。

Men, women and children were slaughtered and villages destroyed.村庄被毁,男人、女人和儿童惨遭杀戮。英语句子中列举出来了三个并列名词men、women、children,翻译时将and译出才符合汉语的表达习惯。


Can he read and write? 他能读会写吗?James and Peter are singing and dancing.詹姆斯和皮特正在唱歌跳舞。第一个例子的and可以省译。

当and用在go、come、try等动词后,且后面跟另一个动词时经常省译and。比如:Go and get me a pen please. 请你去给我拿支钢笔来。I'll come and see you soon. 我很快就会来看你。

英语中有很多相同或相反两个单词或短语由and连接,这时就可以省译and。比如:It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then.偶尔受点批评或许对你还有好处。My relationship with my mother is worse and worse now.我和妈妈的关系越来越差了。

3.and译成逗号、顿号。比如:He was handsome and strong, and very masculine.他英俊强壮,富有男子汉气概。He is obstinate and determined and will not give up.他固执、坚决,不会放弃。

4.and连接并列句子时可以转译成逗号或者根据上下文翻译成“, 但”。例如:

I'm tall and thin and he's short and fat.我又高又瘦,他又矮又胖。The phone rang and rang and nobody picked up.电话铃响了又响,但没人接。

5.and可以连接相同的两个词,强调差别,这时翻译时要将“与…不同,各有不同”的意思表达出来。比如:I like city life,but there are cities and cities. 我喜欢城市生活,但城市之间也有差异。

6.and可以翻译成“且,并且,而”。比如:I'm going to write good jokes and become a good comedian. 我要创作出好的笑话并且成为一个优秀的喜剧演员。Danielle was among the last to find out, and as often happens, too, she learned of it only by chance.丹妮尔是最后一个才知道的人之一,而且同往常一样,她也只是偶然听到的。

7.and可以翻译成“此外”。比如:Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. And business travellers are the ones who go to those locations.通勤航空公司飞往偏僻的地方。此外,商务旅客就是去那些地方的人。